Hardaway Ancestry

More on Louisa Adelissa Hardaway pictured at right.

Notes by Harriet Fast Scott 1992.

More details from 1994. This file has genealogy information.

Hardaway Family History by Prof. R.A. Hardaway

Obituary of Margaret A. Cain Hardaway
Obituary of Benjamin Akers Hardaway

Family of Joseph Edwin Hardaway

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Louisa Adalisa Hardaway
Pictured about 1889
b. 1865

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Jesse Hardaway
b 1859
Generations of Thomas Parsons Hardaway from Kenneth Stith

Reunion of C.D. and Margaret Helm Hardaway, 14 August 2002 newspaper clipping.

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William Buckner Hardaway
his will  b. 1849 d. 1880
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Martha Ellen Hardaway
b. 1854
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Henry Zollicofer Hardaway
b. 1862

The James L. Hardaway Family pictured on this page.

Lots of Hardaways married lots of Stiths see Richard Stith Page and Kenneth Stith's genealogy.
Hardaway cemetery see list of Stith Valley cemeteries at top of page.

Registry of the descendents of Thomas S. Hardaway III b 1745 killed in battle July 1781 md Mary Trotter. Courtesy of Margaret L. Edwards, September 1999.  File with descendents only (fewer notes).

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James L. Hardaway
b. 1819
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Margaret Cain Hardaway
b. 1832