Copy of page from John Paxton Stith

c-o-a2.gif (27697 bytes) STITH FAMILY GENEALOGY



MAJOR JOHN STITH, Immigrant. The records of Charles City County, Virginia were completely destroyed during the Civil War 1861-65. What information is found relative to John STITH comes from the Charles City County Order Books. Major John STITH entered America before 1663.

Proof #1:  Page 268 of Patent Book #5 Charles City County, Va.:

JOHN STITH and SAMUEL EALE. Feb. 15, 1663. 500 acres. An irregular tract of land without the land of. Capt. Henry Perry called Hening Creek or Brookland, & on the north side of James River.

PROOF #2. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Charles City Co., Va. Volume 10. Page 91 in copy, page 116 in original. Date 1657.

Howell Pryse hath proved right by testimonie produced in Court to 3850 acres of land for the charge of Importacon of (Among others) JO: STITH, Wm. Buckner, ffrancis Bland, Robert Markham, and Richard Price.

Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Charles City Co., Va. Vol. 10, page 63 of copy, page 81 of original. Date 1656-7. Itt is ordered that JOHN STITH who married the relict of Jos. Parsons, dec’d Do give a full and true inventory of the sd Dec’d dts (Dec.’dts) estate within fourteen dayes XXX at Buckland XXX for the division thereof according to the will.

JOHN STITH married JANE (Gregory)(Parsons) who was twice widowed before she married John STITH. Maiden name of Jane believed to be RANDOLPH or MOSBY. Five children born to this union

1. Capt. John STITH Married Mary Randolph   


3. Anne STITH, Md. Robert Bolling, immigrant. She was his 2nd. wife; his first wife was Jane Rolfe granddaughter of Princes Pocahontas.

4. Agnes STITH, Md Thomas Wynn

5. Jane STITH, Md Capt. Daniel Luellin

Note: Agnes and Jane have been added per the posting of "THE WILL OF MAJOR JOHN STITH, SR. WHO DIED IN 1694" By Jess B. Scott

In May, 1677, John STITH (father of the three children above) was one of the persons commissioned to take depositions in regard to the grievances of the people of Charles City County (Calendar of Virginia State Papers, 1677-80, Nos. 267-297.) In 1680 he was Major of the Charles City County Militia, one of the magistrates of the county and a practicing lawyer, and, 1685-86, he represented his county in the House of Burgesses (Va. Magazine, 1, 226-252; XV, 322.)



LT. COL. DRURY STITH the 1st, was the second child of Major John STITH and wife Jane STITH. Date of his birth unknown because the records were destroyed. He had a patent 24th April, 1703, for himself and Samuel Eale for 680 acres in Charles City Co., Va., (Patent Book 9, p. 539.) He was one of the Justices of the county in 1714 (Va. Mag. 11, 3) was High Sheriff 1719, 1724-1725 (Palmer's Calendar 1, 195-6; Va. Mag., 111; 251) and was commissioned county surveyor 1st. March, 1720 (Palmer's Cal., 1, 198.) He married probably about 1694 or earlier, SUSANNA daughter of Lancelot Bathurst of New Kent County, Virginia, son of Sir Edward Bathurst of Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England.

January Court 1741 (From Order Book of Charles City Co., Va.,): The last will and testament of Lieut. Col. Drury STITH, deceased, was presented in court by Susanna STITH and William STITH two of the executors therein named, and was proved by the oaths of the witnesses etc. Lt. Col. Drury STITH died in 1740, according to the above information. His will no longer exists; destroyed with other documents in Charles City Co., Va. It has been stated a fragment was left but the main part showing all the children was burned or mutilated.

Known children of Lt. Col. Drury STITH the 1st, & Susanna STITH:

  1. LT. COL. DRURY STITH the 2nd , was probably born about 1695 and lived for some time in Prince George County, Va., later in Brunswick County, Virginia.
  2. William STITH of Charles City County, Va., died 1749.
  3. Probably Jane wife of Thomas Hardaway of Prince George County, Virginia., was another child because the name of STITH and Drury descended regularly in the family. (Hardaway Family Quarterly, XXI page 216.)


LT. COL. DRURY STITH the 2nd., was the first of the known children LT. COL. Drury STITH the 1st, and wife Susanna Bathurst STITH. Born presumably about 1695 and lived for some time in Prince George County, Virginia, later in Brunswick County.

September 10, 1722, Robert Bolling of Prince George County and Anne his wife convey to "Frury STITH, Jr.," of said County, 892 acres of land on the north side of Sappony Creek the consideration being 5 shillings and "the natural affection he bare unto the said STITH" (Prince George Co., Book 1, p. 557.) This expression implies close relationship and is therefore a valuable bit of evidence. DRURY STITH appears to have acquired a very considerable amount of land. Nov. 21, 1724, "Mr. Drury STITH, Jr.", has surveyed for him, 1,200 acres on Sappony Creek. And again, 11th. Feb., 1725-6 "Capt. Drury STITH" has surveyed, for him including his old land 3,496 acres (Prince George County, Book 1, p. 816, 1025.) A patent soon followed. 13th, Oct., 1727, there is a patent for 3,596 acres on Sappony Creek, Prince George County, to Drury STITH, Jr., of the same county (Va. Land Patents, Book 13, p. 192.) In this year his wife Elizabeth (Buckner) joins him in a deed. 5th June, 1727, Drury STITH, Jr., of Prince George County, and Elizabeth his wife give to Henry Harrison of the county of Surry, Gent., a mortgage of 600 acres on Sappony Creek, part of a tract on which said Drury lives, and which was conveyed to him by Robert Bolling of Prince George County, Gent. (Prince George County, Book 1, p. 1027.)

In 1726, Drury STITH was a Justice of the County (Ibid., 1, 940) and also in 1720 (Va. Mag., XX, 90.) In 1727, he was still captain (Chamberlain's Bristol Parish, p. 35;) but he was colonel (or rather lieutenant-colonel) before 1735 (Ibid., p. 83.) The records of Brunswick County show that he produced his commission as Clerk of the county and qualified for the position at a court held 11th of May, 1732, and, the same year he was the county surveyor, holding both positions until his death (Va. Mag., XIII, 281.) He was also interested in copper mining and Col. William Byrd, in his "History of the Dividing Line" (11; 3) give a humorous account of Col. Drury STITH and his mine.

The Brunswick records show that at a court held 6th June, 1740, an attachment obtained by Drury STITH, Gent., and Clement Read "abates by the death of the said Drury", and at this term Sterling Clack qualifies as clerk. At a Court held 3rd July, 1740, letters of administration on the estate of Drury STITH, Gent., were granted to Drury STITH, Gent., who entered bond and qualified.

Lieut. Col. Drury STITH married about 1717, Elizabeth, daughter of Major William Buckner (d. 1716) of Yorktown (Wm. & Mary Quarterly VII; 57.) Children of Lt. Col. Drury STITH & Elizabeth Buckner STITH:

  1. Col. Drury STITH (4) of Brunswick Co., Va., b. circa, 1718; d. 1770.
  2. Griffin STITH of Northampton Co., Va., b. 28th, Nov. 1720; d. 1784.
  3. Buckner STITH of Brunswick Co., Va., b. circa 1722; d. 1791.
  4. John STITH, b. 20th, March 1724; d. unmarried 29th, May 1773.
  5. RICHARD STITH, SR., b. Sept. 30th, 1727. (Complete information later.)
  6. Bathurst STITH, b. 19th Sept. 1729.
  7. Thomas STITH, b. 29th Dec. 1731; d. 1801; Burgess of Brunswick Co., Va., 1769-1774.
  8. Dudley STITH. Date of birth not given but Wm. Armstong Crazier in his "Buckners of Virginia" states he was a son of Drury STITH, Gent, and Elizabeth Buckner STITH.



Line of descent of RICHARD STITH,, SENIOR, is as follows:

1st Generation: Major John STITH of Colonial Army & Jane (Gregory)(Parsons) STITH. She was twice widowed before she married John STITH,

2nd Generation: Lt. Col. Drury STITH the 1st, & Susanna Bathurst.

3rd Generation: Lt. Col. Drury STITH the 2nd, & Elizabeth Buckner.

RICHARD STITH, SENIOR, son of Lt. Col. Drury STITH the 2nd, and Elizabeth Buckner STITH, was born in Brunswick Co., Va., September 30th, 1727. He died in Campbell Co., Virginia, Nov. 16th, 1802.

Richard STITH, Senior, married Dec. 29th, 1756, to LUCY HALL, daughter of John and Ann (Bolling) Hall. Lucy was born in July, 1736, and died Feb. 12th, 1815. She may have died in Hardin County, Kentucky, since there was a "Mammy STITH" who signed her name as a member of a Methodist Church organized in 1804 in the home of Thomas STITH. In later years Rev. Jack STITH grandson of Lucy Hall STITH (and son of Joseph STITH eldest son of Lucy & Richard) became a famous Methodist minister in Hardin Co., Kentucky. His biography appears in History of Southern Methodism in Kentucky, by Redford.


"This Indenture made this twenty sixth day of February MDCCLXI between

JOHN HALL, Gent., of Amelia County of the one part, and RICHARD STITH of Bedford County of the other part:

Witnesseth that the said JOHN HALL for and in consideration of the love and affection that he hath for his daughter LUCY (the wife of the said Richard) hath granted and given and by these presents doth give, grant and confirm unto the said RICHARD STITH one negro girl slave named Cebrins aged fifteen years the twelfth day of August last past and now in the possession of the said Richard.

To have and to hold the said slave and her increase free from the claim or demand of all other person or persons whatsoever unto the said RICHARD STITH his heirs and assigns.

In Witness whereof he the said JOHN HALL hath hereunto set his hand an affixed his seal, the day and year first above written,


At a Court held for Amelia County the 26th day of February, 1761. This Indenture was acknowledged by the within named JOHN HALL party thereto and ordered to be recorded."

Teste: T. Griffin Peacy CC.

Book No. 7, p. 411. (Certified by S. L. Farrar, Clerk of Court.)


From: Wm. & Mary College Quarterly No. 16, p. 163.


To the president and professors of Wm. & Mary - Jan. 7th, 1791.

From BRUNSWICK, October 24th, 1772.

Reverend Sirs:

Here, I have been informed of your Advertisement in the Gazette requiring the Surveyors to give new Bonds; to which I pay all Respect; my business cannot allow me the time now to appear at the College but demands my return to Bedford; I having already Advertised for surveying; but have written a Bond and produced Securities here (inclosed) which is intended to please, but if it is not such a Bond as is required, you’ll please to send one to me in Bedford (good opportunity now) and I will execute it and return it safe.

I am, Reverend Sirs, your most oblig’d and most obedient Humble Servant,



To The Reverend the President and the Masters and Professors of William and Mary College at Williamsburg.

Bedford: Richard STITH, Oct. 24th, 1772.

Col. William Mead & RICHARD STITH.

From Wm. & Mary Quar. 8, p. 275:

Col. William Mead of Bedford County, Va., served in the French and Indian war; lived ten miles from Lynchburg, deputy surveyor to Richard STITH, served in the Revolutionary War. He married (1) Ann Hail by whom four sons: John Mead, Samuel Mead, Nicholas Mead and William Mead. He married (2) Martha daughter of Col. William Cowles of Charles City County, Va., (and widow of William STITH of Charles City) by whom Cowles Mead, third son, born in Bedford County, October 18, 1776, elected to Congress from Georgia in 1805, and the same year appointed by Jefferson secretary to the first governor of Mississippi Territory. (End of Note.)

From Wm. & Mary Quarterly, p. 94, Vol. 5:

The County Committees of 1774-75 in Virginia: by Chas. Washington Coleman.

In a meeting of the inhabitants of Boston, Nov. 2nd, 1772, Committees of Correspondence were established on motion of Samuel Adams, between the towns of Massachusetts. On the 6th of January following the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly transmitted to Richard Henry Lee a report of the Boston meeting, and on the 12th of March, 1773, the latter offered resolutions in the Virginia Assembly for the appointment of a Committee of Correspondence to invite the cooperation of the other colonies. Thus, to quote Bancroft, "Massachusetts organized a province; Virginia promoted a confederacy."

From: Wm. & Mary Quarterly, p. 253, Vol. 5:

The County Committee of 1774-75 for BEDFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA.

John Talbot, Chairman. Robert Alexander, Clerk.


John Lynch, William Meade, RICHARD STITH, Guy Smith, John F. Patrick, James Callaway, Gross Scruggs, David Rice, Edmond Winston, James Steptoe, John Ward, John Callaway, William Callaway, Jun., John Quarles, Simon Miller, Haynes Morgan, William Leftwich, William Trigg, George Stovall.



The act passed in November, 1781, for the formation of Campbell County went into effect Feb. 7, 1782, in the 6th year of the commonwealth and American Independence. At a meeting held in the house of Micajah Terrell, a commission of the peace directed to Samuel Hairston, RICHARD STITH, Charles Lynch, John Ward, John Callaway, John Fitzpatrick, Francis Thorp, John Hunter, Robert Adams, Jr., James Callaway, John Talbot, George Stovall, Jr., and William Henderson, was read, when John Ward and John Henderson administered the oath of justice of the peace, as by law directed, to Samuel Hairston, who then administered the same oath to RICHARD STITH and the other justices named.

At this meeting Samuel Hairston and John Callaway, were appointed commissioners on behalf of the county to meet the commissioners who might be appointed by the court of Bedford to superintend running the dividing line between the two counties by survey.

RICHARD STITH who had served as deputy surveyor to his brother Buckner in Bedford was appointed surveyor for Campbell and the dividing line was to begin at the mouth of Judith’s Creek; for running the line STITH was to receive 500 pounds of tobacco. (In those times tobacco was a medium of exchange in Virginia.)

No change was then made from the military system long in use in Virginia as embodied in the code prescribed by George III at the close of the French and Indian War, which provided that in each county there should be a chief military officer known as the county-lieutenant, below him in rank a colonel, lieutenant-colonel and major. A regiment consisted of 500 men or ten companies of 50 men each; company officers being captain, lieutenant, ensign, and several sergeants. The lieutenant and those above him were known as "field officers", and those of lower rank as "subalterns."

James Callaway who had been county-lieutenant of Bedford, now became a Campbell resident, received this highest office in the new county by commission from Governor Benjamin Harrison. Charles Lynch was appointed Colonel of Militia, John Callaway lieutenant colonel; and William Henderson, Major. Owen Franklin, Thomas McReynolds, William Jordan (son-in-law of Richard STITH, Sr., since Wm. Jordan married Lucy STITH daughter of Richard STITH, John Irvine, Josias Bullock and Thomas Johnson were made captains; with Archelaus Moon, Benjamin Arthur, John Helm Charles Moile Talbot, lieutenants; and JOSEPH STITH (eldest son of Richard STITH, Sr.), Plummer Thurston, Shelldrake Brown, Jr., James Stewart, and Charles Gilliam, ensigns.

Francis Thorp received from the governor the appointment of sheriff, with Williston Talbot and Plummer Thurston, under-sheriff.

The will of Richard STITH, Sr., is considered the best ever drawn and probated in Campbell County, Virginia. He started to assemble his will as early as 1782. Under date of June 1, 1782, the witnesses to the will were: Peter Terrell; John Cocke, Thos. Jones, John Boughton, Robt. Armistead, and John Lane.

A codicil to the will was added 5th day of June, 1782. The witnesses to this first codicil were James Miller, John Rud, and Mack Nevin.

Another codicil dated Sept. 10, 1792, was added; then still another dated 9th day of October, 1795. Then on January 6, 1798 another appears. On the 7th of April, 1798, the last one is shown, but it wasn't witnessed until Sept. 11, 1800. The names of the witnesses were: Dennis Kelley, Robert Smith and Adlar Avinton. It is signed on 8th day of January, 1801, by RICHARD STITH.

At a Court held for Campbell County, December 13, 1802, the within Last Will and Testament of Richard STITH, gentleman, deceased, together with codicils thereto annexed, was proved by the oaths of Dennis Kelley and Adler Annington, two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and the last Codicil to the said will proved to be the handwriting of the said Richard STITH, deceased, by the oaths of Robert Alexander and Williston Talbot, all of which is ordered to be Recorded. Liberty being reserved the Executrix in the said Will named to take probate thereof when she shall think fit.

FESHE Ro. Alexander, C.C.C.

And at a Court continued and held for the County of Campbell the 12th day of April, 1803, on the motion of Lucy STITH the Executrix in the said Will named who receive oath thereto according to law, certificate is granted her for obtaining probate thereof in due form, giving security, whereupon she together with Joseph STITH, Benjamin STITH, Thomas STITH, John STITH, William STITH, Richard STITH, Denny Hendaway (Hardaway?), I. Saunders, her securities, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the Penalty of Twenty Thousand Dollars, conditioned as the Law directs for the said Executrix's due and faithful administration on said decedent's Estate and performance of his Will. FESHA RO. ALEXANDER, C.C.C.


  1. Ann STITH, born Nov. 12, 1757. Married 1st Drury Hardaway; married 2nd Hightower; 1st marriage date March 23, 1779. She died Jan. 14, 1831.
  2. JOSEPH STITH. Adjutant and Ensign in the American Revolution. Born Sept. 6, 1759; married in Bedford County, Va., Sept. 8, 1782, Nancy Cocke daughter of George and Agnes Cocke. Joseph STITH died Nov. 3, 1837, in Meade Co., Kentucky. According to Veterans Administration in Washington, DC. Nancy Cocke STITH died in Meade Co., Kentucky, Feb. 16, 1842. (More later on line of Joseph STITH.)
  3. Lucy STITH, b. March 12, 1761; died after 1817, since her name is mentioned in will of her husband William Jordan in Breckinridge Co., Ky., dated Feb. 15, 1817. Married in Bedford Co., Va., June 15, 1780, to William Jordan, whose name appears in notes on Richard STITH, Senior, Lucy’s father. William Jordan was first married in Goochland Co., Va., to Elizabeth Woodson. To this first union was born one son Woodson Jordan whose name appears in the will of his father, Page 27 - Wills of Breckinridge Co., Kentucky, compiled by Annie Walker Burns, Genealogist The will was drawn Feb. 15, 1817; probated May Term of Court, 1817.
  4. Elizabeth Buckner STITH, born in Virginia, Oct. 25, 1762, died prior to 1830. In Campbell Co., Va., Marriages, p. 90 by Earle Dennis, it state she married Feb. 14, 1785, Jesse Adams Moorman (b. 1762; d. 1843.) (Bundle #69 - aged 80 years, 6 mo. 25 days at death but failed to give day and month of death.) Will Book B. p. 40. His will dated April 17, 1843: prob. Sept. 21, 1843.
  5. Mary STITH, born Nov. 12, 1764; d. . Married Nov. 4, 1789, to Richard Hightower in Campbell Co., Va.
  6. Benjamin STITH, b. Aug. 28, 1766; d. March 18, 1837. Married 1st, Phoebe Cox; 2nd, Sally Paul.
  7. Thomas STITH, b. Oct. 8, 1768; d. July 27, 1821. Married March 12, 1793, to Rhoda Jones in Campbell Co., Va.; she md. 2nd, Matthew Partridge; 3rd, John H. Gibbs, and 4th, Henry S. Bell.
  8. Dr. John STITH, b. Dec. 27, 1770; d. Oct. 27, 1840. Married April 22, 1801, Susan Hightower of Campbell Co., Va. According to a granddaughter she was a native of Lexington, Kentucky.
  9. Catharine STITH, b. May 28, 1773; d. . Married in Campbell Co., Va., Sept. 17, 1791, to James Jones.
  10. Martha STITH, b. May 8, 1775; d. July 1, 1843. Md. Oct. 23, 1793, in Campbell Co., Va., Daniel J. Saunders.
  11. William STITH, b. Oct. 8, 1777; d. . Md. Dec. 28, 1796, in Campbell Co., Va., to Nancy Jones daughter of Thomas Jones.
  12. Richard STITH, Jr., b. Dec. 9, 1778; d. April 13, 1843. Married Dec. 20, 1798, in Campbell Co., Va., Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Thomas Jones.

(Note: Next generation follows with JOSEPH STITH (5th. generation) as the head of the family.)

JOSEPH STITH son of Richard STITH, Senior, and Lucy Hall STITH, was born September 6, 1759, presumably in Bedford Co., Virginia. Married in Bedford County, September 8, 1782, to NANCY COCKE daughter of George and Agnes Cocke.

From: Campbell County, Virginia, Order Book, taken from Virginia Magazine of Hist. & Biography, Vol. 36, p. 259:

Court for 7th. March, 1782, Ordered:

JOSEPH STITH, Plummer Thurston, Shildrake Brown, Jr., and Charles Gilliam produced commissions and took the oath as Ensigns of Militia for this county.

The exact date Joseph STITH and wife left Campbell Co., Virginia, for Kentucky is not known. Meade County, Kentucky, was not organized until 1823 from Hardin and Breckinridge Counties. By 1832 Meade County only had four voting Precincts and it took three days to hold the election and officers received $1.00 per day.

Monday 25th of June, 1832.

Ordered that Joseph STITH and William Garnett, Esq., be and they are hereby appointed Judges to superintend the General Election to be held in the present year at Plaindealing and that Martin Nall be appointed clerk of said Election.

Tuesday, 26 Nov., 1833.

(Meade County Court now sitting.)

Certified to the Auditor or ordered that it be public accounts that Joseph STITH be allowed the sum of $25.00 for service rendered as commissioner in taking in list of adable property the present Year in the Eastern and upper half of this County.


Declaration in Order to Obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, of the 7th of June 1832. And ordered to be entered of record as follows:

State of Kentucky, Meade County Sct. On this 24th day of Sept., 1832 personally appeared before the County Court of Meade County now sitting, he at the Court House in the Town of Brandenburg and County aforesaid JOSEPH STITH a resident of said County aged 73 years, who being duly sworn according to law doth on his Oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by an Act of Congress passed 7th June, 1832.

That he the said Joseph STITH enlisted in the Winter or Spring of 1776 in the Continental Service for two years in the Company of Captain Harvey Terrell of Bedford County, Virginia, 5th Virginia Regiment Commanded by Col. Josiah Parker, in the Spring of ‘76 ordered to Hobbs Hole.

Countermanded to Williamsburg, thence to James Town from that by Portsmouth to Norfolk, and from thence back to Williamsburg to the College Camps, thence Ordered to take Shipping at the nearest Port and land at the HEAD OF ELK. But myself being indisposed and not able to march, I was left behind, and some time in the fall of ‘76 through the influence of Cable Wallace I obtained a furlough to return home and leave to furnish a Substitute on account of the aforesaid indisposition. And in the Winter or Spring of ‘77 procured and furnished James Weaver as my Substitute, having served myself about 9 to 11 Months in the Continental Army.

The above mentioned affliction was so severe as to disqualify me from Service for the next two or three years.

I then volunteered in the Militia Service in a Company Commanded by Capt. John H. Holt; in this Tour I was ensign to the Company, but was appointed and acted as Adjutant of the Regiment, Commanded I believe by Colonel Stubblefield a Continental Officer at the time Supernumerary.

I then served a Second Tour as Ensign under the Command of Captain David Beard of Bedford County, Virginia. In this Service or Tour I was at the Siege of York and the Surrender of Cornwallis in the close of my Service.

And I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a Pension or annuity except the present, and declare that my name is not on the Pension Roll of any agency in any State.


Sworn to and subscribed by the applicant in Open Court on the day and year aforesaid.

We, Joseph Hardaway and Benjamine STITH, Senior, do hereby Certify that we are well acquainted with Joseph STITH who has Subscribed and sworn to the foregoing declaration, that we believe him to be Seventy Three years of age. That he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that Opinion.

Benjamine STITH.

Sworn and subscribed to by the affiants in Open Court on the day and year aforesaid.

And the Court do hereby declare their Opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after hearing said STITH make his said declaration upon Oath as required by the War Department. That he the said Joseph STITH the applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served in the capacity as he stated.

And the Court further Certifies that it appears to them that the said Benjamin STITH, Sen., of Hardin County, Kentucky, and Joseph Hardaway of the State of Tennessee, who have signed the foregoing Certificate are credible persons and that their Statement is suitable to full credit.

I, Eliska Youtsler a Notary Public of Meade County, Kentucky - Do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect copy of the Declaration of Joseph STITH’s Revolutionary War Service.

Recorded in Minute Book B. Meade County, Kentucky, Court Records p. 262. In testimony where of I affix my hand and official Seal this 15 day of December 1833. (L933.)

My Commission expires Dec. 5, 1935.

Eliska Youtsler

Notary Public


Under Date of April 18, 1936:

Reference is made to your letter in which you request the record of JOSEPH STITH a soldier of the Revolutionary War of Bedford County, Virginia.

The data which follow are obtained from the papers on file in Revolutionary War pension claim W. 8750, based upon the military service of JOSEPH STITH IN THAT WAR.

JOSEPH STITH THE SON OF RICHARD AND LUCY STITH, was born September 6, 1759. The place of his birth is not shown.

While a resident of Bedford County, Virginia, Joseph STITH enlisted in the winter or spring of 1778 and served nine or eleven months as a private in Captain Harry Terrell's Company, Colonel Josiah Parkerts Virginia Regiment. Owing to severe illness, he was furloughed and furnished a substitute for two or three years; enlisted again and served as Adjutant and Ensign in Captain John H. Holt's Company, Colonel Stubblefield's Regiment; at the end of this tour, he enlisted and served as ensign in Captain David Beards Company in which tour he was at the Siege of Yorktown. Dates of enlistment and discharges are not given.

He moved to Breckinridge County, Kentucky, from Bedford County, Virginia thence to Meade County, Kentucky, where he was residing when he was allowed pension on his application executed September 24, 1832.

Soldier married September 8, 1782, in Campbell County or in Bedford County, Virginia, Nancy, daughter of George and Agnes Cock. (The spelling of the name is Cocke but the "e" was omitted when the copy was made in Washington, DC) (Joseph & Nancy were married in Campbell County, Va.) Nancy Cocke was born April 29, 1761. The Soldier died November 3, 1837, in Meade County, Kentucky, and his widow, Nancy, died February 16, 1842, in same county.

Children of Joseph & Nancy Cocke STITH:

  1. William Bathurst STITH, born May 2, 1784; md. March 29, 1806, Harriot B. Hall, born November or December 27, 1783, daughter of Robert and Mary Hall. William Bathurst STITH died October 6. 1829. (The Veteran’s Administration did not have the complete account just above. William Bathurst STITH married 2nd, Polly Jordan on Oct. 2, 1810. Polly was born July 28, 1795; died Aug. 12, 1853. She was a cousin of William B. STITH before marriage.)
  2. Richard L. STITH born January 26, 1786. (More later.)
  3. Thomas STITH, born January 23, 1788, md. April 14, 1810, Ann McGee. Thomas STITH died October 6, 1819.
  4. John STITH, born January 21, 1790; died November 22, 1833. (Known as Rev. Jack STITH to distinguish him from his uncle Dr. John STITH of Big Spring, Kentucky. Rev. Jack STITH was a Methodist minister; his biography given in Redford's History of Southern Methodism, in Kentucky.)
  5. Polly (Mary) STITH, born March 7, 1792, md. Board.
  6. Elizabeth STITH, born June 16, 1794; md. Richard Buckner Hardaway.
  7. Buckner STITH, born Sept. 12, 1796; died October 26, 1807.
  8. Nancy STITH, born Sept. 5, 1798; md. Feb. 19, 1818, Thomas P. Hardaway.
  9. Joseph STITH, born December 27, 1800; died June 8, 1818.
  10. Patsey (Martha) STITH, born June 3, 1803; md. Isaac Hynes.

In 1851 the surviving children were Polly Board, Elizabeth Hardaway, Nancy Hardaway and Patsey Hynes.

Joseph STITH must have been quite fond of a granddaughter because the Veteran's Administration has recorded the following: Nancy STITH, daughter of Bathurst and Harriot STITH, born November 3, 1809.

Signed: A.D..Hiller, Executive Assistant to the Administrator,

In reply refer to: BA-J/MMF/441. JOSEPH STITH - W.8750.

The Will of Joseph STITH is found in Will Book B. Meade County, Kentucky Records, Page 10. He constituted his son-in-law Thomas P. Hardaway and his son RICHARD STITH, Executors. The date was April 19, 1836. The witnesses to the Will were: Benjamin Sprigg, Matthew C. STITH and Samuel Belwood. The Will was probated January 1, 1838, and recorded January 24, 1838. William Fairleigh was Clerk of Court.

(Line of Richard STITH head of the Sixth Generation follows next.)


RICHARD STITH or RICHARD L. STITH as he signed his name, was born Jan. 26, 1786, undoubtedly in Campbell County, Virginia; died in Jasper County, Missouri, October 25, 1844. He lived for a time in Hardin and Meade Counties in Kentucky. The History of Southern Methodism in Kentucky, by Redford, states he was at the bedside of his brother Rev. Jack STITH when the minister died in 1833. We will presently see that he was in Hardin County, Kentucky, much earlier.

Because of Richard STITH's grandfather Richard STITH, Senior, having surveyed Campbell County, Virginia, which was taken from Bedford County, and the fact that Richard STITH, Senior's, will was probated in Campbell County, it was assumed that Richard L. STITH was born in Campbell, but the Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Volume VI, page 999, gives the following:


April 9, 1805. Richard STITH and Elizabeth Ann Jordan, daughter of William. Joseph STITH, Surety. (Joseph was Richard's fatther.) It is assumed from the above that Richard L. STITH remained in Bedford with his father until his marriage. But it was very shortly after that he and bride left Virginia for Kentucky, as follows:


Vol. 1, pp. 457-60, published in 1868. Southern Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, Tennessee.

(Quoting from a letter from the Rev. H. C. MCQuown of Hartford, Kentucky.)

"During the Conference-year commencing in the Fall of 1804, this circuit was blessed with extensive revivals in religion. They swept, like fire in dry stubble, all over the country. The people went from far and near to attend them, were awakened, and converted to God."

"During this year, Mr. Walker, entered Breckinridge County and organized a society at Thomas STITH's on the road from Hardinsburg to Louisville, sixteen miles from the former place. The names of the members who composed this society were: Thomas and Rhoda STITH. William and Nancy STITH. Richard and Betsey STITH. (Note: This Richard STITH just mentioned was Richard STITH, Jr., son of Richard STITH, Senior, and Lucy Hall STITH; he an uncle of Richard L. STITH subject of this sketch (sixth generation.) Matthew Sanders, Mrs. Jordan and her two daughters, Lucy and Katy, LITTLE DICKIE STITH and HIS WIFE (she was Elizabeth Ann Jordan), and Betsey Hardaway thirteen members."

Richard L. STITH was known to his family and intimate friends as "Little Dickie STITH." The records show that Richard L. STITH and wife Elizabeth Ann Jordan were first cousins before their marriage. Elizabeth Ann Jordan's mother was Lucy STITH, sister to Joseph STITH father of Richard L. STITH.

Elizabeth Ann Jordan's father left a Will in Breckinridge County, Ky., found in Will Book 1, page 15, dated Feb. 15, 1817. Probated May Court 1817, names wife Lucy (STITH) and children:

Elizabeth Ann Jordan - STITH

Polly Jordan - STITH

Katharine or Katherine Jordan - King

Richard STITH Jordan, under age (Quote)

"Having given Woodson more than I have the rest."

Son Samuel Jordan and son-in-law Richard STITH, extrs. (Executors.)

"Marriage Bonds in Goochland County, Va.," as found in Vol. 7, page 106, William & Mary Col. Quarterly:

Nov. 16th., 1771, William Jordan, son of Charles Jordan, to Elizabeth Woodson, daughter of Joseph Woodson; security, Matthew Jordan, Joseph Woodson's letter of consent; Charles Jordan's letter of consent."

In the "Register of St. James Parish, Goochland County, Va., as given in William & Mary Quar., Vol. 15, p. 119, we find under "Births" William Jordan and Elizabeth Woodson, Woodson, born Dec. 27th, 1772. No other entry of birth to this couple is found and it is probable that Elizabeth (Woodson) Jordan died very soon after the birth of her son Woodson. In Bell's Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co., Va., page 277, under the Ragsdale Family, we find the record of Woodson Jordan to Jemima Ragsdale, July 12th, 1792. It is also listed in Lunenburg Co., Marriages.

CAPTAIN WILLIAM JORDAN married (2nd.) LUCY STITH, b. 3/12/1761; md. June 15, 1780.


References: Edward Pleasant's Valentine Papers, Vol. 11, p. 638.

Order Book, Campbell County, Virginia, Records.

Order Book #1 -- page 12.

WILLIAM JORDAN, Owen Franklin, et. cet. severally produced commissions from His Excellency, the Governor, appointing them Militia Captains, in this County, March 1782.

Ordered that the following gentlemen be appointed to take the lists of tithes and taxable property in this County in the present year: among them, Richard STITH, Gentleman, in the bounds of Captain William Jordan's Militia Company, March, 1784 -- Order Book #3.

WILLIAM JORDAN recommended to his Excellency, the Governor as a Militia Colonel, May 1791 ---- Order Book #1.

Reference: "OUR KIN" by Mary Denham Ackerly and Lulu Eastman Jeter-Parker:

Revolutionary Soldiers of Bedford County, Virginia. Bedford County Militia, taken from Order Book 1774-1782.



Children of Richard L. STITH & Elizabeth Ann Jordan STITH:

  1. Bolling STITH, born Dec. 27, 1805; died Oct. 15, 1807.
  2. Jordan STITH, born June 7, 1807, md. Mary Ann Pasley in Meade Co., Ky., and moved to Illinois.
  3. Jensie (Jane?) STITH, born Nov. 21, 1809; md. Pasley in Meade Co., Ky., and moved to Illinois.
  4. Edna STITH, born Dec. 29, 1811; married Pasley and moved to Illinois.
  5. James STITH, born Sept. 24, 1813; married Board.
  6. WILLIAM FLETCHER STITH, SENIOR, b. Aug. 12, 1815; married May 11, 1837 MALINDA PURCELL in Hardin County, Kentucky. (More to follow.)
  7. Nancy STITH, born March 10, 1817; married Hardaway.
  8. Lucy Elizabeth Ann STITH; born May 27, 1818; md. John Purcell.
  9. Elizabeth Ann Jordan STITH first wife of Richard L. STITH was born July 1, 1788; died Sept. 12, 1818, when her last-born child was a tiny infant. Richard L. STITH was married the second time to SARAH SPRIGG on July 16, 1819. License dated July 10, 1819, Hardin Co., Kentucky. Sarah Sprigg was a daughter of Leven Sprigg of Meade County, Kentucky, a descendant of the famous Sprigg Family of Maryland.

    Children of Richard L. STITH and Sarah Sprigg STITH:

  10. Ellen STITH, born July 5, 1820. Md. 1st. Greer; 2nd. Mr. Trent. Lived to a ripe old age; was for a time under the care in Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri, of the Albert Hardaway family, until their removal to California in 1902 when Ellen STITH Greer Trent returned to Texas with her children where she died.
  11. Mary STITH, born Dee. 23, 1822. Md. Thomas Hardaway father of Albert Hardaway of Carthage, Jasper Co., Mo., who later removed to California.
  12. Sarah STITH born Aug. 15, 1824; died Aug. 31, 1824.
  13. Richard Otho STITH, born April 22, 1826; died March 15, 1849. He was married according to Elizabeth Hardaway STITH of Jasper County, Mo., who later died in Selma, California, at a ripe old age, but she didn't know to whom Richard Otho STITH was married. Her old Bible giving, all dates herein shown, was destroyed by flood waters in Selma, California, after her death.
  14. Katherine STITH, born Aug. 21, 1827; called "Aunt Calla" married Mr. Davis.
  15. Rebecca STITH, born Aug. 25, 1831; died Dec. 17, 1833.
  16. John L. STITH, born October 13, 1836; died March 5, 1840.

The date of death of 2nd. wife of Richard L. STITH (Sarah Sprigg STITH) is unknown.,

(Seventh Generation follows.)


WILLIAM FLETCHER STITH, SENIOR, son of Richard L. STITH and first wife Elizabeth Jordan STITH, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, August 12, 1815; married in Hardin County, May 11, 1837, to MALINDA PURCELL (born March 17, 1813, in Hardin Co., Ky., died March 15, 1888, aged 74 years, almost 75, in Jasper County, Missouri, and buried there.) (She was a daughter of James Purcell whose will is found in Hardin County dated 1851, and his wife Rachel Forker Purcell - in one place this name is spelled Falker but the county records give the name Forker as correct.)

William Fletcher STITH, Senior, died Nov. 15, 1881, aged 66 years and two months. He and wife are buried in Jasper County, Missouri.

Children of William Fletcher STITH, Sr. & Malinda Purcell STITH:

  1. Rachel A. STITH was born March 8th, 1838; married James Martin, Nov. 11th, 1858. She died in 1864 aged 26 years.
  2. Mathias or Matthias T. STITH born May 11, 1839; married his cousin Lucy Ann STITH, Nov. 26, 1857. Matthias STITH died May 15, 1860, aged 21 years and 3 days.
  3. Mary E. STITH born Aug. 16, 1843; married Daniel Prigmore.
  4. Nancy E. or Nancy C. STITH, born October 21, 1845; married Evan Hutchins.
  5. JAMES RICHARD STITH, born June 11, 1847. (More later.)
  6. Lucy E. STITH born Sept. 27th, 1849; md. Alfred Hubbard, June 17th, 1874.
  7. John Purcell STITH born April 12th, 1852; died Jan. 27th, 1855, aged two years, ten months and sixteen days.
  8. Wm. Fletcher STITH, Jr., b. Feb. 6, 1855; married March 2, 1876, Henriett Hubbard. She died Nov. 9, 1941; he died Dec. 30, 1946, in his 92nd year.


JAMES RICHARD STITH, born June 11, 1847, in Jasper County, Missouri; married in Carthage, Jasper Co., Mo., Dec, 15, 1881, to OPHELIA HAYNES (born Jan. 17, 1856, in Breckinridge Co., Kentucky) daughter of William Washington Haynes and Elizabeth Woolfolk Haynes of Hardin and Meade County; living for a time in Breckinridge County also. Ophelia Haynes was born in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, married in Jasper County, Missouri, and died Jan. 3, 1942, in Seattle, Washington, in her 86th year.

Ophelia Haynes was a direct descendant of the Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy of France and his noble wife Countess Susanna Lavillon Dupuy. They fled France during the uprisings caused by Revocation of Edict of Nantes, when all Protestants were persecuted and had to flee France for their lives. The story is graphically told in the volume: THE HUGUENOT BARTHOLOMEW DUPUY & HIS DESCENDANTS, by Rev. B. H. Dupuy. In Bedford County, Virginia, Henry Haynes married Phebe Hatcher in 1801. She was the daughter of Benjamin Hatcher and Mary Dupuy. William Washington Haynes (father of Ophelia Haynes) was born in 1822, youngest of the children of Henry Haynes & Phebe Hatcher Haynes.

James Richard STITH was carpenter by profession; musician and choir director of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Carthage, Jasper County, Mo., before his death. Noted Sunday School worker and teacher. He died in Carthage, Jasper County, Mo., Jan. 10, 1892, and buried in Stafford Cemetery north of Carthage.

Children of James Richard STITH & Ophelia Haynes STITH:

  1. Henry Marks STITH, b. in Jasper County, Mo., July 7, 1883; Md. Emma Ann Osborn, Oct. 25, 1910.
  2. Anna May STITH, born in Jasper County, Mo., April 28, 1885. Educated in public schools in Jasper Co., Missouri, then graduated in Seattle, Washington, from Broadway High School in class of 1904. Married in Seattle, Washington, Nov. 14, 1906, to Albert Leroy Ewing.
  3. Estie Malinda STITH, born March 12, 1887. Married Benjamin Franklin Crabbe, in Seattle, Washington, June 14, 1920.
  4. John Paxton STITH, born April 27, 1890, in Jasper County, Mo.; Married December 31, 1914, to Edna May Day.


Children of John Paxton STITH & Edna May Day STITH:

  1. Harriet Amelia STITH.
  2. John Richard STITH.

John Paxton STITH father of the above two children died May 18, 1926


John Richard STITH, Md Marie A. Price

  1. Ernest James STITH
  2. Laura Lynn STITH
  3. John Paxton STITH, the 2nd, B. Feb. 6, 1960, D. "Don't rush me", Md. June 25, 1988 "sort of died"


STITH line of descent of JOHN PAXTON STITH II

Additional Family History: See report by Dr. Christopher Johnston, Baltimore, Md.