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by Charles R. Stith
date:  prior to June 1994
printed here with permission of
            Mrs. Charles R. Stith



Transcribed May 1999 by Carol Anne Scott                      

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Crest from John Paxton Stith     


Early American Stiths

      "Stuth, Stuyth, Stwyth or Stwythe, Thomas Stwyth, V. Styrch.   Argent a chevron engraved between three fleurs de lis sable.  Afton Co. Devon. Ashton, Cornwall, Aughton, Co. Devon."  It appears by this extract from Papworth's Ordinary that the name "Stith" has, like the English language, undergone a period of semantic evolution.  The original form of the name and what it stood for i.e. Stithy - a farm or farmer - also strong man, can only be conjectured about because no definite facts are available regarding the original name.  The family crest is the only thing that has remained unchanged through the eons of time and therefore it is essential that this symbol of the family remain unaltered and unadorned.   Argent is silver and silver, according to experts on heraldry, was usually represented by white,  Again, the same experts all agree that sable is represented by black.  The family colors are, and always have been for centuries, black and white.  Though Reverand William Stith (1707-1755) enlisted the services of an artist who attempted to elaborate on the design, the fact remains that the crest's true beauty is enhanced by it's simplicity.

   A crest, one might ask? Is it a false attempt to indicate nobility?   Is it an attempt to attain a social status as was once the custom in the early centuries of American history?  It might be for one or for all of these reasons or it might be for none.  The simple fact is that a crest exists as a family symbol and each person can adopt his own reason.  For those of you who accept the crest, no rhyme or reason is necessary.

    Some of the family historians have conjectured that the original family came to England from France and there may be some truth to this hypothesis in view of the fact that the Kings of France used three fleur de lis as their symbol.   However, there is no proof of this, well, at least not as of this writing.   Anthropologist would agree that French or "Continental" origins would hold for many of the peoples in England.  Historians would also agree that many came from France in 1066 with William the Conqueror or with the Romans.  The earliest account of a Stith in England is contained in the


following excerpt (unverified as of this writing) from a letter written by Miss Jeanette Douglas of New York.  Miss Douglas, who has thirty literary works by the Stith concerned, writes "Harriet Randolph Parkhill states that the following is from an old manuscript which has been in her family for years.  The Stiths seem to have a disposition to literature, and one of them either in Queen Elizabeth's reign, or perhaps   before, wrote a romance called "Lost Island" which the Queen admired, and from which Shakespeare took the story of his play The Tempest.  The fact is mentioned in the notes in the first edition of Shakespeare.  The author of the romance married Rebecca Bohlen."  Additional evidence of Stiths in England has been personally attested to by Dr. Lee S. Stith, University of Arizona, who writes of having met an English gentleman from Nottingham, England.  The gentleman advised Dr. Lee Stith that there were many Stiths living in Nottingham.  The writer, however, is not an Anglophile and prefers to leave the English Stiths to the English.  The task of compiling information on the American Stiths appears to be a life's work.      This account of the Stith family will be divided into sections on the Early American Stith's, the East Coast Branch, the Kentucky Branch, the Southern Branch, and the Western Branch.  In some cases the information is brief and unrelated and doesn't provide good continuity.  The writer believes, however, that every bit of information should be included lest some Stith be forgotten.  Also, it is hoped that someone  among the family will maintain the future history for all who cares.


Additional Brief Sketches of Early American Stiths

      With reference to Drury Stith3 (Drury2, John1) the following is an extract in part of Col. William Byrd's account of his visit to Drury's copper mine (in Brunswick Co.).  "By the way I sent a runner half of mile out of the road to Col. Drury Stith's, who was so good to come to see us.  We cheered our hearts with three bottles of pretty good Madeira, which made Drury talk very hopefully of his copper mine.  We easily prevailed with him to let us have his company upon condition we would take the mine in our own way.  From thence we proceeded to Meherin River which lay 8 miles beyond the court house.  "Col. Byrd describes Drury Stith's mine operator as one of the scrawniest persons that he had ever seen.  He also blames Drury for the mining fever in that part of Virginia.   History indicates that colonial America was very short of "hard money" so it isn't difficult to comprehend why the mining of metal was so important.

     Many of the Stiths in Virginia were either related to some of the families of great Americans or were their contemporaries.  A Miss Virginia Washington Stith who lived in Washington D. C. in 1940, writes that she was a descendant of Capt. John Stith4 (Buckner3, Drury2, John1) and Anne Washington, a cousin of George Washington.  She advises that John and Anne lived on land that adjoined the Mount Vernon Tract and that later George Washington acquired this tract when John and Anne died.  This tract, according to Miss Stith is now a part of the Mount Vernon Estate and is still known as "Stith's Field", and that George Washington's diary contains frequent references to Capt. John Stith and his wife Anne (nee Washington).

    The fact that Capt. John Stith2 (1638-1693) and Rev. William Stith3 (1707-1755) both married ladies from the historically famous Randolph family of Virginia gives some indication of the status attained by that particular branch of the Stith Family.  This might be compared to a Stith of today marrying a Rockefeller or a Vanderbilt.


     The following biographical sketch of Rev. William Stith's life is extracted from the National Cyclopedia (copies on file at the University of Alabama library).  Additionally, a Frances M. Stith (Eleanor Lexington) writes that the book plate of Rev. William Stith has been preserved and also a deed is extant, dated May 4, 1738, with the seal bearing the coat of arms.  This material is located at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia.  The following is an extract from the "Vestry Book of Henrico Parish", by R. A. Brook.  "Next to Col. William Byrd (ancestor to Sen. Byrd and Admiral Byrd) the Rev. William Stith was the most accomplished man in the colony.  He was at this time, living at Varina and preparing his admirable history of Virginia, for the materials of which he was confessedly greatly indebted to Col. Byrd."  It is interesting to note that the portraits of Rev. William and Judith (wife) are still located on the second deck of the Wren Building, William and Mary College (buildings 295 and 296).


         In 1914 the William and Mary Quarterly (First Series Vol. 22, pp. 44 and 197ffg) published a deduction of the descendants of Major John Stith (in Virginia before 1656), whose son, Captain John Stith, married Judith Randolph of Turkey Island, and was, by her, father of William Stith, historian and president of William and Mary College.

       Another son of Capt. John Stith and Mary Randolph, was Lieut. Col. John Stith, who married Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of Rev. Charles Anderson of Westover and his wife, Frances; and in this Stith deduction, their issue was given as Anderson Stith who married before 1765, Joanna Bassett, daughter of William Bassett of Eltham, New Kent County, and his wife Elizabeth Churchill.

      On a later page of the same volume appears an account of the following issue of Lt. Col. John Stith and his wife Elizabeth Anderson, given by Col. Wilson Miles Cary, vis:

      1. Major John Stith, 1723(?) Query: of Charles City County

      2. Col. William Stith 1738(?) Query: At College 1754. Liv. Brunswick County 1782 and taxed for two tracts 1140 and 582 A.

      3. Anderson Stith 1730(?)-1768, married 1758(?) Joanna Bassett.

      4. Judith Stith married 1735 John Maynard of Halifax County, N.C.

      It appears from an account of the Brunswick County Branch of the Stith family, by the late Dr. Christopher Johnson of Baltimore, published in the William and Mary Quarterly, 1st series, vol. 21 (p. 189) that Col. Drury Stith of Brunswick County and Martha, his first wife, had a daughter, Katherine Stith, who married 1756, William Stith.

     In a letter from Mrs. F. E. Harrell, of Cisco, Texas, dated April 13, 1929, she says: "I have my line to William Stith, who married his cousin Catherine Stith in Brunswick County, Va., Sept. 24, 1756. This marriage date is copied from their bond recorded in that county."

       In a subsequent letter dated April 20, 1929, Mrs. Harrell says that William Stith had four sons, Peyton, Anderson, John, and William Jr., and three daughters,


Frances, Susan, and Catherine; and adds that she has a letter written by William’s son, John, March 19, 1799, stating that William Stith died March 17, 1799, in Georgetown, Wilkes County, Georgia, and she adds that "Georgi’s civil records show William Stith was Chief Justice, 1786-1787; House of Representatives, Wilkes County, 1792; a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 1789".

      Little or nothing appears to have been heretofore known in Virginia of the distinguished career of Chief Justice William Stith of Georgia, subsequent to his removal from Brunswick County where Col. Wilson Miles Cary states he was living in 1782. His nephew, Major John Stith, a son of Anderson Stith and his wife Joanna Bassett, also moved from Virginia to Georgia; but nothing further is known of him or of his descendants by Stith genealogists.

      Mrs. Harrall states that Chief Justice William Stith’s daughter, Frances, married Thomas Haynes, in 1782; his daughter, Susan, married Hamil, and his daughter, Catherine married in 1790, and was the second wife of Thomas Cobb. Catherine Stith and her husband, Thomas Cobb, had one son, William Anderson Cobb; and he had a son, Peyton B. Cobb. Mrs. Catherine Cobb died August 17, 1832, age 66 years.


The Stith Family

      The Stith family appears to have been long settled in the parish of Kirkham, in Lancashire, and both the parish registers and the wills show that the Stiths were quite numerous in that locality. A careful search, however, fails to show any unmistakable trace of the Virginia immigrant, and it is probable that his immediate family had moved elsewhere, perhaps to London.

     1.  Major John Stith1 came to Virginia before 1656, and had a grant to himself and Samuel Eale, of 500 acres of land on the north side of the James River, in Charles City County, 15th Feb., 1663 (Va. Land Rec. Book 5, p. 268). He also had grants of 550 acres 29th July, 1664, and 636 acres 11th May, 1675 (William and Mary Quarterly, X., 249; XIII., 121). Other tracts he acquired by purchase, and at his death he left a very considerable estate. In 1656 he was a lieutenant, according to some existing fragments of the Charles City records. In 1676 he was a captain in the Charles City County Militia, and was actively engaged, on the government side, during Bacon's Rebellion. In June, 1676, an act was passed by Bacon's House entitled: "An Act to Disable John Stith and Edward Hill from Holding Office" (Hening, 11., 254). The preamble recites that Col. Hill and Lieut. (sic) Stith took advantage of their positions as officers and magistrates to create misunderstandings between the governor and people, and were the cause of oppressive taxes and other grievances. They were therefore, disqualified from holding any office, either civil or military. This partisan act was subsequently repealed. In May, 1677, John Stith was one of the persons commissioned to take depositions in regard to the grievances of the people of Charles City County. In 1680 he was major of the Charles City County Militia, one of the magistrates of the county, and a practicing lawyer, and, 1685-1686, he represented his county in the House of Burgesses. Under date of 10th Nov., 1893, Mr. R. A. Brock writes: "I have gleanings from the despoiled Charles City County records establishing that Lieut. John Stith married, in the latter part of 1656, Jane, the widow of Joseph Parsons (his, Parsons', second wife, since he had an infant child by a former marriage. Jane's was also a second



marriage, her first husband being Thomas Gregory. In 1663, John Stith was made the guardian of Judith Parsons, the orphan of Joseph Parsons, Vice Edward Moseby, deceased. "Mrs. Jane Stith was living in 1686, and it is probable that John and Jane had a daughter who married Thomas Hardaway, since there is a patent in 1686 to John Stith endorsed by John and Jane Stith to Thomas Hardaway, and the name Stith Hardaway descended regularly in the family. Major John Stith was probably living in 1692 when his son is called John Stith, Jr., but must have died soon after. Major John Stith and Jane, his wife, had issue, with perhaps others:
              2. Capt. John Stith2, mar. Mary Randolph
              3. Lieut.-Col. Drury Stith, d. 1741; mar. Susanna Bathurst
              4. Anne Stith, mar. 1681, Col. Robert Bolling

      2. Capt. John Stith2 (John1) had patents, 29th April, 1692, for 470 1/2 acres in Charles City County made out to "Capt. John Stith, Jr. and for 595 acres on the south side of Chickahominy River, in James City County, addressed to "John Stith, Jr.", 21st April 1695. "Capt. John Stith" had a patent for 595 acres on the south side of Chickahominy River probably a confirmation of the preceding patent issued 29th April, 1692. Capt. Stith was High Sheriff of Charles City County in 1691, and he was a Burgess for the county. The date of his death is uncertain. He was living in 1714 and, according to the statement of Rev. Hugh Jones, he died before 1724, when his widow was matron at William and Mary College. Capt. John Stith married Mary, daughter of Col. William Randolph, of Turkey Island, and Mary (Isham) his wife, and they had issue:

            5. i.Rev. William Stith3, b. 1707; d. 19th Sept. 1755, mar. Judith Randolph ii Mary Stith, mar. Commissary William Dawson

      3. Lieut.-Col. Drury Stith2 (John1) had a patent 24th April, 1703, for himself and Samuel Eale, for 680 acres in Charles City County. He was one of the Justices of the county in 1714, was High Sheriff 1719, 1724-1725, and was commissioned county surveyor 1st March, 1720. He married, probably about 1694 or earlier, Susanna, daughter of Lancelot Bathurst, of New Kent


County, son of Sir Edward Bathurst, of Lechlade, Glouchestershire, England. Susanna's brother, Lawrence Bathurst, mentions in his will (dated 29th Dec., 1704, proved 11th February, 1705) his three brothers-in-law William Tomlin, Francis Meriwether and Drury Stith. The Order Book of Charles City County has the following: "January Court 1741: The last will and testament of Lieut.-Col. Drury Stith, deceased, was presented in court by Susanna Stith and William Stith, two of the executors therein named, and was proved by the oaths of the witnesses? etc." Evidently the two executors were the widow and a son of the testator. Unfortunately the will no longer exists, having been lost through the destruction and spoilation of the Charles City County records during the Civil War. Mrs. Susanna Stith is mentioned in the Charles City records in 1744 and 1745. Lieut.-Co. Drury Stith and Susanna (Bathurst) his wife, had issue:

            6. i. Lieut.-Col. Drury Sith3, of Brunswick County; d. 1740.

                ii. William Stith, of Charles City County; one of his father's executors, 1741; Justice, Charles City Co., 1746-1749; d. intestate 1749.

           7.  iii. Lieut.-Col. John Stith

      4. Anne Stith2 (John1) became, in 1681, the second wife of Robert Bolling, the immigrant ancestor of that family in Virginia. He was born 26th December 1646, arrived in Virginia 2nd October, 1660, and in 1675, married for his first wife Jane, daughter of Thomas Rolfe and granddaughter of Pocahontas. By this marriage he had a son, John Bolling, born 27th January, 1676. Robert Bolling died 17th July, 1709. By his second wife, Anne (Stith), he had:

            i. Robert Bolling3, b. 25th Jan., 1682; d. 1749; mar. 27th Jan, 1706, Anne Cocke, and was ancestor of the Bollings of Petersburg.

            ii. Stith Bolling, of Surry Co., b. 28th March, 1686; mar. Elizabeth widow of John Hartwell, of Surry Co., (d. 1714). Stith Bolling's will was proved in Prince George Co. August 16, 1727, and it names sons Stith, Alexander, John and Robert.


            iii. Edward Bolling, b. 1st Oct., 1687.

            iv. Anne Bolling, b. 22 July, 1690.

            v. Drury Bolling, b. 21st June, 1695.

            vi. Thomas Bolling, b. 20th March 1697/8.

            vii Agnes Bolling, b. 20th Nov., 1700.

      5. Rev. William Stith3 (John2, John1) was born in 1707 and died 19th September, 1755. He matriculated, 21st May, 1724, at Queen's College, Oxford, and is entered in the register as 17 years old and the son of "John Stith of the Virgin Islands". He received the degree of B. A., 27th February, 1727/8, and that of M.A., 20th November, 1730. After his return to Virginia, he was elected, in 1731, master of the grammar school of William and Mary College and Chaplain to the House of Burgesses. In June, 1738, he was called to the Parish of Henrico, in Henrico County, and while residing at the parsonage there, near Varina, he wrote his "History of Virginia", which was printed and bound in the city of Williamsburg. In August, 1752, he was elected President of William and Mary College, over which he presided until his death. A sketch of his life will be found in "The Vestry Book of Henrico Parish", editior R. A. Brock. He married, 13th July, 1738, his cousin, Judith Randolph, daughter of Thomas Randolph, of Tuckahoe. They had issue:

            i. Judith Stith4, d. unmarried 17th June, 1773.

            ii. Elizabeth Stith, d.s.p. 1792; mar. Dr. William Pastuer, of Williamsburg, and had a son William Stith Pastuer (b. 12th Nov., 1762, who seems to have died young.

            iii. Mary Stith, d. unmarried 1816.

      6. Lieut.-Col. Drury Stith3 (Drury2, John1) was probably born about 1695, and lived for some time in Prince George County; later in Brunswick County. On 10th September, 1722, Robert Bolling, of Prince George County, and Anne, his wife, convey to "Drury Stith, Jr." of said county, 892 acres of land on the north side of Sappony Creek, the consideration being 5 shillings and "the


natural affectation he bare unto the said "Stith". This expression implies close relationship and is therefore a valuable bit of evidence. Drury Stith appears to have acquired a very considerable amount of land. 21st November 1724, "Mr. Drury Stith, Jun'r" has surveyed for him 1,000 acres on Sappony Creek. And again, 11th February, 1725/6, Capt. Drury Stith has surveyed for him, including hid old land, 3,496 acres, prince George County. A patent soon followed, 13th October 1727, there is a patent for 3,596 acres on Sappony Creek, Prince George County to Drury Stith, Jr., of the same county. In this year, his wife Elizabeth (Buckner) joins him in a deed. 5th June, 1727, Drury Stith, Jr., of Prince George County, and Elizabeth, his wife, give to Henry Harrison, of the county of Surry, Gent., a mortgage of 600 acres of Sappony Creek, part of a tract on which said Drury lives, and which was conveyed to him by Robert Bolling, of Prince George County, Gent. In 1726, Drury Stith was a Justice of the county, and also in 1720. In 1727, he was still Captain; but he was Colonel (or rather Lieutenant-Colonel) before 1735. The records of Brunswick County show that he produced his commission as Clerk of the county and qualified for the position at a court held 11th May, 1732, and the same year he was the county surveyor, holding both positions until his death. He was also interested in copper mining, and Col. William Byrd, in his "History of the Dividing Line", gives a humorous account of Col. Drury Stith and his mine. The Brunswick records show that a court held 6th, June, 1740, an attachment obtained by Drury Stith, Gent., and Clement Red "abates by the death of the said Drury", and at this term Sterling Clack qualifies as clerk. At a court held 3rd, July, 1740, letters of administration on the estate of Drury Stith, Gent., were granted to Drury Stith, Gent., who entered bond and qualified. Lieut.-Col. Drury Stith married about 1717, Elizabeth, Daughter of Major William Buckner (d. 1716), of Yorktown. They had issue:

            8. i. Col. Drury Stith4, of Brunswick Co., b. c. 1718; d. 1770.

            9. ii. Griffer Stith, of Northampton Co., b. 28th Nov., 1720; d. 1784.


            10. iii. Buckner Stith, of Brunswick Co., b. c. 1722; d. 1791.

                  iv. John Stith, b 20th March, 1724; d. unmarried 29th May, 1773.

                  v. Bathurst Stith, b. 19th September, 1729.

            11. vi. Thomas Stith, b. 29th December, 1731; d. 1801; Burgess for Brunswick County, 1769-1774.

      7. Lieut.-Col. John Stith(3) (Drury(2), John(1)), like his brother, Drury, acquired a considerable amount of land in Prince George County. 13th July, 1719, Richard Smith, of Prince George County, conveys to John Stith, of Charles City County, 370 acres of land on Sappony Creek. Again 8 Oct., 1723, Robert Bolling, of Prince George County, and Anne, his wife, convey to John Stith, of Charles City County, 1,019 acres on Sappony Creek, adjoining the tract on which Drury Stith, Jr., lives. In 1725, a chapel is to be built on the plantation of Mr. John Stith upon Sappony Creek. He was Burgess for Charles City County 1718, 1723, 1726, and in May, 1737, he took the oaths as Lieut.-Col. of Charles City County. On account of the fragmentary condition of the records the date of Col. John Stith’s death does not appear, but he was living in 1740, and was certainly dead in 1759. He married Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Rev. Charles Anderson, rector of Westover Parish, Charles City County, 1694-1718, as appears by the following extract from the Charles City County Order Book, 1737-50.; March Court 1740- a bond from John Stith and Elizabeth, his wife, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Rev. Charles Anderson deceased, to Thomas Pinkard and Frances, his wife, Jane Anderson (afterwards second wife of Elkyson Armistead) and Charlotte Anderson, also daughters and co-heirs of said deceased, proved on the oaths of Wm. Smart and John Hales, and ordered to be recorded. In 1759, James Pleasants has a suit against Anderson Stith (Son of John Stith of Charles City County) and Booth Armistead, executors of John Stith. This would seem to indicate the Lieut.-Col. John Stith had died not long before, probably in 1757 or 1758, and Booth Armistead, one of his executors, may have been his son-in-law. In any case, Lieut.-Col. John Stith and Elizabeth (Anderson) his wife, had with probable issue:


             12. i. Anderson Stith(4), d. 1768; mar. Joanna Basset.

      8. Col. Drury Stith(4)(Drury (3), Drury(2), John(1)), was born about 1718, and died in 1770. In 1740 he was administer of his father’s estate, and his parentage is shown by the following extract form the records of Lunenburg County: 5th Feb., 1746, Drury Stith, of Brunswick County, Gent., and Martha, his wife, convey to Robert Jones a tract of land formerly granted to said Stith’s father, Drury Stith, Gent., on 27th September, 1729. Drury Stith qualified, 5th June, 1740, as Surveyor of Brunswick County, and gave bond for the same office in December, 1751. He was High Sheriff of the county 1757, and was a Justice 1747, 1756, 1765, etc. He qualified for Major of Horse 3rd July, 1746, was commissioned Colonel of Foot in 1753, and was Colonel of the county militia in 1759. He represented his county in the House of Burgesses 1748-1754. Col. Drury Stith died in 1770, leaving a will dated 25th June, 1770, and proved 25th February, 1771. He was twice married. His first wife, Martha, joins him in a deed in 1746; his second wife was Elizabeth (Jones) widow of Thomas Eldridge, of Prince George County. The marriage contract of Col. Stith and Mrs. Eldridge, dated 5th December, 1762, is recorded in Brunswick County. The will of Mrs. Elizabeth Stith, who had no children by this marriage is dated in January and was proved 25th February, 1771. Col. Stith and Martha, his first wife, had issue:

             13. i. Drury Stith

             14. ii. Buckner Stith

                   iii. Thomas Stith

                   iv. Edmund Stith, d. unmarried 1789.

                   v. Elizabeth Stith

                   vi. Katherine Stith, mar., Sept. 1756, William Stith

      9. Griffen Stith(4)(Drury(3), Drury(3), John(1)) was born 28th November, 1720, and died in 1784. He produced his commission and qualified as Clerk of Northampton County 9th August, 1743, retaining the office until 1783, when he was succeeded by his son William. He was elected, 3rd December, 1774, a member of the Committee


of Observation for Northampton County, and was also a member of the County committee in 1775. His will, dated 24th March, 1783, was proved 10th Nov., 1784.  Griffen Stith married, 19th August, 1743, Mary Blaikley (b. 17th Jan., 1726/27), daughter of William Blaikley (buried 30th Mary, 1736), of James City County, and Catherin Kaidyee (b. 1698; d. 25th October, 1771) his wife, daughter of William (d. 1718) and Martha Kaidyee, of York County. Griffen Stith and Mary (Blaikely) his wife, had issue:

            i. Catherine Stith(5), b. 5th August, 1744; d. 23rd August, 1744

            ii. Elizabeth Buckner Stith, b. 16th July, 1745; mar. John Stringer

            iii. John Buckner Stith, b. 3rd January, 1747; d. 22 December, 1766.

            iv. Mary Blaikley Stith, b. 20 January, 1750; d. s. p. 14 Nov. 1822; mar. Thorowgood Smith, of Accomac County, Va., Mayor of Baltimore 1805-1808.

             v. Griffin Stith, b. 24 August, 1753; d. 1794; mar. and left issue

             15. vi. Drury Stith, b. 19 July, 1755; d. 16 July, 1789.

             vii. William Stith, Clerk of Northampton County, 1783-1794; d. 1794, mar. Sarah, daughter of Issac Smith and Elizabeth Custis, Teackle, his wife, and has issue.

             viii. Susanna Stith, b. 1759; d. 31 March, 1838; mar. Christopher Johnston.

              ix. Lucy Stith, mar. 6 July, 1797, Mark U. Pringle, of Baltimore.

               x. Janet Carson Stith, d. unmarried.

      10. Capt. Buckner Stith(4) (Drury(3),Drury(2),John(1)), of Rock Spring, Brunswick County, was born about 1722 and died in 1791. The Brunswick records show that he qualified, at August Term, 1753, as captain in the county militia. He was the author of an elaborate essay on tobacco culture, republished in Richmond in 1824. His will, dated 18th May, 1789, was proved 25th July, 1791. Capt. Buckner Stith and his wife, Susanna, had issue:

              17. i. Col. John Stith(5), b. 24th March, 1755; d. 1808.

              18. ii. Col. Robert Stith

              19. iii. Richard Stith, of Brunswick County, d. 1819; mar. Jane Maclin.

              20. iv. Buckner Stith, d. 1800; mar. 1st, 1786, Elizabeth Jones; 2d., 1788


                    Ann Walker.

              v. Ann Stith, mar. 1781, William Eaton, of North Carolina.

              21. vi. Catherine Stith, d. 9th August, 1795; mar. 4th November, 1790, Robert Bolling, of Petersburg.

              viii.   Susanna Stith, mar., in 1772, Andrew Meade, of Octagon, Brunswick County.

Susanna, widow of Captain Buckner Stith, died in October or November, 1810.  Her will, dated 4th October, was proved 25th November, 1810.

      11. Maj. Thomas Stith(4) (Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)), of Brunswick County, was born 29th December, 1729, and died in 1801. He was a Burgess for Brunswick 1769-1774, and was one of the Justices of the County, 1765-1784, and was county surveyor in 1783. He qualified, 27th April, 1772 as major of the county militia. He married Holly Baily, the marriage bond being dated 5th August, 1780; it is possible, however, that she was not the mother of all his children, but that he had been previously married. His will, dated 2nd June, 1796, was proved 27th July, 1801. Maj. Stith had issue:

              i.    Jane Stith(5)

              ii.   Rebecca Stith

              22. iii. David Stith, d. 1806.

              iv.   Susanna Stith, mar., 1796, Andrew Rhea.

              v.   Henry Stith, mar., 1809, Mary N. Spain

              vi.   Obadiah Stith, mar., 1807, Mary C. Hunnicutt

              vii.   Andrew Stith, mar., 1807, Polly Matthews

               vii.   Naomi Stith

                ix.   Ezra Stith

                x.   Abner Stith

      12. Maj. Anderson Stith(4) (John(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was a practicing lawyer in Charles City County in 1755, and he qualified as Major of the county Militia 10th April, 1756. He married Joanna Bassett, daughter of William Bassett, of Eltham, New Kent County, and died in 1768 in King William County. His executrix, Joanna, advertised for his sale his late dwelling place on the Pamunkey, in the


Virginia Gazette, 3rd, March, 1768. His widow, Joanna, was living in 1774. Maj. Anderson Stith and Joanna (Bassett), his wife, had issue:

              i.   Col. Bassett Stith(5), of Halifax, N. C. : mar, Mary Long.

              ii.   Elizabeth Stith, d. unmarried at Halifax, N. C.

              iii.   John Stith, moved to Georgia.

      13. Capt. Drury Stith(5) (Drury(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John) of Brunswick County, qualified 27th April, 1772, as captain in the county militia, and was a vestryman of St. Andrew's Parish in 1780. He married, in September, 1788, Fanny, daughter of Allen Love, and had issue:

              23. I. Robert Stith(6), of Brunswick County; mar. Mary Goodwyn, of Dinwiddie Co.

                    II. Helen Stith, mar. Henry Stith, at one time Mayor of New Orleans.

                    III. William Stith, d. unmarried.

      14. Lieut.-Col. Buckner Stith(5) (Griffin(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)), of Brunswick Co., qualified as a Justice of the county 27th September, 1784. He took the oaths as Major of militia, 28th September, 1789, and as Lieut.-Col., 26th September, 1794. He married Anne Dade, sister of Major Langhorne Dade, of Litchfield, King George County, and had issue:

                     i.   Thomas Stith, removed to Kentucky.

               24. II. Anne Dade Stith, b. 1780; d. April, 1846; mar. 23rd November, 1797, Robert Bolling, of Centre Hill, Petersburg.

               25. III. Maj. Townshend Stith, consul to Turis, 1823; mar. Katherine Potter.

      15. Drury Stith(5) (Griffin(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was born in Northampton County 19th July, 1755, and died in Brunswick County 16th July, 1789. He qualified as Clerk of Brunswick County 26th March, 1781, and took the oaths 23rd March, 1789, only a few months before his death, as clerk of the District Court for the counties of Brunswick, Greenville, Lunenburg, and Mecklenburg. He married Mary Jacobs, of Northampton County, and had issue:

            26. I. Drury Stith(6), b. 1782; d. 4th February, 1843.

                  ii.   Griffin Stith, student at William and Mary 1802; Judge of General Court of Virginia 19th August, 1816; d. unmarried June, 1817.


             27. III. John Stith, d. about 1823; mar. Nancy Cary.

                   IV. Ann Stith, mar. Wright Southgate, of Norfolk, Va.

                    V. Polly Stith, d. unmarried.

      16. Susanna Stith(5) (Griffin(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was born in 1751 and died 31st March, 1838. She married, in 1779, Christopher Johnston (b. Oct., 1750; d, 6th March, 1819.), of Baltimore, Md. They had issue:

                     I.   Maria Stith Johnston(6), b. 6th March, 1781; d. unmarried 8 August, 1875.

                     II.   John Johnston, b. 11th February, 1783; d. young.

                28. III. Janet Johnston, b. 4th September, 1784; d. 2nd September, 1816; mar. Rev. James Inglis.

                      IV. John Griffin Johnston, b. 7th October, 1786; mar. Ariana Price.

                      V. Robert Neilson Johnston, b. 29th October, 1788; d.s.p. 3rd September, 1845; mar. his cousin, Maria Pringle.

                       VI.   Susanna Johnston, b. 6th January, 1791; d. unmarried 18th Nov., 1871.

                        VII.   Elizabeth Johnston, b. 16th April 1793; d. young.

                     29.   VIII. Elizabeth Johnston, b. 31st July, 1795; d. 1st November, 1864; mar. John Muir Hepburn.

                     30.   IX. Christopher Johnston, b. 18th May, 1800; d. 2nd Sept., 1835; mar. Eliza Gates.

      17. Col. John Stith(5) (Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was born 24 March, 1755, and died in 1808. He entered the service as Lieutenant, and was promoted in the course of the war to the rank of Major taking part with distinguished gallantry in the battles of Trentona Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. He was captured at Charlotte in 1780, but was exchanged and returned to duty with his ammend. He is usually styled Colonel, but this was probably a brevet rant. Col. John Stith and Ann, his wife, who died in 1824, daughter of Lawrence Washington of Chotank, King George County, had issue:

               I.   Needham W. Stith(6), d. 1840; mar. Lucy G. Baskins.

         31. II. Putnam Stith, mar. Mary Poythress Epes.


           32. III. Lawrence Washington Stith, mar. Ann Laval Montogmery.

                 IV.Buckner Stith, d. young.

                  V. Cincinnatus Stith, mar. Miss Fletcher, of Alabama.

                  VI. Louisa Ann Stith; mar. 6 Sept., 1827, John R. Womack.

                  VII. Aniara Stith, mar., 27 June 1895, Warner Washington.

                   VIII.   Helen Stith, mar. Thomas Hungerford of King George County.

                     IX.   Sarah Stith, mar. 1819 Wm. Blount Irby of Nottoway.

      18. Col. Robert Stith(5) (Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) died in 1791. His will, dated 14 May 1788, was proved 6 Oct. 1791. He married Mary Townshend Washington, daughter of Lawrence Washington of Chotank, Prince George County; and sister of his brother, Col. John Stith's wife. They had issue:

                    I.   Susan Stith(6), mar. _____ Thornton.

                   II.   Frances Townshend Stith, mar., 13 April, 1803, Thomas Bernard.

                  III.   Elizabeth Stith mar. June 1800, George Field of Mecklenburg.

                   IV.   Mary Stith, mar. 1. Rev. John Parsons, 2. ____ Helm of Prince George County, 3. Byrd Page of Hanover County.

                    V.   Ann Stith, mar. David Meade of Octagon, Brunswick County.

                    VI.   John Stith, mar. 1. June 1799, Maria, sister of David Meade of Octagon, 2. Sarah B. Mason of Gunston.

                    VII.   Putnam Stith drowned in Hampton Roads, when a young man.

      19. Richard Stith(5) (Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) of Brunswick County, died in 1819. His will, dated 18 July 1818, was proved 28 October, 1819. He married Jane Maclin and had issue:

                     I.   Dr. William Stith(6), killed in a duel in Mississippi.

                    II.   Eliza Stith, mar. 1. Dr. Withers, 2. _____ Chambliss.

                    III.   Richard Stith, mar. 1. Mrs. Mason (Cutler), 2. Miss Parham.

                    IV.   Minerva E. Stith, mar. 18 Dec., 1827, Edward Johnston.

                     V.   Dr. Irwin Stith, mar. Eliza Calvin.

                     VI.   Judge Maclin Stith, mar. 1. Martha, Dau. Of Col. Frank Epes of Nottoway, 2. Matilda S. Mills of St. Louis, Missouri.


                    VII.   Dr. Leonidas Stith, mar. Miss Wright of St. Louis, Missouri.

                    VIII.   Julian Stith, d. young.

      20. Buckner Stith(5) (Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) died in the latter part of 1800, probably in December. His will, dated 20 June 1796, was proved 26 January 1801. Buckner Stith married 1. February 1786, Elizabeth Jones, 2. 1788, Anne Walker. By his first wife he had issue:

                   I.   Elizabeth Jones Stith(6), mar. Robert Turnbull (d. 1839) clerk of Brunswick County 1816-1839.

By his second wife Anne Walker, he had issue:

                   I.   David Buckner Stith, mar. Miss Pegram of Dinwiddie County.

                 33.   II. Dr. Ferdinand Stith, mar. Cornelia Dickenson of Nashville, Tenn.

      21. Catherine Stith(5) (Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) died 9 August 1795. She married, 4 Nov. 1790, Robert Bolling of Centre Hill, Petersburg, and had issue:

                  I.   Rebecca P. Bolling(6), d. 26 Dec. 1845; mar. July 1817, John Blackwood Strachan, M.D.

                   II.   Lucy Ann Bolling, d.s.p. 1844; mar. N. Snelson.

      22. David Smith(5) (Thomas(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) died in 1806. His will, dated 1 Feb. 1806, was proved 28 July following. By his wife, Ariana, he had issue:

              I.   Mary Maclin Stith(6)

              II.   Emily Stith

      23. Robert Stith(6) (Drury(5), Drury(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) of Brunswick County, married Mary Goodwyn and had issue:

              I.   Maria Roberta Stith(7); mar. Judge John H. Hohnson of Coweta County, Georgia.

              II.   Rosa Percival Stith; mar. Thomas Shannon of Alabama.

              III.   Mary Goodwyn Stith; mar. Samuel Mobley of Rome, Georgia.

              IV.   Amanda Stith; mar. Henry Bynum, killed at Cerro Gordo, 1847.

              V.   Alethea Olive Stith; d. unmarried.

               VI.   Emeline Slokum Stith; mar. Reb. Wm. Simmons of Floyd Co., Georgia.

               VII.   Drury Buckner Stith; d. unmarried.

               VIII.   Robert Stith; surgeon in Mexican War.


      24. Anne Dale Stith(6) (Buckner(5), Drury(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was born in 1780, and died April 1846. She married, 23 November 1797, Robert Bolling of Centre Hill, Petersburg, and had issue:

                 I.   Ann Robertson Bolling(7); d.s.p. 1 Mary 1828; mar. John N. Cambell D.D, of Philadelphia.

                 II.   Martha Bolling; mar. 1 June 1828, Martin Slaughter of Culpeper Co., 2. E. C. Freeman of Culpeper.

                 III.   Robert Buckner Bolling; mar. 29 Nov., 1831, Sarah Melville, only dau. Of John and Sarah S. Minge of Sandy Point, Charles City County. She died 20 July 1854.

                IV.   George W. Bolling; mar. Martha S., dau. Of Wm. N. and Margaret Nicholls of Georgetown, D. C.

      25. Major Townshend Stith(6) (Buckner(5), Drury(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was consul to Tunis in 1823. He married Katherine, daughter of Cheslyn Potter of Philadelphia, and had issue:

                 I.   Bolling Africanus Stith(7)

                 II.   Florence Stith; mar. Dr. Elisha Brandegee of Berlin, Conn.

                 III.   Victoria Sprague Stith.

      26. Drury Stith(6) (Drury(5), Griffin(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) was born 1782, and died 4 February 1843. He married, in 1802, Mary Ann, daughter of Christopher McConico, a prominent merchant of Petersburg and its Mayor in 1784, by his first wife Ann Bacon.  Drury Stith and Mary Ann, his first wife had issue:

                I.   Mary Ann Stith(7); b. 1803; d.s.p. July 1800: mar. 1. Wm. Parsons, 2. Gen. Daniel Claiborne Butts.

                II.   Andrewetta Stith, b. 1806; mar. 1. John Taliaferro, 2. Christopher Branch.

               III.   Drury Sidney Stith; d. unmarried, 1836.

                IV.   Jane Griffin Stith; b. 14 Aug. 1819; mar. 16 June 1836, Erasmus Gillfield Hinton, and they were the parents of the late Judge Drury B. Hinton.

                V.   Edwin Starke Stith; mar. Susan Clarke.


      27. John Stith(6) (Drury(5), Griffin(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) of Petersburg, was a wealthy tobacco merchant, but ultimately failed in business and died aobut 1823. He married, 3 May 1807, Nancy Cary, daughter Col. Miles Cary and Griselda Buxton, his wife of Bonny Doon, Southampton County, Virginia. She was born about 1787-88, and married, secondly, Belfield Starke of Greenville County, Virginia. John Stith and Nancy (Cary), his wife, besides other children who died young had issue:

                 I.   Wilson Cary Stith(7); b. 1808-09, and went South when his father failed.

                 II.   Lavinia Stith; d. about 1862; mar. Robert Turnbull of Lawrenceville, Brunswick County, and had (a) Alice Turnbull, (b) Virginia Turnbull mar. ____ Claiborne.

      31.  Putnam Stith(6) (John(5), Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) mar. Mary Poythress Epes, daughter of Col Francis Epes, of Nottoway. They had issue:

               I.   Francis Epes Stith(7); mar. Miss Bennett of New Orleans.

              II.   Sarah A. Stith

              III.   John W. Stith

              IV.   Eliza E. Stith

              V.   Cincinnatus Stith, killed at Gettysburg, 1863.

              VI.   Susan R. Stith

               VII.   Putnam Stith of Blackstone, Virginia.

               VIII.   Mary P. Stith; mar. Rev. George C. Sutton.

               IX.   Rosalie B. Stith.

                X.   William I. Stith; mar. Fanny J. Woodson of Lunenburg Co., Virginia.

      32. Lawrence Washington Stith(6) (John(5), (Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) mar. Anna Laval Montgomery of Charleston, South Carolina, and had issue:

                I.   Rebecca Louisa Stith(7); mar. Wm. Paxton

                II.   John William Stith; mar. ______

                 III.   James Henry Stith, Captain C.S.A.; mar. _____ Castleton and had one child (a) James Stith.

                IV.   Ann Rebecca Stith; mar. Capt. James R. Yeger of Jackson, Mississippi.


      33.  Dr. Ferdinand Stith(6), (Buckner(5), Buckner(4), Drury(3), Drury(2), John(1)) married Cornelia Dickenson and had issue:

                 I.   Madeline Stith(7); mar. Col. George Trueheart.

                 II.   Flora Stith

                 III.   Ferdinand Stith; mar. Sally Hawkins of Tennessee.



p 23

      The following is included to explain the Stith family relationship to the Washington family.  It will be noted that Laurence Washington was a brother to the John Washington who was the father of the great George Washington.  Co. John Stith married Anne Washington, who was a descendant of Laurence Washington, not John.  The brief lineage is as follows:


     Two sons of Rev. Laurence Washington of Burleigh, in England, came to Virginia, according to Dr. Lyon G. Tyler, in 1656 (other authorities in 1667), John and Laurence.   General George Washington was descended from John, and Laurence Washington, of Chotank, King George County, from Laurence, as follows:
          General George Washington's Line:
                1. John
                II. Laurence
                III.  Augustine
                IV.  George

          Laurence Washington of Chotank:
                I. Laurence
                II. John; born April 2, 1671; married, March 15, 1692, Mary, daughter of Robert Tounshend of Stafford County, and granddaughter of Richard Tounshend, Esq., of York County, member of Council.
                III. John; married Mary Massie
                IV.  Laurence of Chotank; born March 31, 1727; died 1804
       Laurence Washington (IV), of Chotank married Elizabeth Date July 31, 1751, and had a daughter, Anne Washington, who died in 1824.  She married Major Stith on December 11, 1783.


"Aristocratic Hot-heads in Mobile Duel"

        One of the last great formal duels in Alabama was fought inside the city limits o Mobile, May 7, 1859.  The combatants were from two of Mississippi's most prominent families and the duelists and their seconds came to Mobile to settle their quarrel on the so-called field of honor.  Laws had become very strict about dueling, both in Mississippi and Alabama, so that the dueling party had to move quickly and secretly.
       The combatants were Henry Vick, nephew of the founder of the city of Vicksburg, and Laurence Washington Stith, descendant of the Washington family of Virginia
       Henry Vick lived on the large plantation a few miles from Vicksburg and Vick and Stith had always been friends.  On an occasion in 1859, Stith was one of the guests at at house party on the Vick plantation and the two men were in a boat fishing when a dispute arose between them and Stith got out of the boat, telling Vick never to speak to him again.  Just what happened in the boat has never been known clearly, but the late Dr. Erwin Craighead, editor of the MOBILE REGISTER and notable historian devoted much time in investigating the details of this famous duel in Mobile.  In his book "From Mobile's Past",  Dr. Craighead writes that Vick's overseer showed an act of rudeness toward Stith, and Stith thought that Vick should have protected him, but failed to do so.  Vick's failure to take Stith's side against the overseer caused the angry admonition to Vick to never speak to him again, as he got out of the boat.
       Sometime later the two men met in a billiard room in New Orleans when Stith was invited to join a party of gentlemen to take a drink, Stith refused, according to Dr. Craighead and when asked his reason said that he could not drink with Vick, "because," he added, turning to Vick, "you are not gentleman".  Vick drew back, and Stith made a pass at him.  Vick, reads the account, drew a pistol and was about to shoot when A.G. Dickenson seized Vick's hand and held it up so that the pistol could not be fired.
   Vick sent a challenge to Stith, his seconds being Mr. Dickenson and Col. Lockridge.  Stith's seconds were Tom Morgan and Frank Cheatham, both of Baton Rouge, and they promptly accepted the challenge on Stith's behalf.
   They agreed to fight with Kentucky rifles at thirty paces, the man to fire at the word.  All thought the safest place for the duel was in Alabama and the entire party took the mail boat from New Orleans to Mobile.   Very secretly they selected what was known as "Holly's Garden" where William de Forrest Holly had his residence.  The grove was later occupied by Emerson Institute on Scott St. just north of Charleston on Mobile.


      Vick was thought to have the advantage of Stith because Vick was a famous shot who could hit a running deer with a rifle.
      Vick fell dead at the first fire with a bullet through his forehead.  He had aimed at Stith's forehead and the bullet struck a tree just over his head.   Stith, not such a good shot, aimed for Vick's body and hit the head.
      Police got wind of the affair and Stith and his seconds barely escaped on the mail boat back to New Orleans.  Vick's seconds were concealed in the home of Dr. Laurence A. McClesky on St. Francis St.
      Vick's body was lying at the undertakers and in desperation Mr. Dickenson called in Capt. Harry Maury, Chief of Police, and told him everything and asked his help in getting his friend's body prepared and taken aboard the boat bound for New Orleans.   Captain Maury secretly agreed, even while his policemen were searching for the dueling party.
     The duel was a tragedy in more ways than one.  Vick was killed almost on the very eve of his wedding to Helen Johnstone, daughter of John T. Johnstone, who had a forty room mansion 15 miles north of Jackson, Mississippi, named "Annandale".
     On the same boat to Vicksburg with the body of Vick were a caterer from New Orleans and his crew of waiters and cooks and materials for the wedding feast, the caterer knowing nothing of the situation until the boat reached Vicksburg.
     Vick's remains, ant his fiancee's request, were brought to Annandale and buried in the gothic chapel churchyard which Mr. Johnstone, a younger son of the Earl of Johnstone of Annandale, Scotland, had built on his premises.  Miss Johnstone cut off locks of her hair and placed them on the breast of her dear lover.
     Stith joined the Confederate forces and was killed at Vicksburg in 1863 and buried in the grounds of the old Stith residence in that city.  Miss Johnstone, after many years, married the Rev. George C. Harris, a protege in his youth of Bishop Charles T. Quinstand of Tennessee and boyhood friend of Dr. Craighead.
        Annandale was destroyed by fire 3 September 1924.  The mansion was begun in 1820 and required 3 years in its construction. 


       Hon. Henry Stith was elected Judge of the county at the session of 1840-41, and continued in office until the early part of 1843. He was elected over Judge Moore, and never resided in Pickens until he came here to fill the office of Judge. He came from Greensboro in Greene County, where for several years he had been engaged in the practice of his profession, the law. Judge Stith was originally from the State of North Carolina. He was and is a bachelor; his age at the time of his removal to Pickens might be about thirty six. He was a self-made man, was for several years a close student of law, in his own office, and made an excellent Judge; being a man of industrious habits, of strict attention to the duties of his office, and reducing to a system the labors of his important and responsible station as Judge of the Probate and Orphan's Court. He brought more patience, labor, and energy into the discharge of the duties of his office, than any of his predecessors.

      Judge Stith, is a gentleman of strict probity and honor, of moral and correct habits, with fixed principles, decided opinions, and unblemished reputation. He practiced the law here for several years after his resignation of the Judgeship, which he felt compelled to do from the inadequacy of the income to renumerate for its severe duties. He afterwards removed to Holly Springs, Mississippi, and lived there for several years, but has lately returned to this county.

* * * * * * * * *

      Honorable William Stith was Chief Justice of Georgia. He was evidently a man of great ideas of dignity, for one of the first things he did when he opened court was to promulgate some rules to govern the court, and one of these were that all barristers practicing in the court should wear gowns when they argued a case. Also he ordered that the sheriff should wear in court a gown and badge of office. This was an old English custom and prevailed in Carolina up to the Civil war. (Usually the Judge went to the courthouse preceded by the sheriff with his drawn sword). The fact that Georgia gave up Judge Stith's rule so long ago, marks a very characteristic difference between the two states so closely allied by situation.

      A fact worthy of mention is that little is known of William Stith, senior, to whom such honor was paid. In an account of "The Bench and Bar of Georgia" written by the late Mr. Charles N. West for a voluminous work, "Memoirs of Georgia" he said that "Here we have another name which is nothing but a name, so far as the discharge of judicial duties is shown by the records of the court, but of Chief Justice Stith there is no other public records known to us. Mr. Charles Edgewood Jones compiled some years ago a list of judicial officers of Georgia, and mentioned the name of William Stith and William Stith, Junior, but gave no information of them saying that "records throw no light on the subject".


      Mr. Thomas Spaulding, writing to Steven F. Main, author of "The Bench and The Bar", from Sapelo Island, October 19, 1850, said, "Admitted to the bar more than fifty years ago, every gentleman that was on the bench in Georgia for the first twenty-five years after the Revolution have received kindness from and personally knew, except one, the old Judge Stith, whom I never saw. His son, William Stith, afterward Judge, I was intimate with. He was a good lawyer, an amiable and honorable and respectable man." We would not have been able to ascertain the relationship of Justice Stith with the historian of Virginia. The elder Stith must have been a close friend of Governor Talfair, as the notice in the Gazette of the death of his wife, from small pox, July 3, 1786, shows that it ocurred at the house of the Governor.

* * * * * * * * *

The following was obtained by Wilson M. Cary from the King George Co. records:

      "Will of Robert Stith, of King George County, gent., wife, Mary Townshend Stith, all his household and kitchen furniture, coach and four horses, four negroes, cook and house servants for life, with power to will to any of my children she pleases; also one-third of all my negroes for life. To son, Putnam Stith, four hundred and fifty acres at majority, to be laid off in that part of my plantation called Watts Field, bounding on Nathaniel Washington, Col. Henry Fitzhugh, and myself. To son, John Stith, remainder of plantation containing six hundred and sixty four acres. To my daughters an equal part of slaves with my sons (including those slaves now in my Aunt Stith's possession at her death; also my wife's third at her death), they to make choice from the whole, each of a waiting maid; also the same proportion of cattle and sheep; residuary legatees, my sons; executors, his wife, Mr. Lawrence Washington, Gent., Mr. William Storke, Mr. Thomas Washington. Dated May 14, 1788; proved October 1791.

* * * * * * * * *

      The writer has often tried to imagine the story that might lie behind historical family gleanings, such as:

      Elizabeth Stith, who married Henry Herndon, who was descendant of William Lewis Herndon who explored the Amazon River.

      Townshend Stith, son of Buckner Stith and Anne Dade. Townshend was counsel to Tunis in the 1800's.

      Robert Stith, son of Drury Stith and Fanny Love, who was a surgeon in the Mexican War.

      Dr. William Stith, who was the son of Robert Stith and Mary Townshend Washington who was killed in a duel in Mississippi (for example of a story behind an event read the account of Lawrence Washington Stith's duel in Alabama).


      Mary Blaikely Stith, daughter of Griffen Stith and Mary Blaikely, who married Thorowgood Stith, Mayor Baltimore.

      Helen Stith, who married Henry Stith, Mayor of New Orleans.

      The writer didn't seek to prove or disprove the following: It was submitted in 1933 to Dr. M. Chandler Stith, Washington D.C. by a Miss Janie Rosselle, Tallahassee, Florida.  "A Mr. Stith married a Betsy or Janette McLaurie, their daughter, Miss Stith, married a General Sam Smith (officer in the Revolution, Foreign Attache, and Sen.) Gen. Sam and his wife (Miss Stith) had a daughter named Dorcas Smith. Dorcas married a William Patterson of Baltimore. They had a daughter, Elizabeth Patterson. Elizabeth married Gerome Bonaparte of France. Gerome was the brother to Napoleon Bonaparte". The writer has been able to verify Elizabeth Patterson, her mother Dorcas, and the father, General Smith.

* * * * * * * * *

      The following briefs were extracted by the writer from records published by the U.S. Army. No effort has been made by the writer to trace the background of these Stiths. They are offered for genealogical purposes.

      Stith, David B. Va. 2nd Lieutenant 35th Infantry 31 March 1813
                                   1st " " 1 Sept. 1814
      Stith, Drury Va. Ensign 20th Infantry 10 May 1814
                                      2nd Lieutenant 10 Oct. 1814
                               honorable discharged 15 June 1815
      Stith, John Md. Corporal 1st Light Dragoons 24 August 1814
                              honorable discharged 15 June 1815
      Stith, John W. Va. 1st Lieutenant 35 Infantry 31 March 1813
                                   Captain May 1, 1814
                                   Died 25 June 1814

      Stith Townshend Va. 1st Lieutenant 5th Infantry 3 May 1808
                                       Captain 30 Sept. 1810
                                       honorable discharged 15 June 1815
       Stith, Donald Chester Turkey, Md. Cadet Military Academy 1 Sept. 1846
                             Brevet 2nd Lieutenant 5th Infantry 1 July 1850
                              2nd Lieutenant 30 April 1853
                              1st Lieutenant 18 Oct. 1855
                              Captain 8 August 1861
                              Discharged 25 Sept. 1861
                              Col (aig) CSA War 1816-1865

      No other information can be found on these particular Stiths. One can't help but wonder about the West Point graduate who joined the Confederate forces. There must have been quite a story about his life but it appears to have been lost.


      A Hornbook of Virginia History on page 21, shows information of the counties of Virginia, with which we are concerned.

      Charles City County, 1634, in 1703 Prince George County was formed from part of Charles City. In 1722 Brunswick County was taken from Prince George, Lunenburg was taken from Brunswick 1723; Bedford from Lunenburg in 1754 and Campbell from part of Bedford in 1782.

      Therefore, it was possible for a family to have lived in all these counties, yet not have moved from the physical spot where they had first acquired land.

      Richard Stith, with whom we are now concerned, was a surveyor by profession. He surveyed Campbell County, 1782, and laid out the town of Lynchburg, 1786.

      In William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 16, 1907-1908, a letter from Richard Stith to William and Mary's College about surveyors giving new bonds says that business demands his presence in Bedford County and asks them to send the bond to him. He was licensed from Bedford County Oct. 24, 1772, date of letter.

* * * * * * * * *

It is interesting to note that some of the tidewater Stiths advertised as follows:

In the Virginia Gazette

      Ran away from one of the subscribers quarters on Sapponie, in Prince George County 14 or 15 weeks ago, a mulattoe man slave named Tom, escaped after being chained.  1751  John Stith

      For Sale. 800 acres of valuable land lying on Shining Creek in Brunswick about 45 miles from Petersburg. The land is remarkable level.    Oct. 10, 1776 W. Stith

     A box marked R. S. L. with a crow's foot below the S, number 1, containing Irish Liner (agreeable to Mr. Samuel Gift of London). Box was lodged in Petersburg.  If anyone knows where the box is, please notify undersigned.   Richard Stith

      Six hundred acres of land with a good apple orchard of choice grafted fruit, a good dwelling house 25 by 30 with a brick chimney and a cellar, two large barns, 40 by 20 with several other convenient houses lying in Prince George Co. on Sapponey Creek are to be sold by  17-24-June 1737 Drury Stith


      Those gentlemen who have been so kind as to take subscription papers for my History of Virginia are directed to contrive them to Mr. Parks in Williamsburg or to myself at Varine in Henrico Co. by the last of next April General Court which will be on an additional favour to the most humble servant.
Varina, March 2, 1744 William Stith

* * * * * * * * *

      It is considered correct to assume that some of the Stiths were thoroughly involved in the day to day activities of the tobacco plantation set as well as intellectual pursuits limited to the members of the gentry.

      1.  The Source of this information: 35mm microfilm of the Virginia Gazette contained in microfilm files maintained by the Uni. of Va., Tuscaloosa.

      From this point on, one might conjecture that the Stith family, having become quite numerous, became very concerned with the day to day task of living and less with recording family history.  The reader will note that previous mention was made of some Stiths who served in the War of 1812 and later in the Civil War.   It is hoped that someone may possibly be able to enlighten all of the family on the histories of these relatives.  As of this writing, little is known of their lives and the lives of other Stiths.  There is evidence of Stiths in Virginia from the arrival of our founder to the present day, however, little is known by the writer about the present day Stiths in Virginia.  It is hoped that the situation will soon be corrected through the assistance of the Stiths concerned.  The writer doesn't intend to omit any blood Stiths.


East Coast Stith Family

      Again, the writer must apologize to the scarcity of information on the family in Virginia, Maryland, Philadelphia, and North and South Carolina.  Letters were written to many and answers, including information, received was very slight. The writer will specifically mention those Stiths that contributed. Others will be listed or referred to in general.

      There is located in Columbia, South Carolina, a Hume Talcott Stith, born 28 May 1893, Richmond, Va., who, in conjunction with business partners, owns and operates an accounting firm. Talcott graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1938 B.S., cum laude. Talcott served in the U. S. Navy from 1944-1946 as a Lieutenant (j.g.) in the Supply Corps. He is treasurer of the Diocase of Upper South Carolina, member of the Council of American Institute of Accountants, Kiwanis Club, Treasurer of Columbia Museum of Arts. He was a vestryman and Past Senior Warden of St. Michaels and All Angles Episcopal Church, Past Chairman Mental Health Clinic of Richmond Co., and Past member of the Board of Junior Leagues Speech Clinic.

      Talcott married Edith Fontaine Wilson (b. 31 July 1918). Fontie, by the way, is the gracious lady who provided the writer with current and family information. Talcott and Fontie's children are:
                    Louise Fontaine Stith (now Mrs. Robert E. Maxwell)
                    Charles T. II
                    Harriet Elizabeth
                    Frances Britton

      The information that she provided enabled the writer to locate and connect almost all of the Stiths in Birmingham and Gadsen, Alabama.

      Talcott's family stems from a branch long located in the Richmond, Va. Area. William Hale Stith, Talcott's grandfather, is buried in St. John's (Episcopal) Cemetery in Richmond. William H. attended V.M.I. and Talcott is named after Col. Charles Talcott, a classmate of his father who also attended V.M.I. William Home Stith's son, Paul J. Stith moved to Alabama. He is remembered as having


"sand hair and a reddish moustache". Members of this branch of the family will be discussed under the "Southern Stiths".

      Fontie Stith has advised the writer of additional Stith family members in the Carolinas. At this writing no effort has been made to authenticate these members. They are mentioned here merely to provide leads to other members of the family who might have the time to investigate. Fontie advises of:

      Julian Stith in South Carolina, a veterinarian from Dillon, South Carolina, now living in Hartsville, South Carolina.

      Julian's brother, Robert Stith, who practiced in Florence, South Carolina, "a physician who is remembered fondly all over the state as a wonderful man".

      A Stith family in Winston-Salem, North Carolina that owns "Stith", a department store.

      Fontie also wrote of a Stith in New Bern, North Carolina, Lawrence Stith, a lawyer and his sister Mary Stith.

* * * * * * * * *

      The writer has also corresponded briefly with the following EAST COAST STITHS.

     Mary V. Stith, an accountant, in Richmond, Virginia, who is quite a lady and the writer hopes to make further contact and obtain additional information on her personal accomplishments. Her letters have the air of the old aristocratic southerner that this country has learned to honor and cherish. Mary is from the famous Thomas Stith branch of the family. She tolerates no one that rides of the family name. Her father was Frederick Edward Stith, and her mother was Mary Hawthorne. Frederick's father was Littleton Ezra Stith, and his mother was Mary Jane Hawthorne. Littleton's father was Obadiah Stith and his mother was Mary Hunnicot.

      In Durham, North Carolina, there is a D. W. Stith who is president of the Southeastern Business College.


      Also in Richmond, Virginia is Ezra Stith, a Trust Officer in the First and Merchants Bank.

      There are many more Stiths along the East Coast, however, it is almost an insurmountable task to write each one. It is considered appropriate they be made aware of the Stith family historical draft and submit to the writer for inclusion in the final document.

      Leaving the present day Stiths we again pick up the strings of the past as a means of developing other branches of the family. As previously written, Drury Stith(3) married Elizabeth Buckner. It was from this union that 5 prolific sons came. They were Drury(4), Griffen(5), Buckner(6), Richard(7), Thomas(8). With the exception of one other branch (John Stith and Mary Randolph) most Stiths in America stem or issue from these 5 sons of Drury Stith.

      The writer's informatino on four of the brothers are very sketchy, and the most valid portion of their history is in the previously written sections on Early American Stiths. Mary V. Stith, Richmond, Va. Writes that her great great grandfather Thomas Stith stated in his will that he had been visiting his brother in Charlotte and had become ill. This is very possible because there is documented evidence of Stiths in Campbell County which lies to the west of Charlotte County, Virginia.

      Fortunately, the Tyler Quarterly Magazine published a will executed by Richard Stith(7) of Campbell County. Richard Stith(7) married Lucy Hall and had twelve children.


The Kentucky Branch

      Dr. Lee S. Stith, University of Arizona, writes that four Stith families left Virginia and moved to Meade County, Kentucky. There is documented evidence that two of Richard Stith's(7) sons migrated to Meade County, Kentucky. They were Joseph (1759-) and Richard (1778-1843). There is a possibility that John (1770-1840) and William (1777-) were the other two brothers of the four that migrated to Kentucky as they are listed in the family bible (maintained in Kentucky) under family deaths. However, there is no indication as to burial sites. {William and his wife Nancy Jones are buried on the original Stith farm: now 1055 Ballman Rd. Guston Ky. -- JBS  1999} There is very fragmentary evidence that numerous other Stiths migrated to Kentucky during the late 1700's and early 1800's so the writer makes no assumption that the four brothers mentioned were the sole immigrants to Kentucky.

      Why the Stith family came to Kentucky is evident when one studies history. There was plenty of land open in Kentucky and the Stiths had by this time pretty well exhausted the land in Virginia by planting tobacco (as did thousands of other planters).

      We can only guess that they came through the Cumberland Gap and then moved to the Northwest toward what is now Louisville, Ky. One has only to study American History to realize that they probably suffered many hardships along the way as did other pioneer families.

      Dr. Lee Stith obtained the following information from Mrs. Francis Fast of Brandenburg, Kentucky. Mrs. Fast has contributed greatly to the compilation of information on the family.

      In a small note book (4 x 7) bound in calfskin, very old and somewhat worn, that belonged to Richard Stith, Sr., then to his son Richard Stith, Jr., and lastly to Jesse Jones Stith, with the names Richard Stith, Henry Stith and J. J. Stith crudely lettered on the cover, with beautiful copperplate writing of Richard Sr., and not quite so beautiful of Richard Jr., listing their slaves, their births and some deaths. Also there is a list of the children of Richard Stith, Sr., with their birth dates. This book is now in the possession of Mrs. W. A. Stith, Sr., Guston, Kentucky, of the Stith Farms, in Stith Valley.


      An important birth, that of Richard Stith, 4 Sept. 1727, is omitted from Dr. Johnston's account. He belongs between John 1724, and Bathurst 1729. An explanation for the omission from the Bristol Parish Register is given in Douglas Register, Page 5-6.

      Sept. 1, 1724, Mr. Randolph, having finished the church according to bargain, it was taken off his hands. Mr.Fliney continued minister by agreement--Mr. George Murdoch was next minister 1725-1726.

     May 18, 1727, Mr. Zachariah Brooks is hired to preach once a month for a year.

      Oct. 1727, Mr. Brooks hired to preach monthly----Nov. 12, 1727, Mr. Becket is received minister of their parish.

      From Byrd's diary we find that there was much changing about of ministers, that they were scarce and much changing was done, preaching was conducted alternately, that the Stiths attended another parish. It is evident that the records were not well kept during this period and that when the Rev. William Douglas came to the parish in 1750 he found the records in a sad state. He stayed until 1777 at Goochland.

       Dr. Christopher Johnston's account of the Stith family from this point on takes up in detail the other descendants of Drury Stith and his wife, Elizabeth Buckner and other generations, but does not mention Richard Stith, their son, who married Lucy Hall, and was a prominent man in the history of Virginia, living in Brunwick Co., Campbell Co., and Bedford Co., Virginia.

      An account listed in the Tyler Quarterly Magazine and submitted by A. G. Stith of Louisville, Kentucky, lists genealogical information on the family and also states "He has noted in the Bible that Joseph Stith was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, Ensign Bedford Co. Militia, sworn in Aug. 28, 1780". The same article also states "John Stith, called Jack Stith to distinguish him from his uncle, Dr. John Stith, removed to Kentucky, Hardin Co., where he became a distinguished preacher. He died in 1833 (Bedford's History of Southern Methodism).


      His father, Joseph, also removed to Kentucky with other brothers and died about 1836, being buried in Meade Co., Kentucky, near Vine Grove.

      Meade, Hardin, and Breckinridge counties seem to have been the common areas of settlement for the Kentucky Stiths still in the area.

      Dr. Lee Stith also advises of his great uncle William Allen Stith in Kentucky, who "was a teacher, was in the legislature of the State of Kentucky for several terms, had a large Herford ranch, and was a producer of hybrid seed corn". As the reader will note, Dr. Lee Stith's name is interjected from time to time in this history. He will be discussed under the Western Branch, however, his immediate ancestors came from Kentucky and his lineage is traced directly to the Early American Stiths in Virginia. Dr. Stith writes that his grandfather William Lee Stith, migrated to Texas while the rest of the family remained in Hardinsburg, Kentucky (in Breckinridge Co.). It is worth noting that one of William Lee's sisters was married to Dr. Kinchelo, who was publicized by Life magazine as the "Father of 1,000 babies".

      Of equal importance in current family history is Dr. Milton Chandler Stith. A description in the Who's Who in the South states as follows: "Clergyman born in Louisville Kentucky, 17 May 1904, son of Jessie M. and Ruby (Chandler) Stith; student Stetson Univ., 1921-1922, A. B. Davidson Coll., 1923-1924, M. South Baptist Theological Seminary 1929, Stetson Univ. 1946, married Elizabeth Brownlee in 1924, children:

      Hugh Chandler;   James Logan;  Robert Jesse;   Sandra Beth


Orange Glade Church, Miami, Florida 1930-31
Brentwood Church, Jacksonville, Florida 1931-1937
Brookland Church, Washington, D. C.

      The writer has corresponded with Dr. Stith and finds that he has been serving with noteworthy honor and efficiency as the Executive Secretary of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention. He is the proud grandparent of some 8 grandchildren.


Dr. Chandler is a descendant of John (called Jack) Stith, a distinguished preacher previously mentioned as having migrated to Kentucky when he was 16 years old.

      "Chan" writes that "Percy Stith, who owned a jewelry store in Louisville for many years, has voluminous family records". In view of information available to the writer these records might be in the family of Glen Stith as Chan indicates that Glen was a brother of Percy.

      The records are probably as valuable from the standpoint of family history as the records compiled by Estie (Stith) Crabbe, a fine lady and an ardent family historian who will be discussed under the Western Branch.

      "Chan" also advised "I remember that in the middle twenties, when I was a student at the Seminary in Louisville, I had an opportunity to look over these records in Percy's home. Among them were photostat copies of wills of the members of the families for many generations, including a map of the area now occupied by Fort Knox, which apparently was the center of a large plantation and farm area of the Stiths. As a matter of fact, there was a station there called Stithton".

      The writer believes that notice should be taken of Dr. Chan's accomplishments for in a country of so many churches and ministers of all faiths, he has risen above the ordinary and excelled in that field. He has furthered the family name with honor and dignity and deserves the praise and respect of each member. Individuals and organizations have made testimonials to Dr. Chan's ability and character so in the opinion of the writer, Dr. M. Chandler Stith is more than worthy of all the praise and respect bestowed on him.

      Dr. Chan writes that he still retains some of his Kentucky traits in that he bagged a non-typical whitetail buck in Maine and received a national trophy for his prize. He is an ardent hunter and makes an annual trek to Maine in quest of deer and bear.

      The writer would like to again focus the family spotlight on a Glen Stith, Louisville, Ky. Glen submitted valuable family historical information while


a records search at the Uni. of Alabama. The will of Richard Stith was submitted by Glen. In the information Glen listed a Percy Stith and indicated that he had no children, so it is from this information that the writer conjectures that Glen probably inherited Percy's records, if this is the record keeping "Percy" that Dr. Chan writes about.

      Glen Stith was the son of Richard Luther Stith, attorney, Elizabethtown, Ky. (1846-1820) and Eugenia Carrico Stith. Other children of this marriage were:

                    Hugh, who died without issue
                    Ada, who married T. Blakely
                    Percy B. - no children
                    Lynn B. - no children

      The children of Glen and Ruth Brewer were:
                    Mary E. (b. April 19, 1910)
                    Theodore B. (b. July 20, 1911)
                    Richard G. (b. Aug. 31, 1917)
                    Ruth B. (b. Feb. 27, 1920)

By last account they were all in the Louisville area.

      The writer's grandfather, Albert Stith (1846-1891), who was born in Brandenburg, Ky, married Mary Elliot Hodges (1850-1940) and migrated to Moran, Kansas. Other relatives of both the Stith and Hodges family accomplished similar moves to the same general area between Moran and Iola, Kansas. Albert's father was Buckner Jones Stith (1807-1856) who married, 2nd. Mary Cofer (1814-1851). Buckner's first marriage was to Cinderella Moorman (1812-1841). The Stith genealogical chart shows that Cinderella had at least five children, while Mary had three children.

      While in Kansas, Belzora Stith Hodges (1856-) and other relatives made several treks back to Brandenburg, Ky. area in covered wagons to visit relatives. This was related to the writer by his family, Charles W. Stith.

      Albert Stith was described as a very capable farmer, and very neat and trim in his dress. He was a small slightly built man and died of appendicitis at the early age of 45. If there were any family records of history in this, the writers branch, they died in the memory of Albert. The writer's father, Charles


W. Stith (1886) had only meager knowledge of the Stith family having been only five years old when his father, Albert, passed away.

      Dr. Lee Stith advises that all descendants of the four families that migrated to Kentucky hold a family reunion on the last Sunday in August in a place called Doe Run, which is west of Louisville, Ky.

     The writer has very incomplete information on the Kentucky Branch of the family and relies heavily upon information provided by Dr. Lee Stith which is offered in hopes that it will incite other Stiths to write and set the record straight. Dr. Lee advises that: "In a Modern Mechanic Magazine a few years ago I learned that a Stith family in Kansas actually built and displayed the first track as a substitute for the wheel. This was displayed at the San Francisco Exposition of 1908. He refused to patent the device or sell it for $60,000, so the track was put on a bicycle and it is still in the possession of the Stith family.

      Ralph and Thomas Jay Stith, whose present address is Guston, Kentucky, are the sons of William Allen Stith. They may have the complete story of the Stiths in Meade Co. Later Dr. Lee writes, "I contacted Ralph and Thomas J. and their father, W. A. Stith, died and they never did complete the records that he had. Thomas J. says, "I wish now, but it is too late". We got out the old family Bible and have the information on the immediate family but no history".

      The writer has found traces of numerous Stith families in Missouri and the family history can't be complete without reference to this branch. More information is sorely needed as numerous Western Stiths trace their lineage back to this state.

      A good example of this is that the grandfather of Dr. Robert M. Stith (West Coast Physician) a Richard Marcus Stith was a county judge of Jackson Co., Mo. Nothing more is known about these Stiths in Missouri.


      The writer has a first cousin, Harold, in Iola, Kansas. Harold is a school teacher and supervisor or manager of the city park. The writer remembers Harold for his dry sense of humor, which almost caused the writer to choke as a child as he laughed while eating watermelon. Harold is also remembered as the first member of the writers branch of Kentucky-Kansas Stiths, to achieve a college education.

      The writer also has a first cousin, Rex, Doctor of Chiropracty, in Banner Springs, Kansas, and his brother, Richard, a retired Army Master Sgt. who lives in San Antonio, Texas.

      Mrs. Irene Stith Herndon, Springfield, Mo. needs assistance in connecting her branch of the family to the Early American Stiths in the Williamsburg, Va. area. Her father was Perry Stith (1877-1920) born in Ironton, Mo., and her mother was Grace C. Roe (1886-1956) born in Lesterville, Mo. Irene's grandfather, Lafayette W. Stith (1844-1924) was born in Cabell Co., West Virginia, and her grandmother was Frances Cyrus (1846-1926) born in Wayne Co., West Virginia. Her great grandfather was Eli Stith (1816-1866) born in Cabell Co., West Virginia, and her great grandmother was Ellen Nurmfield. Irene needs help of all Stiths as she has been unable to trace her family any further back. Her great grandfather and great grandmother were John and Ann Stith but there is no indication where they came from.

      Mrs. Alma E. Stith, Huston, Texas, has written: "My husband was Maurice Taylor Stith, son of George Taylor Stith and Dadie Karen Stith. My husband was born in Maitland, Florida in 1886 and died in 1920. The only other Stiths I ever met were a cousin, Logan Stith, who was a brother of Jack Stith, who was a mortician at Danville, Ky. Both are deceased but Jack Stith's son, Jack Brown Stith, is now operating the business in Danville. The writer attempted to correspond with this Stith, however, no reply was received. The writer recalls a notice in the Bulletin of the Virginia State Library which lists the following obituaries:

                   Stith, Col. John, Brunswick Enquirer 2 March 1810
                   Stith, James Brown, Richmond Whig, 21 May 1833


It could be that there is some kind of connection between these James Brown Stiths.

      Dr. Lee Stith advises of a Robert Dean Stith (1939) 119 E. Jones, Maize, Kansas. Robert's father is Kenneth W. Stith, who is the son of John Stith (1870-1952) born in Scotland County, Mo. and who married a Lou E. Tremaine.

They had the following children:
               Samuel Emnet (1897-1920)           John Paul (1907-)
               Rosey Mary (1900-)                      James Francis (1910-1910)
               James Lafayette (1903-1948)         Kenneth W. (1913-)
               Cora Mable (1905-)                       Paul Lloyd (1919-)
                                                                   Herbert Odell (1920-)

Kenneth W. (1913) has 2 children, William Luther (1936) and Arlis Ann (1949).
William Luther lives in Tucson, Arizona and has the following children:
        David William (1961)
        Lisa Gage (1963)

Robert D. (1939) married Dee Wall and has the following child: Roger Dean (1963).
Herbert Odell has the following children:
        Herbert Odell (1941)
        Linda Odessa (1942)
        Ronald Eagen (1943)

      There was a Fred Stith, Jr., Attorney, in Kankakee, Ill., whose sons are or were Joseph, Edward, and Roscoe. There was also a daughter named Sarah. I believe that Fred's father's name was John or Johnnie Stith.


The Southern Branch

      A John Stith, son of Anderson Stith (1730-1768) and Joanna Basset, and grandson of John Stith and Elizabeth Anderson and great grandson of John Stith and Mary Randolph is listed in the William and Mary Quarterly. In other William and Mary Quarterlies there is reference to a Lt. John Stith being captured by the British during the Revolutionary War, and subsequently escaping and fleeing to an area in Warren Co., Georgia. It is believed by the writer that John and Lt. John are one in the same. The writer uncovered evidence of a Fort W. Stith who was a State Representative from this same county in 1820. There is also a bit of evidence which indicates that Fort was a Judge of some renown. No further trace has been found of this particular branch at this writing.

      The writer has attempted to contact several Stiths in Georgia all to no avail. They either assumed the name of Stith, as some individuals assumed other famous genealogical names, or just don't care about such matters.

      A Mrs. Clara Mybell (Stith) Pallister (1906), wife of Dr. Hugh D. Pallister (1883-1961) former geologist and professor at the University of Alabama, states that her line of Stiths lived in Vidalia, Georgia. She believes that she remembers her father stating that his family came from North Carolina and that his father's name was also John Stith. A genealogist gave her the following information about North Carolina Stiths. "The North Carolina family of Stiths were founded by the brothers Buckner and George Stith who were physicians. They had a brother, John. The wife of Dr. Buckner was Lucy, daughter of Thomas Blackwell of North Carolina. Their family numbered six. George's wife was Susan King, also of North Carolina, and numbered nine olive branches; four boys and five girls. Louis Buckner, oldest of them all, Griffen, George, Robert Julius, Fanny, Martha, Susan, and Julia. This line of Stiths are related to the Maryland family if Jarvis".

      Maybell's children are Clara E. Pallister and John Stith Pallister. Maybell's siblings were Gertrude, Emma, Pauline, and John Jr.


      As of this writing there has been no evidence of the direct genealogical tracing of this branch of the family.

      Dr. Lee Stith writes "when I first entered the Army, I told the clerk not to worry about the spelling of the name, that I was sure there would not be another. A few days later I met one from Georgia on the same post - Oglethorpe.

      It is apparent that there are some Stiths in Georgia who just haven't been heard from. Maybe time and advertisement will uncover these members. The writer fervently hopes that such will be the case.

      The writer visited the Pickens County Seat, Carrolton, and interviewed a former mayor, Mayor Clanahan. He advised that Judge Henry Stith returned to Carrolton after the Civil War and was nominated as a state representative by the white people of that county. Judge Stith was defeated by a negro candidate because Federal occupation troops scoured the countryside for negroes and allegedly marched them through the polls several times. Mayor Clanahan stated further that Judge Stith married late in life and it is believed that a son was born. No other evidence has been found.

      The writer uncovered evidence of other Stiths in Holly Springs, Mississippi, one being a Dr. C. Stith, however, no contact has been made. A Mr. Everett Walter Stith, 3137 Southern Aven., Memphis, Tenn. passed away sometime in 1964. His father was from Holly Springs, Miss. and was a judge, lawyer, and plantation owner. The writer notes that Judge Henry Stith was also versed in these particular skills, however, no evidence of relationship has been found.

      In Birmingham, Alabama there is a Hugh P. Stith previously mentioned under the EAST COAST BRANCH. Hugh's sister, Fannie, married a Walter Rowe and resided in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for many years. The writer notes that a Paul J. Stith also lives in Birmingham, Alabama. Nothing is known about this individual.

      In Tuscaloosa, Ala. the writer corresponded with another distant relation of H. Talcott Stith, a John F. Stith. John is originally from Gadsden, Ala. and the writer lost track of him when he graduated from the University of Alabama in 1965. John has a brother, Charles T., who lives in Gadsden, Ala.


      The writer's father, Charles W. Stith (of the Kansas Branch) lives in Pensacola, Florida. He is a retired Master Sergeant who was a sergeant back when the Army was run by Sgts. He married Florence E. Montero from New Orleans and little did they dream that this union would produce the total of twelve grandchildren. "Old Sarge", after retirement from the Army, was Purchasing Agent for the University of Alabama until his second retirement. He is always ready to relate a story about the "Old Army" and though 80 years old his memory is as clear as a bell. Despite the anxiety by the writer, "Old Sarge" still drives his own car, and much too fast. The writer's mother is noted, besides being a fine wife and mother, for her ability as an electrician, carpenter, and general repairman-sort of a family joke-but truthful.

      The writer has a brother, Chief William M. Stith of the U. S. Naval Air Arm., who will probably be in the Navy until the day that it is obsolete. The Chief has five children and one grandchild. His wife Mary J. (Wilson) Stith, hails originally from Michigan.

      The writer has a sister, Florence M. (Stith) Wright, who resides in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

      The writer calls Tuscaloosa, Ala. home, having married in 1942 Mickey J. Espey; a blazing redhead of that city. The writer rose through the ranks in the Army and retired in 1962 as a Lt. Col. He entered the service in 1940, attended Officer Candidate School in Ft. Benning, Ga. and was commissioned a 1st Lt. In the Infantry. He served with the 25th Inf. Division during its campaign against the Japanese in the Pacific. He was an Inf. Platoon Leader in a unit when it repulsed the only coordinated tank attack by a Japanese unit. For this action the unit received the Presidential Unit Citation for gallantry. He was promoted to the rank of Captain and commanded an Infantry Rifle Company. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds and the Bronze Star and Combat Infantrymans Badge for Valor. He participated in the Korea conflict as a General Staff Officer on General Maxwell Taylor's staff. He also served as the Commanding Officer of Darmstadt Military Post, Darmstadt, Germany.

      The writer attended and graduated from the University of Alabama after his


retirement from the Army. He is now happily employed as a sixth grade school teacher. His marriage to Mickey Espey has produced the following children: Rickey Charlene (1944), the eldest daughter, Ronald Montero (1946), Mark Geoffrey (1952), Mikal Kieth (1956) and Stacy and Susan, the Stith twins. The last four children born, where all redheads like their mother.

      The writer's branch of the family migrated to Alabama upon the occasion of his father's retirement from the Army in 1937. This move was made as a friends influence.

      The writer has learned of other Stiths in the South such as:

      Wirt Stith of Baton Rouge, La. (deceased) who corresponded with Estie Stith Crabbe back in the 1940's. Wirt wrote Estie about a cousin named "Zada" who had written a book of poems. Wirt was the son of Felix Stith, a descendant of the Kentucky Stiths.

      Charles T. Stith, Athens, Georgia (deceased). Charles's mother was Cinderella Moorman, who was the first wife of the writer's great grandfather, Buckner Jones Stith.

* * * * * * * * *

The Western Branch

      Moving westward from the southern states the first family of Stiths encountered is that of a group that lives in San Antonio, Texas. Little is known about this branch, things such as who the individual members are, how they came to Texas, etc. It is known that some of this branch are engaged in the manufacture of telescope mounts. One member of this family if Marcus Stith (1903) born in Cameron, Texas. He was a rancher in Edwards County, Texas from 1926-1938. He graduated from Culver Military Academy in 1921 and received a B. A. from the University of Michigan in 1926. He married Esther L. Merrick in 1929. Children are Jackson Ludlow Stith and Ann Lawrence Stith. The writer believes that this family is related to the family of Dr. Robert Marcus Stith, Seattle physician, whose father, Richard Stith was a son of Richard Marcus Stith, a judge in Jackson County, Missouri. When you consider that Marcus Jackson's father was Marcus Luther, then it almost rules out coincidence. Marcus Jackson joined his


father in the telescope manufactoring business.

      There is a Mrs. Leftwich in Shallowater, Texas whose father Richard L. Stith was mentioned under the Kentucky Stiths.

      Thanks to the efforts of Walden Stith, head of the Tucumcari Lumber Co. in Tucumcari, New Mexico, the writer found some more of the Stith line. The branch in this case is headed by G. R. "Bob" Dryden, who is a son of Zettie Stith, a sister of Walden Stith's father, Logan D. Stith. This family stems from the Kentucky Branch. For clarification, Zettie Stith married George Dryden and their children were Doris (Dryden) Hubbard (1914), George R. Dryden (1918), and Betty (Dryden) Montgomery (1920). George Dryden married Martha Atkinson (1926), and their children are: Kathy C. Dryden (1948), Bobby Gene Dryden (1951), John Lann Dryden (1953) and Randall Logan Dryden (1954).

      Arriving in Oklahoma we find another branch of the family in Tulsa. It is headed by Reverend Lawrence E. Stith, who provided the writer with a good bit of genealogical information. Lawrence is the pastor of the Harvard Avenue Baptist Church in Tulsa and is upholding the religious continuity of the family. At this point the writer will digress and point out that the Stiths are highly motivated towards the ministry and has produced several very famous theologians throughout history. Attention is also invited to the fact that in Cornwall County, England, approximately 4 miles southeast of Redruth there is a place named Stithian. This appears to be an ecclesiastical district and there is reference to a Saint Stedianus and an indication of a female saint. The writer suggests that some Stith could do further research on this point.

      Returning to the family of Lawrence Stith (1904-) we find that he married Willa Mae Hatchett and from this union came the following children: Lawrnece Ernest, Eula Jean, Joe Ray, and Rex David. All the children reside in Oklahoma except for Joe Ray, who resides in Ft. Worth, Texas. Lawrence's (Pastor) father was Horace Pate and his grandfather was Francis Marion Stith.

      Lawrence included information provided to him by David L. Fontaine of Fort Smith, Arkansas, which reads as follows: "The cemetary where we found Griffin Stith's grave was unfenced and most of the tombstones were flat on the


ground. There were a number of Shumates buried there which indicates that the place passed on to one of his daughters, who married a Shumate". The writer (David L.) remembers Aunt Seany (Seana, who married Worden P. Lawson) who used to visit at Grandpa's and Grandma's Stiths place. We moved back there in 1906. I also remember Hester Ann (whom we called Aunt Nancy) and Gill Wrights son or grandson still lives on the place which is only about 1/4 mile from where my nephew lives on the old original Stith place where Richard (1st) when he came from Virginia in 1800.  {Actually it was Richard, Sr.'s son Richard, Jr. who came with his brother William in 1804.  -- JBS-- 1999}

      My nephew, Walter Scott has built this place up until I believe it is raising better crops than it ever did. They had plenty of rain this summer and had wonderful crops of corn, tobacco, clover, and alfalfa.

     You will notice from the above that Griffen Stith (your great grandfather) and Henry Stith (my grandfather) (great) were brothers and that they married their double cousins.

      They were the daughters of Richard Stith. Also they say in Kentucky that the Jones girls, who married William and Richard, were also cousins. David's mother, according to Lawrence (Pastor), was a Stith from Stith Valley community in Meade County. {She was Irene Buckner Stith. -- JBS 1999}

      Unfortunately, David doesn't give any specific landmarks that could be used as a reference point for those of us who might want to visit the old farm site. The writer knows that the original farm site is in Meade County, Ky., and David Fontaine also refers to "Nancy and Elizabeth Jones who were sisters, moved to Meade County about 1806". [Ed. Note: He is referring to Scott Hill Farm, 1055 Ballman Road, Guston, Kentucky.]

      The writer invites the reader's attention to Lawrence (Pastor) Stith's uncle, Clarence Eugene Stith, who lives in Buffalo, Oklahoma. It appears that Clarence's son, Charles L. Stith, moved from Oklahoma to 1424 South 1st St., Tucumcari, New Mexico, and met Walden E. Stith, previously referred to. Charles L. Stith works for the CM at the airport in Tucumcari.

      Walden also writes that this Oklahoma Branch of which Charles L. is a member have yearly reunions in Dallas, and Ft. Worth, Texas.

      Lawrence (Pastor) Stith lists the following brothers and sisters who live


or lived in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas:
             Albert Leonard, Rt. #5, Shawnee, Oklahoma
             Francis Marion, Altoona, Kansas
             Oklahoma Lee, 314 No. 9th, Enid, Oklahoma
             Clarence Eugene, Buffalo, Oklahoma
             Frederick Brockman, 1147 So. Waco, Wichita, Kansas
             Althea Eunice (Mrs. Clarence Dahl) 927 E. Minnesota, Salina, Kans.
             Joseph Bewley - deceased
             Forest B., 3939 E. 31st St. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

      Again, like in other states, there must be more Stiths that need to be heard from. Before moving on it should be noticed that Walden Stith's grandfather lived in Guyman, Oklahoma and that his father lived for a while in Optima, Okla. Also the writer noted that David Fontaine typed his letter on the back of stationary bearing a heading "Hughes Lumber Company, General Offices. Cushing, Okla" and there was a printed note. "Please reply to 1000 South D St., Fort Smith, Ark.". The writer noted that Cushing is approximately 50 miles from Tulsa, the home of Lawrence (Pastor) Stith. Is this just a coincidence?

      Moving farther west we focus the family spotlight on the branch headed by Walden Eldridge Stith (1912) who has contributed quite a bit of family history. Walden writes as follows: "Born 23 February 1912 in Nara Visa, New Mexico. Finished Junior High in Tucumcari, New Mexico and graduated from High School in Amarillo, Texas in 1930. Attended Amarillo Junior College for three years. Influenced by a friend to attend Wichita University and graduated from there in 1935 with a degree in Business Administration. I came back to Tucumcari and worked for my father in the Tucumcari Lumber Company till 1947, at which time we opened the Albuquerque Builders Supply. I moved to Glendora, California and was in the furniture business to include being Credit Manager for a company of this type. I returned to Tucumcari by way of Albuquerque in 1955, shortly after my father passed on. Have been a co-executor of the estate ever since. My mother, brother and sister live in California. I have three lovely daughters, Waldeen 24, Marilyn 21, and Mary Margaret 18. The two older girls are teachers. My dad's family seemed to be from Kentucky originally, but came to Iola, Kansas and filed on some land near Guymon, Oklahoma. Married Ruth (Coulter) Stith. My grandfather


Eldridge M. Stith married Annie Adams. They were an extremely devoted and religious couple. I have many pleasant memories of my childhood visits with them in Guymon, Oklahoma. My father was a boy who started with nothing behind a horse drawn plow, went to work for a lumber company in Optima, Oklahoma. The owner sent him to the Nara Visa, New Mexico branch to relive the manager on vacation. Shortly thereafter, he sold the Nara Visa yard to Dad (very small down payment) who paid it out in three years. A Tucumcari banker heard of him and sold him the Tucumcari Lumber Co. ($5,000 down). He got his start here in Tucumcari. Ability to judge men, high moral character, and some luck in the selection of men allowed him to branch out in several directions until the depression clobbered him. He closed three stores in Texas, came back to the good old state of New Mexico and started all over in Tucumcari. He was well thought of, had few faults, and was an excellent merchant".

      Walden also writes that he has heard of some Stiths in Minnesota, who are great big fellows. Walden describes himself as 5'8", weight 170 lbs. and as being young for his age.

      From New Mexico we move to Arizona, namely Tuscon and focus the spotlight on Dr. Lee S. Stith to whom the writer owes a majority of the information collected on many Western and Kentucky branches. Without Dr. Lee's assistance and encouragement it is doubtful that this history would have ever been completed. For this assistance the writer is humbly grateful.

      Dr. Lee Stith is a standout in the family history, not only from the sense of personal accomplishment but also because of his diligence and persistence in refusing to allow the name of Stith to wallow and become lost in the dust of history. Wherever he traveled he was always on the lookout for individuals or information that might contribute a piece to the overall puzzle.

      As for Dr. Lee's personal accomplishments, the writer offers the following resume: Dr. Lee S. Stith was born at Tulia, Texas in 1918. His parents were Eugene Webster Stith and Mary Catherine Street (both deceased). Lee did his undergraduate work at New Mexico State University, his Master of Science work at the University of Tenn., and received his PHD at Iowa State Univ. He is


currently employed by the University of Arizona as a Plant Breeder and Professor. Specifically, he is in charge of the cotton research for the State of Arizona. The significance of this position is more thoroughly realized when one considers that Arizona is one of the leading cotton producers in the United States.

      Lee married Betty Jo Stevens. They have a daughter, Peggy Lee Stith born in 1951. Lee's grandfather, William Lee (1855) migrated to Texas from Hardinsburg, Ky. Lee States that his grandfather never returned to Kentucky, however Carrol H. Stith, his grandfather's brother, has visited there. Lee's great great grandfather was Joseph Stith (1759), a son of Richard Stith (1727) and Lucy Hall.

      Lee writes of meeting a Hamilton Stith in Tuscon, whose father was John Wesley Stith, a preacher from Montana, because, it is told, he was the only man in the settlement that could read or write. Lee also advises of a Harry T. Stith in Tuscon, whose father was Harry Pearl Stith. Harry Pearl had a brother named Thomas Milton Stith. The writer was unable to find any other trace of this branch of the family. Harry Stith, Lee advises, is the Imperial Potentate of the Masonic Shrine in Tuscon. Lee also advises of a Mrs. Leftwick in Shallowater, Texas, who writes that she is the daughter of Ada Stith, who was the daughter of Richard Luther Stith. Richard is mentioned under the Kentucky branch.

      Dr. Lee must be given credit for his part in this history. There are a lot of Stith families that owe him thanks. If it hadn't been for Lee their names would not have appeared herein.

      In the far west there was, as previously mentioned, an Estie Stith Crabbe who compiles a great deal of genealogical information. The writer has probably duplicated a great deal of her information and omitted an even greater amount. There is no way of knowing because in all that have been contacted there is not one Stith who has seen the information that she has compiled. Possibly it passed on to those who didn't realize it's full value or might have had misgivings about publishing it. It is a great loss to the entire family as I have contacted, some who provided her with information and then never saw it again. Estie had no children, but she was partial to a nephew, John Richard Stith. Estie lived in


Dellaker, California. The whereabouts of her nephew, John Richard Stith, is unknown. Estie was from the Kentucky branch and Drury Stith of Virginia. Joseph Stith and Nancy Cooke were her Kentucky lines.  {John Richard Stith's son John Paxton Stith has inherited much of Estie's work and is in the process of compiling it and publishing it.  If Estie ever published her work, no one seems to be aware of it. -- JBS 1999}

      Also in the far west, there was the previously mentioned Dr. Robert Marcus Stith.

      Since the writer began the western compilation, Dr. Lee Stith has uncovered another western Stith. A Mrs. Neely of Fabens, Texas. Mrs. Neely's mother was an Irby and a daughter of Sarah Stith and William B. Irby. This is from the branch of John Stith and Anne Washington.

      The writer has recorded all the information that he has at this time. It is realized that many Stiths have been omitted and many important historical items overlooked. The author consoles himself in the fact that at least the information has been compiled and distributed as a draft to approximately four other Stiths which are:

      Dr. Lee S. Stith, 4311 East 7th, Tuscon, Arizona
      Lawrence E. Stith, Harvard Avenue Baptist Church, 3235 E. 17th, Tulsa, Okla.
      Dr. M. Chandler Stith, 1628 16th St. Northwest, Washington, D. C.
      Walden E. Stith, P. O. Box 1333, Tucumcari, New Mexico

If you have any information that wish included in the final book please send to:

Charles R. Stith
2610 Berkley
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404

{Charles is still living but unable to continue his work --1999.   If you need additional information, perhaps I could help?  Jess Scott .}

This history has been written with the underlying hope that it will inspire other Stiths to strive for excellence regardless of the task they undertake. The name STITH is an honorable one and the writer feels that we have yet to achieve our true heights in history.


{There really were 2 pages #41.  The manuscript was typed in a cursive style font and was not a perfect copy.  The "n"s and "r"s looked very much alike.  If a name spelling is in question, try substituting n for r or the other way. }

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