From the computer file of Harriet Fast Scott, October 2000
Compiled by Harriet Fast Scott
INTRODUCTION Photo Copy of the Book Return to the Stith Page |
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SAUNDERS, or WOOLFOLK sound familiar? This is the second collections of letters about
these families, and many others.
STITH KIN I contained the letters Estie Stith Crabbe wrote from 1943 to 1956 to "Dear
Cousin William" -- William Allen Stith of Stith Valley, Kentucky. In that book I
related how I found the "lost" letters in the files rescued from my parents'
house in Brandenburg, Kentucky, after it was levelled by the tornado that roared through
the area in April 1974.
After I finished indexing the letters to "Cousin William," I began another
search for Estie Stith Crabbe's letters to my mother -- Frances Shacklett Fast --
"Dear Cousin Frances." I had read them thirty years ago and remembered what a
wealth of information they contained. But I had never found them again after the tornado.
Words cannot express the feeling I got when I found them in a rain-stained gray box hidden
under some letters from someone else. I could not believe my eyes. I last had seen them
stashed away in a closet in a wall that completely disappeared in the tornado. Even though
pieces of plaster and dried dirt dropped out of the box as I lifted out the precious
letters, they were undamaged. I had already located just a few letters from my mother to
Cousin Estie that had been found in the wreckage box but these were covered with grime and
had to be "washed" and "ironed" in order to be read.
This group of letters in STITH KIN II is quite different from the letters to "Dear
Cousin William." For one thing, they include the thin, onion-skin carbon copies of
the reply letters from my mother to "Dear Cousin Estie." This is a two-way
conversation between two women who often began with personal reports of what they were
In this way, we can follow the progress of Cousin Estie from her exuberant beginning in
1933 when she sent out a call in the form of a questionnaire to Haynes - Stith kin asking
for information -- to the still valiant Estie of 1966 as she approached her eightieth
year. The plan was modest in the beginning -- tracing the descendants of William, Henry
and Millner Haynes, the three brothers who came to Kentucky from Virginia, and the
descendants of Richard L. Stith and Elizabeth Ann Jordan, and of his second wife, Sarah
Sprigg. But as Haynes and Stiths from all over the country sent in replies, the task
expanded from a few hundred pages to over fifteen hundred pages just for the Stiths!
"Cousin Frances" was as busy as "Cousin Estie." She moved from New
York to Pennsylvania and finally back to Brandenburg, Kentucky, where they had been
married. There my father, Byron M. Fast, was elected Mayor shortly after he retired from
more than thirty years with the General Electric Company and later the Pennsylvania
Electric Company. He retired a second time after fifteen years in office. He and my mother
worked hard on the town council to bring modern amenities to the town.
In her spare time, my mother carried out a large correspondence of her own, answering
genealogical inquiries sent to the town clerk, copying church records, collecting names
from cemeteries all over Meade County. Many trips were made to the nearby county seats of
Hardin and Breckenridge or to the Filson Club in Louisville to find a marriage record or a
will. She helped organize a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in
Brandenburg. Then there were visits to New Jersey to see son Charles, his wife Jane and
their five children. More trips to Alabama or Washington, D.C. to visit me and my family.
And company came to Brandenburg. My father's comment after my mother died (March 15, 1968)
was "When did she find time to do all this?"
In an effort to complete STITH KIN II for the 100th birthday of my mother, Frances
Shacklett Fast, on 9 September 1991, and to be in time for the annual
Stith-Ashcraft-Richardson-Shacklett Reunion in Brandenburg, Kentucky, the fourth Sunday in
August, I have raced against time. Here is the result.
Cousin Estie mentions several things like the Hardaway Tree and the Stith Genealogy by Dr.
Christopher Johnston which I intend to put in another volume. She also refers to various
papers she has enclosed that were probably placed in other files by my mother. I will try
to find them. "Cousin Frances" compiled a Stith history which will have to be
typed up. I have found one letter to "Dear Cousin Ruth," my husband's mother,
Ruth Fontaine Scott (see page 268), written in 1934. In it Estie explains who she is and
what she wants to do. There may be other letters to "Cousin Ruth" hidden in a
box in someone's attic. Stay tuned.
I still wonder if Cousin Estie got her material published. Her last letter to "Dear
Cousin Frances" (page 266), dated September 26 to 28, 1966, tells the results of the
brutal mugging that destroyed her health in 1963, just shortly after her dear husband,
Benjamin Franklin Crabbe, died.
In her early letters there are wonderful comments on hunting and fishing trips, streams of
company, many moves around California. What energy! She speaks of piles of letters
greeting her on her return from such outings. How enthusiastically she tackled the job of
But as the years roll by you will see how Cousin Estie was being drowned by all the
information pouring in. Encouraged by interested relatives who wanted to widen and deepen
the coverage, the family tree began to grew beyond manageable limits. Time after time,
Cousin Estie expanded her files, taking her search back to Virginia and then overseas to
the British Isles in search of the original ancestors.
Cousin Estie spent a vast amount of time and put great effort into typing copies of papers
and even whole books. And often she made more copies to share with her army of
correspondents around the country. Notes written by hand in various libraries had to be
typed out at home. What she could have done with a xerox! The valuable bible records she
spent so much time trying to get could have been copied in seconds. And if only she had
had a modern computer to keep up with all the hundreds of people in her files! She could
have published a dozen books of her valuable findings.
Never, it seems, did the press of time cause her to make a mistake in her typing. Every
name and every date is carefully reproduced. I have not seen a typo in her letters and the
originals show no sign of being erased.
For anyone who have tried to trace the families given here, the problems she puts to
"Cousin Frances" are the knotty problems others have run into. The search for
some missing links is a theme that run through the letters for years. Each time the
mystery gets a little closer to solution. "I will send for his will," she writes
again and again. More often than not, the wills are not there or were burned by a fire and
lost in the Civil War.
Even the last letter, written while preparing to move from Oakland to Seattle contains
family data. "Such were the good old days - GONE FOREVER!" she wrote. "I
must close," she wrote. "Time is getting short." The manuscripts are being
packed into cedar chests for the trip to Seattle. She is under doctors' orders not to type
too long. Yet despite the pain she was obviously suffering, the indomitable Cousin Estie
closes with a flourish:
"Here's to you!"
Cousin Estie and Cousin Frances never met. But they cared. This was not a quest for
snobbery. No person can rest on the laurels of another's accomplishments. But you can find
encouragement in what you ancestors were and what they did. They wanted the younger
generations of the family to know what struggles their forefathers had gone through to
carve a nation out of the wilderness. This is the history of the settlement of Colonial
Virginia and early Kentucky They make special note of those who fought in the American
Revolution or contributed to it. But as individuals in the family moved further West, the
links to earlier times were broken and, in many cases, forgotten. They wanted them to know
they belonged to a family.
"Cousin Frances" spent a lifetime preserving history, not just for her own
family, but for hundreds of others to whom she was not even related. Graveyards disappear,
courthouses burn, church records get thrown out. As the world speeds up, families grow
smaller and divorces increase. Where are my roots, the teenager asks, "Where do I
belong? Does anybody care?" The answer is yes. Remember, in ten generations you have
had over a thousand ancestors!
So, cousins, these letters are your heritage. Here's to you!
(Women's MARRIED names in parentheses)
(Aunt) Sallie 19
ABELL -Abel-Able
Abell, Nancy Catherine (Stith) 68
Abell, Narcissa 3
Abell, Narcissa (Haynes) 32,49,68,73,79
Abell, Narcissa (Williams) 73,79
Abell, Narcissa Robert (Read-Ford) 73
Abell, Robert 32,68,73,138
Abell, Robert S. 49,79,223
Abell, Washington 11
ABERNATHY, John N. 106,149
Abernathy, Mary Belle Stith (Murphy)
Abernathy, Willie B. (Mrs) 121,124,125
ABSTON, Jesse 188
Abston, Mary (Pate) 188
ADAMS, (female) (Berry) 15
Adams, Evelyn Crady 91,95
Adams, Henry 29
Adams, Robert 206
Adams, Samuel 29
ADKISSON, Leona Cain 14
AINSWORTH, (Mrs) 108,109,111,113
ALDEN family 120
Alden, John 109,112,118
Alden, Priscilla Mullins 109,112
Alexander, Mariah (Woolfolk) 66
Alexander, Robert 198
ALLEN family 97
Allen, Alfred 22
Allen, Ethel Hynes 166,168
Allen, Jo 199
Allen, Joseph 250
ALLISON, Lucy (Purcell) 174
ALVERSON, Catherine Jordan (King) 111
Alverson, Pleasant 111
Anderson, Eula Lee Stith (Ashcraft)
Anderson, Eula Lee Stith (Hunter) 106
Anderson, George Hicks 106,149
Anderson, Robert 188,208
Anderson, Sarah Pate 188,208
Anderson, William 188,208
ARCHIE, Nell Bleakley 147
ARGUS, Virginia 211
ARMSTRONG, Cornelia Haynes 223
ASHBY, Nancy Browning 25
ASHCRAFT, (female) Bunger 149
Ashcraft, Davis 149
Ashcraft, Emma Dugan 69
Ashcraft, Eula Lee Stith (Anderson) 149
Ashcraft, Rachel (Shacklett) 149
Ashcraft, Robert (Mrs) 69
Ashcraft, Will 16
ASHTON, Burditt 232
ASTON family 228
ATKINSON, Eliza 200,222,223,224,228
AUSTIN, George 232
Austin, Lucretia Brumfield 225
Austin, Robert 232
AYRES, John (Rev) 189
BABBAGE, Mildred 133
BACON, Elizabeth (Halloway-Nuthall) 57
BAILEY - Baily
Bailey, Holly (Stith) 196,199,232,259,
BAKER, Dr 22
BALLARD, Richard 69
BANDY, Alice (Stith) 106,149,151
Bandy, Lottie (Wilson) 224
BANNISTER, John (Colonel) 41
Bannister, Martha (Bolling) 41
Bannister, Mary Tabb (Marshall) 41
BARNES, (Judge) 22
Barnes, Marjorie Stith 53,54,136
BARNETT family 55
Barnett, Elizabeth (Woolfolk) 62,71
Barnett, J.D. 60
BASHAM, Elizabeth (Meador) 207
Basham, William 207
BASKET, Will 16
BASSETT, Joanna (Stith) 233
BATHURST, Edward 215
Bathurst, Lancelot 215,216
Bathurst, Robert 215
Bathurst, Susanna 200
Bathurst, Susanna(h) (Stith) 52,210
BATTE, Amy (Jones) 198
BAXTER, Elsie (Stith) 149
BEALE, Elizabeth 170
Beale, Elizabeth (Carter) 170
Beale, Lucy Carter 170
Beale, Reuben 170
Beale, Thomas 170
Beale, William (Captain) 170
Beale, Winifred Travers (Carter) 170
BEALL, Esther, Belt 57
Beall, Ninian (Colonel) 57
Beall?, Margery (Sprigg-Belt) 57
BEALMEAR, Samuel 51
BEARD, Bill 22
Beard, Clayton 22
Beard, Elizabeth Hensley 22,88
Beard, Frank 22
Beard, Green 22,89
Beard, Green M. 22,88
Beard, Taylor 22
Beard, William 22,88
BEARLEY, James W. (Rev) 5
BEASLEY, Annis Stith 14
BECNAL, (Mrs) 218,219
BEELER?, John 22
BELLER?, John 22
BELLOW, Henry 36
BELLWOOD, Samuel 52
BELT, Esther (Beall) 57
Belt, Humphrey 57
Belt, Joseph (Colonel) 57
Belt, Margery 57
Belt, Margery Beall? (Sprigg) 57
Belt, Mary (Sprigg) 57
BELWOOD, Samuel 135
BENAGH, James (Mr) 27,28
BENDER, (female) (Pate) 188,208
BERKELEY, Elizabeth Carter 170
Berkeley, Nelson 170
BERRY, Mrs. (Adams) 15
BERRYMAN, Nancy (Moorman) 157
BEVERLEY, Robert 170
BEWLEY, Ida May Stith 106,149
Bewley, Nathan S. 106,149
Bewley, Susannah (Sue) Henderson Stith
Bewley, William 106,149
BIBB family 55
Bibb, Betty (Hardaway) 165
Bibb, Christian (Woolfolk) 71
BICKEL, Mary Dupuy 3
BICKETTS, Sarah (Haynes) 32
BILBRO, James 26,27
BIRCHETT, Edward 231
BLACKWELL, Lucinda (Stith) 219
Blackwell, Moses 27,28
Blackwell, Thomas (Capt) 219
BLAIKLEY, Catherine Kaidyee 194
Blaikley, Mary (Stith) 194
Blaikley, William 194
BLAIR family 234
BLAKELY, Naomi Stith (White-Overton) 173
Blakely, William 173
BLAND family 216
Bland, Benjamin 71
Bland, C. Henry 116
Bland, Charles Henry 66,71
Bland, Elizabeth B. Stith 66
Bland, Elizabeth Harrison 216
Bland, Elizabeth Stith 116
Bland, ffrancis 216
Bland, Frances Bolling 39,40,122,123
Bland, Francis 216
Bland, George R. 71,116
Bland, Jane Marshall 216
Bland, Mary (Bland) 216
Bland, Mary (Downing) 71,116
Bland, Mary Rolf 71
Bland, Nathaniel R. 71,116
Bland, Theodrick 39,40,122,123
Bland, Thomas 216
BLEAKLEY, Ada Stith (Long) 147
Bleakley, Eugenia Carrico 147
Bleakley, Nell (Archie) 147
Bleakley, Sherley (Leftwich) 147
BLEDSOE, Dovie (Stith) 147
BOARD family 182,192,198,247
Board, (female) (Craycroft) 98
Board, (female) (Frymire) 98
Board, (female) (Hardaway) 185
Board, (female) (Horsley) 168
Board, (female) (Stith) 8
Board, (female) Maize 199
Board, Absalom 168
Board, Catharine (Shrewsbury?) 154
Board, Christopher 35
Board, Eliza 22
Board, Elizabeth 16
Board, Elizabeth A. 154,159
Board, Emma 148
Board, Essie Skillman 98
Board, Fanny Mary Haynes 223
Board, Frances (Fanny) Moredock 224
Board, Henderson 154
Board, Henry 154
Board, James 98,155,157,168
Board, James Polk 224
Board, Jefferson 157
Board, Jemima 98
Board, John 98,154,159,168,168,207
Board, Jubal 182,199
Board, Kate Irene 164
Board, Lucindia? 156
Board, Lucy (Skillman) 98,182
Board, Lucy H. Jordan 182
Board, Lydia 154,156,159,164
Board, Lydia (Board) 157,225
Board, Marcus L. 199
Board, Mary 154,159,168
Board, Mary (Dowell) 155
Board, Mary (Hardaway) 152,155,164,176
Board, Mary (Hix) 168
Board, Mary (Polly) (Hardaway) 182,183,
Board, Mary (Polly) Stith 152,154,155,
Board, Mary E. 154,159
Board, Mary Ferguson 168
Board, Mary Jane 199
Board, Mary Jane (Moorman) 199
Board, Micajah 50
Board, Milton (Dr) 74,156,157,158,159,
Board, Nancy (Meador) 207
Board, Nancy (Skillman) 98,182
Board, Nancy (Stith) 35,50
Board, Nathan 192
Board, Nathaniel 192
Board, Nehemiah 152,154,155,156,157,159,
Board, Polly 164,168
Board, Richard 34
Board, Robert 154,156,157,159,203,225
Board, Robert V. 164
Board, Sally 182
Board, Sally Dent 199
Board, Sally Hardaway 203
Board, Stephen 168
Board, Susan Mary Haynes 37
Board, Susan Moorman 157
Board, Thomas H. 223
Board, William 98,168,182,183,186,199,
Board, William J. 199
Board, William W. (Dr) 154,159
BOGARDUS, (Rev) 112
Bogardus, Anneke Jans 112
BOLLING - BOLING family 143,150,162,
Bolling, Agnes 41,163
Bolling, Alexander 39,41,122,123
Bolling, Amanda (Stith) 112,139,146,
Bolling, Anne 41,123,163
Bolling, Ann(e) Cocke 39,41,113,118,122,
Bolling, Ann(e) Merriwe(a)ther 113,118,
Bolling, Anne (Hall) 39,40,41,85,123
Bolling, Anne Stith 41,163
Bolling, Catherine Stith 195
Bolling, Drury 39,40,41,122,123,163
Bolling, Edward 41,163
Bolling, Elizabeth (Munford) 41
Bolling, Elizabeth Meriweather 39,122
Bolling, Frances (Bland) 39,40,122,123
Bolling, Jane (Miller) 41
Bolling, Jane (Randolph) 228
Bolling, Jane Rolfe 41,146
Bolling, John 41,146,228
Bolling, John C. 149,150
Bolling, Johnny 150
Bolling, Lucy (Randolph) 41
Bolling, Martha (Eppes) 41
Bolling, Martha Bannister 41
Bolling, Mary (Starke) 40,41
Bolling, Mary Kennon 41
Bolling, Mary Pryor 39,122
Bolling, Matilda Shacklett 149
Bolling, Robert 39,40,41,113,118,122,
Bolling, Robert II 143,198
Bolling, Stith 41,163,221
Bolling, Susanna (Bolling) 39,41,123
Bolling, Thomas 41,163
Bolling, William 146,149
BOON, Joseph T. (Mrs) 242
BOONE, Elizabeth (Haynes) 63,64
BOORMAN, John (Dr) 63
Boorman, John H. 30 (Moorman?)
Boorman, Mahala Ann Harris (Woolfolk) 63
BOTECOURT, John Simmons 28?
BOULDIN, Thomas S. 27
BOWMER, Catherine Agnes 65
Bowmer, Elizabeth 61,65
Bowmer, Emily 61,65
Bowmer, Emily (Stith) 117
Bowmer, Emily Haynes (Stith) 33,65
Bowmer, Margaret Thomas Sterritt 65
Bowmer, Mary Elizabeth (Skillman) 65
Bowmer, Robert 61,65
Bowmer, Robert Henry 65
Bowmer, William 33,61,65
Bowmer, William Haynes 65
BRADBURY, Mattie 253
Bradbury, Mattie Stith 253
BRANCH, Avered 28
BRANDENBURG, Nancy (Haynes) 32,49
Brandenburg, Sarah 14
Brandenburg, Solomon 12
Brandenburg, Swan 12,13,14
BRANDON, Allen Dyer 147
Brandon, Eloise Dyer 147
Brandon, James C. 147
Brandon, Marvin 147
BRANHAM, Nancy Melissa (Stith) 37
BREWER, Ruth (Stith) 147
BRIGGS, Orlando 219
Briggs, Rebecca Washington 219
BROACH, Zilla (Pate) 188,208
BROWN, Aaron (Rev) 231,232
Brown, Audrey (Moorman) 70
Brown, Beulah Henderson 16
Brown, Claudia Elizabeth Stith 106,149
Brown, Dan 37
Brown, Daniel 27
Brown, Elizabeth Long 130
Brown, George W. 130
Brown, Henry 27
Brown, John H. 28
Brown, Mary A. (Haynes) 223
Brown, Rose Stith 37
Brown, Sally C. (Haynes) 101
Brown, Samuel 111
Brown, Shadrack 176
Brown, Thomas D. 237,240
Brown, William 11,106
Brown, William E. 149
Brown, Wm. H. 27,28
BROWNING, (female) (Browning) 25
Browning, (female) (Strother) 24
Browning, (female) Pendleton (Ward) 24
Browning, Betsey (Yates) 25
Browning, Betty Strother 25
Browning, Cassie 24
Browning, Charles 24,25
Browning, Elizabeth 24
Browning, Francis (Frank) 24
Browning, James 25
Browning, John 24,25
Browning, Joseph 24,25
Browning, Lloyd 24,25
Browning, Lucy 24,25
Browning, Lucy McClanahan 24
Browning, Milly (Yates) 25
Browning, Molly Strother 24
Browning, Nancy 24
Browning, Nancy (Ashby) 25
Browning, Polly 24
Browning, Polly (Yates) 25
Browning, Polly Yates 24
Browning, Sally (Morrison) 25
Browning, Shadrach 25
Browning, William 24,25
Browning, Willis 24,25
BRUCE, Lavinia (Strother) 24
BRUMFIELD, Elizabeth (Nall) 225
Brumfield, Lucretia (Austin) 225
Brumfield, Nancy Lincoln 225
Brumfield, Polly 225
Brumfield, Susan 225
Brumfield, William 225
BRUNER family 49
Bruner, Helen 141
BUCK, (female) (Pate) 188,208
BUCKLER, Alle(n?) T. 167,168
Buckler, Allen Talbot 42,168
Buckler, E.P. 167
Buckler, Nancy Stith 42,168
Buckler, Rachel F. 167
BUCKNER family 97
Buckner, Elizabeth 216
Buckner, Elizabeth (Stith) 52,58,91,
Buckner, James 28
Buckner, John 180
Buckner, Lucinda Fitzhugh 194
Buckner, Robert 150
Buckner, Thomas Meriweather 150
Buckner, William 194,216,228
BUERGE, Clyde 267
Buerge, Daniel 267
Buerge, Emma Stith 267
BUFORD family 78,83,205
Buford, Abraham 27
Buford, Ann Watts 128
Buford, Ann(a) Pate 250,256
Buford, Anney Pate 206
Buford, Henry 27,28
Buford, John 82,128
Buford, John Jr 128
Buford, John Thomas (Capt) 128
Buford, Judith Early 128
Buford, Mark 82,83
Buford, Nancy (Haynes) 82,128
Buford, Paschal 27
Buford, Rhoda Shrewsberry 128
Buford, William 206,250,256
BUNDURANT, Thomas 28
BUNGER family 111
Bunger, Gertrude Stith 149
Bunger, Sam J. 149
BURCH, Susanna (Haile) 111
BURGE, Bradford 231
Burge, Polly (Jones) 231
BURNS, Edith Virginia Fishback 23
Burns, James Howard (Dr) 23
BURTIS, (Mr) 141,200
BUSH, Judith Emma Moorman (Stith) 146,
BYRD, Maria (Carter) 170
Byrd, William 170
CADY, Rebecca Washington (Washington)
CAIN family 97
Cain, Bessie 184
Cain, Bettie (Flowers) 14
Cain, Beverly 145,152,176,178,186
Cain, Catherine Stith 184
Cain, Charles 184
Cain, Charley 14
Cain, Henry 184
Cain, Lucy Stith 14
Cain, Mal Saunders 184
Cain, Ruth 145,152
Cain, Saunders 184
CALDWELL, Charles 165
Caldwell, Ida Vertrees 165
CALVERT, (female) Carr 24
Calvert, (female) Jenkins 24
Calvert, Anna (Jackson) 24
Calvert, Edward 24
Calvert, George 24
Calvert, Jere 24
Calvert, John 24
Calvert, Kitty (Hollinsworth) 24
Calvert, Lucy (Powers) 24
Calvert, Lydia 24
Calvert, Mary 24
Calvert, Mary Strother 24
Calvert, Nancy (Smith-Spilker) 24
Calvert, Patsey 24
Calvert, Ralls 24
CAMPBELL, Martha Ann Barrett
(Haynes-Poston) 174
Campbell, Martha Anthony Barrett
(Haynes) 64
Campbell, Robert 27,28
Campbell, Thomas 26,27,28
Campbell, William 27,28
CANTERBURY, Elizabeth (Kincheloe) 18
CARDWELL, Elizabeth (Pate) 188,208
CARGILL, Lucy Binns (Jones) 231
CARR, (female) (Calvert) 24
Carr, Elizabeth 51,75
Carr, John 51,75
CARRICO, Albina (Stith) 147
Carrico, Corrine (Frank) (Stith) 147
Carrico, Eugenia (Bleakley) 147
CARTER, (female) (Berkeley) 170
Carter, (female) (Stith) 15
Carter, Beale 170
Carter, Charles 170
Carter, Elizabeth (Berkeley) 170
Carter, Elizabeth Beale 170
Carter, Elizabeth Wormeley 170
Carter, Fanny 170
Carter, George 169
Carter, Janet Hamilton 170
Carter, John 170
Carter, Judith 170
Carter, Judith Fauntleroy 170
Carter, Landon (Colonel) 169,170
Carter, Landon 170
Carter, Lucy 170
Carter, Lucy (Beale) 170
Carter, Maria Byrd 170
Carter, Robert 170,175
Carter, Robert Wormeley 169,170
Carter, Winifred Travers Beale 170
CARY, Anne (Randolph) 228
Cary, Archibald (Colonel) 228
Cary, Mary Randolph 228
Cary, Miles (Colonel) 228
Cary, Nancy (Stith) 228,232
CASHMAN, Martin 27
CATREL, Wm (Mrs)
CAVANAUGH, William 28
CHAMBERS, Agnes (Wootten) 58
CHANDLER, H.E. (Mrs) 83
Chandler, Ruth 129
Chandler, Ruth Naylor 83
CHAPPEL, Robert 28
CHAUNCEY, Alice Hardaway 9
CHICK family 94
Chick, Abram 92
Chick, C.C. 92
Chick, Caroll 92
Chick, Ellen Peyton (Haynes) 17
Chick, George 92
Chick, Louisa 92
Chick, Lulu (Jones) 94
CHILES, Aunt Carrie 53
Chiles, Caroline Stith 53,59,60,131,239
Chiles, L.T. 53
Chiles, Walter (Colonel) 53
Chiles, Walter 131,239
CHURCHILL, Armstead 134
CLACK, Agness Bolling (Jones) 231
Clack, James 231
Clack, Richard 231
CLANAHAN, Colo M. 29
CLARK, Christ 27
Clark, Ellison, 29
CLARKSON, (Mr) 133
Clarkson, (Mrs) 155
Clarkson, Benjamin F. 31
Clarkson, Elizabeth A. Moreman 238
Clarkson, Elizabeth Moorman 31
Clarkson, Harriet Truman 31,238
Clarkson, James F. 31
Clarkson, James Fielding 160,238
Clarkson, James V. (Mrs) 153
Clarkson, Jesse M. 31,238
Clarkson, Julia Richardson 160
Clarkson, Martha E. (Summers) 164
Clarkson, Mary J. (Moorman) 164
Clarkson, Mary J. 156n,164
Clarkson, Mary Orla (Hardaway) 160,215
Clarkson, Olla Mae (Hardaway) 160
CLAYTON, John 210
Clayton, Nancy (Strother) 24,60
CLOUSE, (Mrs) 215
COBB, Charles 121
Cobb, Chas 212
COBBS, Sally Haynes 222
Cobbs, Tilghman 26
COBLE, Nelle 92
COCKE - COCK family 118,228
Cocke, Agnes 242
Cocke, Ann(e) (Bolling) 39,41,113,118,
Cocke, Eleanor Hightower 117
Cocke, Elizabeth (Talbot) 117
Cocke, George 117,242
Cocke, Jemima (Gilbert) 117
Cocke, John 117,211
Cocke, Mary (Kent) 117
Cocke, Mary Tweedy 117
Cocke, Nancy (Stith) 10n,38,41,117,118,
Cocke, Rebecca (Marshall) 117
Cocke, Richard 113
Cocke, Sarah (Kent) 117
Cocke, Thomas 117
Cocke, William 117
COFER, Mary (Stith) 33,117
COLE, Susan (Woolfolk) 66
COLEMAN, Agnes (Stith) 35
Coleman, Hezekiah 230
Coleman, James J. 35
COMPTON, (female) (French) 98
Compton, Rubin 98
CONE, (female) Hardaway 175
CONNALLY, George 127
COOK, R.L.(Mrs) 87
Cook, William 27,28
COOLEY, Susan G. Robinson (Moorman) 155
COOPER, Franklin 253
Cooper, Johnny 253
Cooper, Mary 253
Cooper, Mollie Stith 253
Cooper, Tommy 253
CORLING, Charles 188,208
Corling, Eliza (Levering) 188,208
Corling, Nancy Pate 188,208
CORNWALLIS, General 242
COSBY, Charles L. 156n,164
Cosby, Martha E. 156n
Cosby, Martha E. Clarkson 164
COX, Bessie 178
Cox, David 237,238
Cox, Mary (Purcell) 91,95,237,238
Cox, Phoebe (Stith) 52,53,54,60,62,68,
Cox, Richard 22
CRABBE, Benjamin Franklin 264
Crabbe, Estie Malinda Stith 16,34,35,
CRAGGS, Henry 28
CRAY, Henry 27
CRAYCROFT, (female) Board 98
Craycroft, James 98
CROCK family 20
CROUCHER, William 127
CROZIER, 186,194,196
CRUME family 83,128,225,228
Crume, Mary 225
Crume, Mary Lincoln 225
Crume, Mary Riggs 225
Crume, Nancy (Jordan) 83
Crume, Philip 225
Crume, Ralph 225
Crume, Ralph Jr 225
Crume, Ralph Sr 225
Crume, William 224
CRUMP, Charles 29
CRUTCHER family 11
Crutcher, Burr 226,239
Crutcher, James 130
CUMMIN(G)S, Joicy (Haynes) 64,80
CUNDIFF, Isaac 27,28,29
CURLE, Holly (Saunders) 206
Curle, Jus (Jno) 206
CUSSINS family 232
DABNEY, (female) (Pate) 223
Dabney, Chiswell 26
DARNELL, M.C. (Mrs) 63,64,68,110
DAVIS, (Rev) 36
Davis, Bailey Fulton (Rev) 34
Davis, Cattie Stith 268
Davis, Charles 197,208
Davis, Katherine (Cattie) Stith 8
Davis, Lucy Stith 37
Davis, Ruth Haynes 262,263,264
Davis, Sallie 264
Davis, William A. 62
DAWSON family 20
DEAN, Cornelia Armstrong 61
Dean, John (Rev) 266
Dean, Josie (Moorman) 153
DEHAVEN, Betsy Ann (Haynes) 35
DELAFIELD, Elizabeth Thomson Hanenkamp
Delafield, Wallace 209
DENNIS, Earle (Mrs) 191
DENT, Alex 91
Dent, Mary Peyton 16,17,31,73,74,90,91,
Dent, Nancy (Jordan) 98
Dent, Sally (Board) 199
DEWEESE, Laura (Haynes) 17
DICKEY, George W. 89
Dickey, Letitia Stith 89
DICKIE, Eulalia 129
Dickie, "Pet" Stith 129
DIGBY, Caroline Stith 86,255
Digby, John 86,255
DILLARD, Effie 147
Dillard, John Lloyd 147
Dillard, Lottie Stith 147
Dillard, Russie (Edwards) 147
DITTO, (female) Moorman 16
Ditto, Abe Mrs 12
Ditto, Tom 16
DIXON, Mary (Hall) 41,85
Dixon, Theresa (Metcalf) 75
DODD, Agnes B. 155
DODSON, Elenor Hightower 126
Dodson, Sally (Shacklett) 48
DONOHO, Edward 27
DORSEY, Aizel W. 56
Dorsey, Elanor Sprigg 56
DOUGLAS, Jeannette 156
DOWDEN, Sallie Annie (Stith) 68
DOWDY, Hallie 12
DOWEL, William 36
DOWELL family 247
Dowell, (female) Haynes 64
Dowell, Cinderella (Hardaway-Stith) 192
Dowell, Cinderella (Stith) 100
Dowell, D.D. 64,80
Dowell, D.M. 199
Dowell, Griffin 36
Dowell, Lon 102
Dowell, Lydia (Stith) 101,102
Dowell, Mary Board 155
Dowell, Micajah 207
Dowell, Nehemiah 155
Dowell, Tebe Stith? 102
DOWLING, Ruth 7,193
DOWNING, Della (Jenks) 71,116
Downing, Elizabeth Lee 71,116
Downing, Ella B. 71,116
Downing, Henry Bland 71,116
Downing, Isabelle 71,116
Downing, Mary Bland 71,116
Downing, William Green 71,116
DREW, Peyton 28
DREWRY, Elizabeth Grime 216
Drewry, Jane (Hardaway) (error) 153
Drewry, Theophilus 216
DRURY family 217
Drury, Christian Rathby 216
Drury, Elizabeth Metheringham 216
Drury, Elizabeth Rooke 216
Drury, Henry 216
Drury, John 253
Drury, Theophilus 216
Drury, William 216
DUGAN family 60,69
Dugan, Elizabeth (Bettie) (Morgan) 69
Dugan, Emma (Ashcraft) 69
DUNCAN, Elizabeth A. 226
Duncan, Elizabeth Ann F. Purcell 54
Duncan, Geo.P. 226
Duncan, James 24
Duncan, Polly (Strother) 24
Duncan, Seeny 24
DUNKER, Elizabeth Ann F. Purcell 44,54
DUNNINGTON, Bransom 231
DUPUY, Bartholomew 3
Dupuy, Judge 3
Dupuy, Mary (Bickel) 3
DUVALL, (Rev) 244,246,247
DYER, Ben 147
Dyer, Eloise (Brandon) 147
Dyer, Lula (Warren) 147
Dyer, Pamelia Stith 147
EARLY, Judith (Buford) 128
EATON, Ann(e) Stith 195,234
Eaton, Thomas (not William) 234
Eaton, William 195
ECKHARDT, Ura 74,184
EDGAR, Thomas 29
EDMUNDS, Nathaniel 232
Edmunds, Sally (Field) 231
EDMUNDSON, Constance 125
EDWARDS, Nancy (Kincheloe) 22,88
Edwards, Russie Dillard 147
EIDSON, Barnabus A. 26
Eidson, Boyce 26,27
ELDRED, Catherine Fishback 23
Eldred, Charles 23
ELDRIDGE, Elizabeth Jones (Stith) 194
Eldridge, Rolfe 40
Eldridge, Thomas 194
Eldridge, Thomas Moorman (Mrs) 155
ELLAGE, Nancy (Meador) 207
ELLIOTT, John 231
Elliott, Judith Cordelia (Hardaway)
Elliott, Richard 231
ELLIS, Hannah (Haynes) 64,222,228
EPPES, Martha Bolling 41
Eppes, Richard 41
ERVIN, John C. 35
ESKRIDGE, (Judge) 22
Eskridge, Jesse 165
Eskridge, Mary Hardaway 165
Eskridge, Morris 22
Eskridge, Ruth 165
EVANS, Elizabeth 28
Evans, Laura Stith 37
Evans, Mark 196
Evans, Timothy 27
Evans, William L. 27
EVERETTE, Thomas 29
EWING, A.L. (Mrs) 78
Ewing, Anna Stith 217
Ewing, Estie Kathleen (Nordberg) 217
FAIRFAX, (Lord) 57
Fairfax, Joan W. 218,219
FALCONER -Faulconer
Falconer, Elizabeth Gilky (Saunders)
Falconer, Elizabeth (F.) Gilky
(Saunders-Stith) 199,226,239
Falconer, Newman (Norman?) 181,199,
Falconer, Norman 181
FALKER, Rachel (Purcell) 45,74
FARRAR, S.L. 195
Farrar, S.L. Jr 127,137
FAST, Byron M. 223
Fast, Charles Edward 259
Fast, Frances Shacklett 7,35,40,80,
Fast, Harriet Anne (Scott) 259
FAUNTLEROY family 170
Fauntleroy, Judith (Carter) 170
FERGUSON, Frances Ann (Stith) 239
Ferguson, Harriet C. (Stith) 239,242
Ferguson, Joshua 21
Ferguson, Mary (Board) 168
Ferguson, Mary 21
Ferguson, Mary Kincheloe 21
FERRILL, Ann Haynes 222
FIELD -ffield
Field, Ann Meade 231
Field, Edmund 231
Field, Elizabeth B. Stith 231
Field, George 132
Field, James 231
Field, Martha (Simmons) 231
Field, Mary (Stith) 231
Field, Richard (Dr) 231
Field, Sally Edmunds 231
Field, T. 232
Field, Theophilus 231,232
FIFE, James W. 174
Fife, Rachel Purcell 174
FISH, Evelyn 193,197,213
FISHBACK, Adelaide Miller 23
Fishback, Bertha (Wheless) 23
Fishback, Catherine (Eldred) 23
Fishback, David 23
Fishback, Edith Virginia (Burns) 23
Fishback, Etta (Simpson) 23
Fishback, Frank 23
Fishback, Frederick 23
Fishback, Lewis 23
Fishback, Maria Adelaide 23
Fishback, Sophia Stith 23
Fishback, Sophia Yates 23
Fishback, William Meade 23
FISHER, John 98
FITZHUGH, Alice Thornton (Johnson) 194
Fitzhugh, Caroline Matilda 194
Fitzhugh, Elizabeth Stith 186,194
Fitzhugh, Henry 186,194
Fitzhugh, Henry Jr 194
Fitzhugh, John 194
Fitzhugh, John Battaile 194
Fitzhugh, John Bolling Stith 194
Fitzhugh, Lucinda (Buckner) 194
Fitzhugh, William 194
FLEMING family 55
Fleming, William 71
FLETCHER, Harriet (Stith) 227
FLOWERS, Bettie Cain 14
FILDEN, James 28,
FONTAINE, James 94
Fontaine, Louisa Foushee 94,104
Fontaine, Nancy (Wilmans-Lewis) 94
FOOTE, Annabelle (Stith) 149
Foote, Annie Henderson 154
Foote, George 20,88
Foote, Margaret K. Kincheloe 18,20,88
FORD, C.L. (Mrs) 73
Ford, C.L. 73
Ford, Charlotte (Prewitt) 108
Ford, Mary (Prewitt) 108
Ford, Narcissa Robert Abell
(Williams-Read) 73
Ford, Narcissa Robert Abell 73
FORKER, Rachel (Purcell) 51,74
FORRESTER, William 28
FOUSHEE family 90
Foushee, Elizabeth 92
Foushee, Elizabeth Barnett Woolfolk 63
Foushee, Hartley Adaline Stith 92,94
Foushee, Hester 92
Foushee, Laura 92
Foushee, Louisa (Fontaine) 94,104
Foushee, Rilla 14
Foushee, Slaughter 92
Foushee, Thomas 92
Foushee, William 92
Foushee, William T. 62,63n,92
FOWLER, David 103
Fowler, Mary (Sprigg) 57
Fowler, Mary Eugene Stith 103
FRAKES family 16
FRENCH, (female) (Henderson) 98
French, (female) Compton 98
French, George 44
French, Reese 98
FRIEND, Jos. 27
FROST, (Mr) 16
FRYEAR, Francis 44
FRYMIRE, (female) Board 98
Frymire, John M. 49
Frymire, Leck 98
Frymire, Mary Read 49
FURBUSH, John 28
GALLAGHER, Catherine (Haynes) 32,49
GARDINER, Laurence 109,141,143,146,
GARDNER, James 22
GARLAND, Burr 28
GAY, John 28
GEIBEL, Hallien 205
GEISER, (Mrs) 32
Geiser, Ruby 223,229
GEOHEGAN family 62,134
Geohegan, A.D. 134
Geohegan, Ambrose Sr 134
Geohegan, Comfort (Stith) 37,60,134,135
Geohegan, Comfort E. (Stith-Stith) 239,
Geohegan, Denton (Dr) 134
Geohegan, Denton 60,132,134,135,140
Geohegan, J.H. 134
Geohegan, Peggy Zelman 134
Geohegan, Thomas 134
GEORGE, Edmond M. 27
George, Laurence M. 27
George, Simon M. 28
George, William P. 11
Gibson, Lucy (Jones) 209
Gibson, William 27,28
GILBERT, Jemima Cocke 117
Gilbert, Wm G. 29
GILKY - Gilkey
Gilky, Ann Elizabeth 131,237,239
Gilky, Benjamin 131
Gilky, Benjamin F. 239
Gilky, Charles 112,131,239
Gilky, Elizabeth 239
Gilky, Elizabeth (F.) (Saunders-
Stith-Falconer) 199,226,239
Gilky, Elizabeth (Saunders-Faulconer)
Gilky, Elizabeth Stith 112
Gilky, Mariah 131
Gilky, Mariah S. 239
Gilky, Mary (Stith) 133
Gilky, Robert 181,239
GILMER, Peace R. 27
GITTINGS, Anne Sprigg 57
Gittings, Philip 57
GOGGINS, Pleasant M. 27
GOODWIN, Mary (Stith) 117
GRAHAM, Betsey Haynes 80,82
Graham, Charles 82
Graham, Charles A. 51,82
Graham, Ed 32,68
Graham, Edmonia (Eddie) Woolfolk 53,68
Graham, Gustavus A. 60
Graham, Henry 82
Graham, John 38,167,173
Graham, Polly 167,173
Graham, Polly Jordan (Stith) 38,173
GRAVES, Leroy 211
GRAY, Brickett 29
Gray, James (Dr) 89
Gray, Laura Hynes 167
Gray, Mahala Jane Stith 89
Gray, Marquis D. 27
Gray, William 167
GREEN, Ever(h)ard 188,207
GREER, Ellen Stith (Trent) 8,268
Greer, Henry 34
GREGORY, (female) (Kincheloe) 19
Gregory, Belle (Kincheloe) 19
Gregory, Henry 19
Gregory, Sam 19
Gregory, Will 19
GREIF, Thomas 158
GRIFFEN, Samuel 27
GRIGSBY, Nancy Keeling 113
Grigsby, Redman 113
GRIME, Elizabeth (Drewry) 216
GROOM(S), Jonathan 27,28
GROSS, Mary Nancy (Jordan) 103
GUTHERIE, James 22
GWATKIN, Edward 27
HAFEY, Con 22
HAGAN, B.P. (Mrs) 5,7,9,10
HAILE, Pleasant 111
Haile, Susanna Burch 111
HAINES, William 207?,250,256
HAIRE, Hannah Keeling 113
Haire, John 113
HALL family 11,12,85,132,228
Hall, Anne (Hardaway) 41,85
Hall, Anne Bolling 39,40,41,85,122,123
Hall, B. 38,122
Hall, Benjamin 38,39,121,122
Hall, Bolling: See Hall, Robert Bolling
Hall, Christopher 12,13,14
Hall, Drury 38,39,41,112,121,122
Hall, Eliza J. (McGehee) 12
Hall, Elizabeth (Holt) 41,85
Hall, Frances (Hightower) 85,89,122,143
Hall, Frances Ann (Hightower) 38,39,41,
Hall, Harriet (Hightower) 230
Hall, Harriet B. (Stith) 173
Hall, Harriet Bolling (Stith) 40,41,42,
Hall, Harriet Bolling 38,39,40,121,122
Hall, Harriot Bolling (Stith) 42
Hall, Hugh 41,85
Hall, John 38,39,40,41,85,112,121,122,
Hall, John Jr 39,40,122,220
Hall, John S. 12,13
Hall, Lucy 112
Hall, Lucy (Stith) 6,8,9,39,40,41,52,83,
Hall, Margaret Ellen Patton (McQuown) 12
Hall, Martha 38,39,41,122
Hall, Mary 42
Hall, Mary (Hall) 112,121
Hall, Mary (Starke) 40,41,85
Hall, Mary Dixon 41,41
Hall, Mary Watson 39,40,41,123
Hall, Matt 29
Hall, Nancy Jordan 111
Hall, Robert 38,39,40,42,85,121,122,123,
Hall, Robert Bolling 39,40,41,122
Hall, Robert Jr 112
Hall, Thomas 230
Hall, William (Dr) 38,40,41,85
Hall, William B. (Dr) 121,142
Hall, William B. 111,112
HALLOWAY, Elizabeth Bacon (Nuthall) 57
HAMBLETON, Martha S. (Warfield) 50
HAMILTON, Janet (Carter) 170
Hamilton, Nannie 87
Hamilton, Robert 170
Hamilton, Will(iam) 174,177
HAMPTON family 7
Hampton, Bathsheba (Haynes) 7,64,183,
Hampton, Bersheba (Haynes) 222
Hampton, John 188
HANCOCK, Samuel 27,29
HANENKAMP, Anna Catherine Jones 209
Hanenkamp, Elizabeth Thomson
(Delafield) 209
Hanenkamp, Richard Pindell 209
HANSBROUGH, (female) Strother 24
HARCOURT, Rita (Stith) 147
HARD, Alice Stith 253
Hard, Thomas 253
HARDAWAY family 8,97,141,143,150,165,
Hardaway, (female) Board 185
Hardaway, (female) Priest? 178,179
Hardaway, Achilles Moorman (Dr) 215
Hardaway, Achilles Moorman 160
Hardaway, Adalisa (Adlissa)
(Shacklett) 161,165,166
Hardaway, Adalisa (Howell) 165,166
Hardaway, Agnes Peterson 109
Hardaway, Alexander 14,102
Hardaway, Ann (Nancy) Stith 176
Hardaway, Ann Stith (Hightower) 113,117
Hardaway, Ann(e) Stith 143,144,146,
Hardaway, Anne Hall 41,85
Hardaway, Benjamin 152,161,166
Hardaway, Benjamin S. 174
Hardaway, Benjamin Stith 161,165,166
Hardaway, Betsey 257
Hardaway, Bettie (Hardaway-Stith) 9
Hardaway, Betty Bibb 165
Hardaway, Buckner 178,179
Hardaway, Charles Dempsey 161
Hardaway, Cinderella Dowell (Stith)
Hardaway, Cinderella Moorman (Stith) 148
Hardaway, Crundarilla (Stith) 36
Hardaway, Drury 38,39,113,122,132,143,
Hardaway, Edna (Saunders) 180,184,187,
Hardaway, Edwin 159
Hardaway, Elizabeth (Hardaway) 14,175
Hardaway, Elizabeth (Taylor) 102
Hardaway, Elizabeth (Vertrees) 161,165,
Hardaway, Elizabeth Maclin 197,211
Hardaway, Elizabeth Shrewsbury 154,160
Hardaway, Elizabeth Stith 154,175,178
Hardaway, Emeline (Stith) 139,182,183,
Hardaway, Emerine (Stith) 225
Hardaway, Emmett 178
Hardaway, Evaline 102
Hardaway, Evaline Jones (Stith) 14,102,
Hardaway, Evaline Stith (McQuown)160,215
Hardaway, Evelyn Stith 14
Hardaway, Evvie 203
Hardaway, Ezra 175
Hardaway, George 232
Hardaway, Georgie Hynes 165,166
Hardaway, Hannah (Harriet?) Moore 166,
Hardaway, Harriet 161,165,166
Hardaway, Harriet E. Stith 176
Hardaway, Harriet(t) Stith 35,186
Hardaway, Harris (Jordan) 160
Hardaway, Hazel (Louderdale) 175
Hardaway, Henry 14,102,105,159,182,183
Hardaway, Howard 166,174,177
Hardaway, J.E. 160
Hardaway, James 14,102,143
Hardaway, James L. 161,165,166
Hardaway, James Leach 43,165,166,175
Hardaway, James M. (Mat) 203
Hardaway, Jane Drewry (error) 153
Hardaway, Jane Stith 210
Hardaway, Jesse 154,160
Hardaway, Joel 161,165,166,172
Hardaway, John 115,197,210,211
Hardaway, John S. 172
Hardaway, Jos. 40
Hardaway, Joseph 41,85,174,182,185,205
Hardaway, Joseph E. 182,183,225
Hardaway, Joseph Edwin 152,154,156,159,
164,168,173,176 183,184,185,186,199,
Hardaway, Judith Cordelia Elliott 160,
Hardaway, Julian R. (Dr) 215
Hardaway, Louisa Adalisa (Miss Lad)
(Scott) 43,148,166,172,175,203,268
Hardaway, Louisa Nall 160,225
Hardaway, Lucy (Hoskins) 182,183
Hardaway, Lucy (Stith) 160
Hardaway, Lucy Ann (Stith) 72,112,118,
Hardaway, Luther 160,161
Hardaway, Mag (Hardaway) 161,165,172,175
Hardaway, Manson 152
Hardaway, Marianna Stith 196,197
Hardaway, Martha 140
Hardaway, Martha (Nall) 203
Hardaway, Martha (Stith) 172,183,185,
Hardaway, Martha Ann Mary Howell 172
Hardaway, Martha Ann Stith 155,159,183
Hardaway, Martha Emily (Stith) 182,183,
Hardaway, Martha Stith 152
Hardaway, Mary 166,185
Hardaway, Mary (Eskridge) 165
Hardaway, Mary (Johnson) 185
Hardaway, Mary (Polly) Board 182,183,186
Hardaway, Mary A. (Hawkins) 14,102
Hardaway, Mary Board 152,155,156,159,
Hardaway, Mary Howell 172
Hardaway, Mary Orla Clarkson 160,215
Hardaway, Mary Stith 8,268
Hardaway, Minnie (Nall) 165
Hardaway, Nancy 172,182,183
Hardaway, Nancy Stith 8,152,161,165,
Hardaway, Olla Mae Clarkson 160
Hardaway, Paul (Mrs) 4
Hardaway, Paul 203
Hardaway, Pearce 185
Hardaway, Polly 205
Hardaway, Polly (Stith) 267
Hardaway, R.A. 152,153
Hardaway, Rhoda A. 199
Hardaway, Richard B. 154,199
Hardaway, Richard Buckner 152,156,
Hardaway, Richard S. 14,102
Hardaway, Sally (Board) 203
Hardaway, Thomas "Grandpa"? 184
Hardaway, Thomas 143,153,174,175,
Hardaway, Thomas H. 140,204
Hardaway, Thomas Jr 109
Hardaway, Thomas P. 161,165,166,172,175
Hardaway, Thomas Parsons 152,161,165,
Hardaway, Thomas Parsons Jr 160
Hardaway, Thomas Sr 8
Hardaway, Tom Sr 268
Hardaway, Walter W. 14,102
Hardaway, William 35,161,165,172,175
Hardaway, William B. 254
Hardaway, William Henry 152,176,186
Hardaway, William P. 35
Hardaway, Zurailda 182,183
HARDDICKE, Kathryn (Stith) 202
HARDIN family 119
Hardin, Bayless 84,107
Hardin, Ben 247
Hardin, Guy A. 108,247
Hardin, Helen Miles 101
Hardin, I(va) 24,30,31,68,76,84,109,
Hardin, Irby Shacklett (Mrs Guy) 48,
Hardin, J.D. 108,109
Hardin, Susanna 34
Hardin, William Sr 34
HARDIWAY, Henry Simmons 196
Hardiway, John Sr 196
Hardiway, Peterson 196
HARDRIDGE family 20
HARDWICK family 20
Hardwick, Elizabeth (Kincheloe) 20
HARDY, Edmond 28
HARL, Elizabeth N. (Stith)
HARNED family 43
Harned, (female) (Purcell) 224
Harned, Eneas 43
Harned, Rachel (Purcell) 43,48
Harned, Sarah (Purcell) 169
HARRIS, Annie P. 19
Harris, John 230
Harris, Mahala Ann (Woolfolk-
Boorman) 63
Harris, Matthew 196,232
Harris, Susanna (Stith) 196,232,260
Harris, Syl. 30
HARRISON, Elizabeth (Bland) 216
HART, Emma (Purcell) 174
Hart, Lillian 85,146,147,148,234,261
HARWOOD, Nancy (Haynes) 33
HASWELL, James 22
Haswell, John P. 22
HATCHER, Julius 29
Hatcher, Mollie Shacklett 14,93
Hatcher, Ph(o)ebe (Haynes) 33,64,82,183,
HAWKINS, Caleb (S.) 14,102
Hawkins, Mary (A.) Hardaway 14,102
HAYCRAFT, Lida (Vertrees) 165
Haycraft, Samuel 56,62,64,119
HAYDEN, Jacob 211
Hayden, Sarah (Taylor) 112
HAYES, William 11
HAYNES family 1,3,7,10,16,34,55,60,74,
Haynes, (female) (Dowell) 64
Haynes, Ackley 32,49
Haynes, Agnes 61,64
Haynes, Agnes Elizabeth (Shain) 79
Haynes, Agnes Pate 33,61,63,64,82,
Haynes, Albert 224
Haynes, Amanda Wale 78
Haynes, Anderson 80,81
Haynes, Ann (Ferrill) 222
Haynes, Annie (Keith) 2
Haynes, B.W. 183
Haynes, Bathsheba 186
Haynes, Bathsheba (Whiteley) 222
Haynes, Bathsheba Hampton 7,64,183,
Haynes, Bersheba Hampton 222
Haynes, Bert 224
Haynes, Betsey (Graham) 80,82
Haynes, Betsey (Smith) 222
Haynes, Betsy (Hendricks) 32
Haynes, Betsy Ann Dehaven 35
Haynes, Betty (Pate) 188
Haynes, Caroline 49,80
Haynes, Caroline McCoy 35,81
Haynes, Carrie (Cal) (Tarpley) 35,85,
Haynes, Catherine Gallagher 32,49
Haynes, Clay 64
Haynes, Clayton 49
Haynes, Cornelia 61
Haynes, Cornelia (Armstrong) 223
Haynes, Cornelia (Shacklett) 48
Haynes, Cornelia Isabelle
(Shacklett) 223
Haynes, Cornelius 61,63,64,65,223
Haynes, Creed 238,264
Haynes, Creed T. 101
Haynes, D.F. 81
Haynes, David 49,80,81
Haynes, Dudley 64,78,80,81
Haynes, Edmund 51,61,63,78,80,81,82,223
Haynes, Edward 35
Haynes, Eliza 64,222
Haynes, Eliza (Vertrees) 64,65,174
Haynes, Elizabeth? 61,64
Haynes, Elizabeth (Hendricks) 49
Haynes, Elizabeth (Leftwich) 222,229
Haynes, Elizabeth (Moredock) 224,238
Haynes, Elizabeth (Roberts) 263
Haynes, Elizabeth 51,55,61,64,80,82,
Haynes, Elizabeth Boone 63,64
Haynes, Elizabeth Scott 26,27,28,29
Haynes, Elizabeth Woolfolk 5,9,32,37,55,
Haynes, Ellen Peyton Chick 17
Haynes, Emily 61
Haynes, Emily (Bowmer-Stith) 33,65
Haynes, Emily (Stith) 223
Haynes, Fanny Mary (Board) 223
Haynes, Frances 81,222,241
Haynes, Frances (Smith) 222
Haynes, Frances S. (Keith) 35,43
Haynes, Francis 27
Haynes, Frederick 229
Haynes, George 17
Haynes, Gertrude (Cavin-Wheelon-Todd)
Haynes, Gideon 78
Haynes, Hampton 27,28,222
Haynes, Hannah Ellis 64,222,228
Haynes, Hardin 81,82
Haynes, Harvey Milliner 223
Haynes, Henry ('Big') 223
Haynes, Henry ('Little') 128,129
Haynes, Henry 1,2,7,17,31,32,33,34,35,
Haynes, Henry Jr 35,223
Haynes, Henry Taylor 32,36,68
Haynes, Hester 49
Haynes, Hester (Haynes) 223
Haynes, Jabez 32,49,64,224
Haynes, James 35,51,80,82
Haynes, James Henry 223
Haynes, James Judson 253
Haynes, Jane 61,64
Haynes, Jane Stith 32,35,49,128,129
Haynes, Jasper 187
Haynes, Joannah McCoy 36,80,81
Haynes, Joel 222
Haynes, John 7,9,26,27,28,29,32,35,36,
Haynes, John (Dr) 64,174
Haynes, John A. (Rev) 253,254
Haynes, John Crittenden 223
Haynes, John Jr 82
Haynes, Joicy 128
Haynes, Joicy Cummin(g)s 64,80,82
Haynes, Julia 51,61,64,80
Haynes, Julia Ann Horsley 49
Haynes, Julia Hors(e)ley 32
Haynes, Laura (Tapp) 63
Haynes, Laura DeWeese 17
Haynes, Lemuel 81
Haynes, Lucinda 51,64,80,82
Haynes, Lucinda? 61,64
Haynes, Lucinda (Philpott) 82
Haynes, Lucy (Hogan) 80
Haynes, Lulu (Smith) 238
Haynes, Martha (Warfield) 33,35
Haynes, Martha Anthony Barrett
Campbell (Poston) 64
Haynes, Martha J. Jones 223
Haynes, Mary 32,49,55,187 (See
also: Polly)
Haynes, Mary (Long) 222
Haynes, Mary (Moorman) 159
Haynes, Mary (Polly) (Moorman) 158,
Haynes, Mary (Polly) 159
Haynes, Mary A. Brown 223
Haynes, Mary Ann Newman 35
Haynes, Mary Lou Spires 223
Haynes, Mary Smith 55
Haynes, Matilda 222
Haynes, Matthew 32,49
Haynes, Mildred (Milly) (Sanders)
Haynes, Milley Wood 35
Haynes, Millie (Whiteley) 222
Haynes, Millner-Miliner-Milliner 1,
Haynes, Millner Jr 32
Haynes, Millner Sr 223
Haynes, Nancy 49,61,64,80,222
Haynes, Nancy (Harwood) 33
Haynes, Nancy Brandenburg 32,49
Haynes, Nancy Buford 82,128
Haynes, Nancy Pate 33,49,64,73,183,189,
Haynes, Narcissa 49
Haynes, Narcissa (Abell) 32,49,68,73,79
Haynes, Narcissa Ellen 129
Haynes, Nealie 61
Haynes, Nelia 61
Haynes, Ophelia (Missie) (Stith)5,(107),
Haynes, Pamelia Adeline 223
Haynes, Patrick 64,78,80,81
Haynes, Paul 2
Haynes, Percy 32
Haynes, Perry (Percy?) 32,49
Haynes, Ph(o)ebe Hatcher 33,64,82,183,
Haynes, Phebey 35
Haynes, Polly 61 (See also: Mary)
Haynes, Polly (Moorman) 35
Haynes, Polly (Skillman) 223
Haynes, Polly (Stratton) 222
Haynes, Ruth (Davis) 262,263
Haynes, Sally (Cobbs) 222
Haynes, Sally C. Brown 101
Haynes, Sarah Ann Agnes (Morgan) 223
Haynes, Sarah Bicketts 32
Haynes, Sarah Frymire (Richardson) 32,
Haynes, Stark D. 35
Haynes, Stark Jr 262
Haynes, Starke Dupuy 262
Haynes, Stephen 222
Haynes, Sue (Lawson) 9
Haynes, Susan Mary (Board) 37
Haynes, Tabitha Turner 7,64,193,222
Haynes, Taylor 82,159,193,194
Haynes, Thomas 80,81
Haynes, Thomas E. 81
Haynes, Volney Jones 223
Haynes, W.W. 36
Haynes, William 1,2,7,17,26,31,32,33,35,
Haynes, William H. 51,82
Haynes, William Jr 61,223
Haynes, William Sr 63,223
Haynes, William W(ashington) 5,32,
Haynes, Wm. H. 82
HAYS, Ella 85
HEFLEY, Elmer 142
HENDERSON, (female) (Kincheloe) 97
Henderson, Annie (Foote) 104,154
Henderson, Belle (Stith) 14,97
Henderson, Beulah (Brown) 16
Henderson, Brutus 154
Henderson, Eliza Orendorf 14,102
Henderson, Hugh 104
Henderson, Jess 16
Henderson, Junius 154
Henderson, Louisa 104
Henderson, Mary Belle (Stith) 14,102,
Henderson, Maude Lawton 16
Henderson, Olivia 104,151,154
Henderson, Olivia P. Stith 102,154
Henderson, Olivia Stith 16,92,94,97,
Henderson, Peyton 14,90,92,94,102,104,
Henderson, Peyton (Dr) 95,100,104
Henderson, Rose 104
Henderson, T.B. 92,154
Henderson, Wathen 151,154
Henderson, Wathen B. 16,17,90,95,97,107
HENDRICKS, Betsy Haynes 32
Hendricks, Elizabeth Haynes 49
Hendricks, Jasper 228,241
Hendricks, Jasper R. 224,247
Hendricks, Thomas 32
Hendricks, Thomas G. 49
HENRY, Roberta Bolling 142,196
HENSLEY, (Mrs) 158,159
Hensley, Elizabeth (Beard) 22,88
Hensley, Morris 22,88
Hensley, Nat 22,89
HERNDON, Mary 55
Herndon, Mary Elizabeth 55
Herndon, William 55
HESTON, Allen Jennings Landon 158n
Heston, Charles 22
Heston, Dr. 16
Heston, Eva 16
Heston, Isaiah 158n
Heston, Katherine (Moorman) 158
Heston, Louie 16
Heston, Lucy Moorman 158
HICKMAN, John (Mrs) 185,203,204,205
HICKS, Essie (Stith) 147
Hicks, John C. 131
HIGHTOWER family 89,113,132,206,231,
Hightower, Ann Stith (Hardaway) 113,117
Hightower, Eleanor (Cocke) 117
Hightower, Elenor (Dodson) 126
Hightower, Frances Ann 38
Hightower, Frances Ann Hall 121
Hightower, Frances Hall 85,89,122,143
Hightower, George 38,39,85,89,115,117,
Hightower, Gregory 124,125
Hightower, Harriet Hall 230
Hightower, Jency (Jones) 230
Hightower, John 113,126,202
Hightower, John B. 111,115
Hightower, John Sr 126,127,143
Hightower, Joshua 126
Hightower, Martha 125
Hightower, Mary 126
Hightower, Mary (Polly) Stith 85,86,89,
Hightower, Mary Trotter 124
Hightower, Rawleigh 115,121,124,125
Hightower, Richard 85,86,89,111,113,115,
Hightower, Sally Stith 111,115,117
Hightower, Susan (Stith) 32,49,86,87,
Hightower, Susanna (Stith) 85,89,212
Hightower, Thomas 127,230
Hightower, William 126
HILL, C. 233
Hill, Clara Stith 147
Hill, Faye 147
Hill, Frances 147
Hill, Green 232
Hill, Herbert 125
Hill, Jeff 147
Hill, Mary Ellen Stith 147
Hill, Rebecca Norfleet 236
Hill, Ruby 147
HILLE, Edwin 33
Hille, Laura Wale 33
Hille, Mary 33
HILLEARY, Eleanor Sprigg (Nuthall) 57
Hinrichsen, Helen Johnson 202,203,205,
HIX, Jesse 168,207
Hix, Mary Board 168
HOBSON, Richard 27
HODGE, (Mr) 228
HOGAN, Lucy Haynes 80
Hogan, Obidiah 29
HOLLAND, Drury 29,222
HOLLIDAY, Temperance (Howell) 172
HOLLINSWORTH, Kitty Calvert 24
HOLT, David 41,85
Holt, Elizabeth Hall 41,85
Holt, J.W. 27
Holt, James (Rev) 212
Holt, Joseph 206
HONSINGER, Hannah Elizabeth 86,255
HOPKINS, Senator 80,81,82
Hopkins, Walter Lee 229
HORSLEY, (female) Board 168
Horsley, Burrell 49
Horsley, Julia (Haynes) 32
Horsley, Julia Ann (Haynes) 49
HOSKINS, Alfred 182,183
Hoskins, John (Mrs) 18
Hoskins, Lucy Hardaway 182,183
HOUGH, Ashford 86,255
Hough, Lida A. Stith 87,255
Hough, Melvina Stith 86,87,255,256
Hough, Noah (Mrs) 87
Hough, Sam B. 87,255
HOWARD, Emerine Woolfolk 63
Howard, Grace 19
HOWELL, Adalisa Hardaway 165,166
Howell, "Bet" Stith 129
Howell, Claibourne 172
Howell, James H. 172
Howell, Jesse C. 165,166
Howell, Martha Ann Mary (Hardaway) 172
Howell, Mary (Hardaway) 172
Howell, Temperance Holliday 172
Howell, Tish 129
HOWEY, La Mont 32,129
HUBBARD, Alfred 5
Hubbard, Henrietta (Stith) 5
Hubbard, Lucy Ellen Stith 5
HUBERT, Sarah 143
HUDNALL, Thomas 29
HUGHES family 215
Hughes, (Mr) 152
Hughes, Len 28
Hughes, T.P. Jr 141,143
Hughes, Thomas (Tommy) Jr 213,215,228,
HUNNICUT -Hunicutt-Hunnicutt
Hunnicut, Benjamin 232
Hunnicut, Mary C. (Stith) 196
Hunnicut, Mary L. (Stith) 232
HUNT, W.D. 28
HUNTER, Eula Lee Stith (Anderson) 106
Hunter, Jack 106
Hunting, Gordon Alden 109,118
HURT, John 27
Hurt, William O. 27
Hutchins, Nancy Catherine Stith 5
HYNES family 168,173
Hynes, Betsy 167
Hynes, Blanche 167
Hynes, D.F. 167
Hynes, Ethel (Allen) 166,167,168,173
Hynes, G.W. 167
Hynes, Geo. W. 167
Hynes, George Washington 167
Hynes, Georgia 168
Hynes, Georgia (Hardaway) 165,166
Hynes, H.E. 167
Hynes, H.W. 167
Hynes, Hellen 167
Hynes, Isaac 173
Hynes, Isaac L. 165,166,167
Hynes, Isaac Louis 166
Hynes, James M. 167
Hynes, James Mansfield 167
Hynes, John 167
Hynes, Joseph 167
Hynes, Katie E. 167
Hynes, L.A. 167
Hynes, Laura (Gray) 167
Hynes, Lucy (Morgan) 167
Hynes, Lydia A. 167
Hynes, Mark 167
Hynes, Martha (Patsy) Stith 165,166
Hynes, Martha 167,173
Hynes, Mary (Van Cleave) 167
Hynes, Mary E. 167
Hynes, Naomi 173
Hynes, Naomi (Sthal-Overton) 167,173
Hynes, Rose I. 167
Hynes, S. 167
Hynes, Susie 167
Hynes, Susie L. 167
Hynes, T.J. 167
Hynes, Tds. M. 167
Hynes, Thomas 167
Hynes, Walter 167
Hynes, William Alexander 167
IPSEN, (Mrs) 158
IRBY, Charles 230
IRVIN, William 27
JACKSON, Anna Calvert 24
Jackson, Ben 86,255
Jackson, Bishop 24
Jackson, C.A. 121,160
Jackson, Joel 28
Jackson, Mahala Stith 86,255
Jackson, Robert (Mrs) 87,256
Jackson, Winfield 28
JAMES, Gray 27
JANS, Anneke (Bogardus) 112,120
JANSEN, Roeloff 120
JENKINS, (female) (Calvert) 24
Jenkins, J.R. 145,148
Jenkins, Lucy Ann Stith (Stith-
Windsor) 6n,148
Jenkins, Mary (Streeble) 6n
Jenkins, Rufus 6n
Jenkins, William 6n
JENKS, Della Downing 55,62,63,66,71,72,
JENNINGS, William Jr 230
JOHNSON, (Prof) 138
Johnson, Alice Thornton Fitzhugh 194
Johnson, B.W. (Rev) 131
Johnson, Kathryn Stith 53,54
Johnson, Mary Hardaway 185
JOHNSTON, Christopher (Dr) 117,153,194,
JOLLY, Jefferson 185
Jolly, Mary Blanche 185
JONAS, Catharine 120
JONES family 198,208,211
Jones, Abraham 197,208,209
Jones, Agnes Walker 209,211
Jones, Agnes Walker (Lewis) 212
Jones, Agness Bolling Clack 231
Jones, Amy Batte 198
Jones, Anne 197,209
Jones, Anna Catherine (Hanenkamp) 209
Jones, Benjamin 230
Jones, Betsy (Stith) 212
Jones, Binn 231
Jones, Catharine? Evaline 102
Jones, Catherine Stith 211
Jones, Charles B. 231
Jones, Daniel 198
Jones, David 212
Jones, Dianotia (Starke) 197,208,211
Jones, Dionysia (Starke) 232
Jones, Drury 231
Jones, Dudley 180
Jones, Elizabeth 14,191
Jones, Elizabeth (Stith) 72,116,117,159,
Jones, Elizabeth Ann (Stith) 225
Jones, Elizabeth Walker 209
Jones, Evalina (Stith) 131,155
Jones, Evaline (Stith-Hardaway) 14,102,
Jones, Eveline (Stith) 151,257
Jones, Francis 231
Jones, Frederick 231
Jones, Gray 28
Jones, Hannah 197,208
Jones, James 38,39,122,209,211,212,226
Jones, James (Dr) 211,212
Jones, Jency Hightower 230
Jones, Jesse 212
Jones, Joel Watkins 212
Jones, John 197,209,212,230,231
Jones, John (Col) 211
Jones, John Jr 231
Jones, Joseph 197,208
Jones, Joseph (Colonel) 197,208
Jones, Katherine Stith 209,212
Jones, Lewelling 230
Jones, Llewellyn 198
Jones, Lucy Binns Cargill 231
Jones, Lucy Gibson 209
Jones, Lucy Simmons 231
Jones, Lulu 15
Jones, Lulu Chick 94
Jones, Margaret 197,198,209
Jones, Margaret Wood 209
Jones, Martha 197,198
Jones, Martha (Stith) 225
Jones, Martha J. (Haynes) 223
Jones, Mary 197,198,209
Jones, Mary (Jones) 197
Jones, Mary (Randolph) 197,208,211
Jones, Mary (Simmons) 231
Jones, Mary Nancy Gross (Jordan) 103
Jones, Mary (Pollie) Stith 52,59
Jones, Mary W. Stith 60,131
Jones, Mary Watkins Stith 239
Jones, Mary Wood 209
Jones, Nancy 14,102,225
Jones, Nancy (Stith) 66,71,116,131,155,
Jones, Peter 197,208,209,211
Jones, Peter (Captain) 209
Jones, Peter (S H) 230
Jones, Peter (shf) 230
Jones, Peter Jr. 208
Jones, Peter Sr 197,209,232
Jones, Polly-Pollie See also: Mary
Jones, Polly Burge 231
Jones, Rachel Ragsdale 198
Jones, Rhoda 14
Jones, Rhoda (Stith) 102,117,176,181,
Jones, Richard 197,230
Jones, Richard (Captain) 198
Jones, Richard Jr 198
Jones, Richard Stith 209
Jones, Robert 194,198
Jones, Robert Jr 209
Jones, Robert Sr 209
Jones, Sally Maclin 231
Jones, Seabourne 28
Jones, Thomas 14,102,191,197,198,208,
Jones, Thomas Jr 211
Jones, Thomas (Glos) 230
Jones, Thomas (Major) 71,116
Jones, Thomas Field 231,232
Jones, W.R. 27
Jones, William 14,60,102,197,198,209,
Jones, William (Colonel) 211
Jones, William B. 131,239,240
Jones, Wilmo(u)th (Walker) 197,208,211
Jones, Winfield 28
Jones, Wood 197,209,230
JOPLIN, James 28
JORDAN family 8,228
Jordan, (Mrs) 257
Jordan, Adolphus 103
Jordan, Catherine (King-Alverson) 111
Jordan, Catherine Stith 72,116
Jordan, Catherine Stith (Warden) 116
Jordan, Charley 83,129
Jordan, Clara Belle (Stith) 103,106,149
Jordan, Elizabeth Ann (Stith) 1,8,10,45,
Jordan, Harris Hardaway 160
Jordan, Jane 103
Jordan, Joel 103
Jordan, Katy 257
Jordan, Lucy 257
Jordan, Lucy (Stith) 212
Jordan, Lucy H. (Board) 182
Jordan, Lucy Stith 83,102,111,116
Jordan, Mary Agnes Saunders 238
Jordan, Mary Ellen (Naylor) 83
Jordan, Mary Louisa Stith 59
Jordan, Mary Nancy Jones 103
Jordan, Nancy (Hall) 111
Jordan, Nancy Crume 83
Jordan, Nancy Dent 98
Jordan, Permelia (Simmons) 103
Jordan, Polly (Stith) 101,181
Jordan, Polly (Stith-Graham) 38,42,173
Jordan, Richard 72
Jordan, Richard Stith 116
Jordan, Roland W. 238
Jordan, Sashwell 103
Jordan, William 59,83,98,102,111,116,212
JUDD, John Jr 125
JUNIOR, Betsy (Purcell) 46
Junior, Joshua 46
KAIDYEE, Catherine (Blaikley) 194
Kaidyee, Martha 194
Kaidyee, William 194
KARR, Mollie 81
KASEY, A.R. (Rev) 157
Kasey brothers 133
KEELING, Hannah (Haire) 113
Keeling, Nancy (Grigsby) 113
KEITH family 43
Keith, Annie Haynes 2
Keith, Arthur Leslie 20,43,45,88
Keith, Benj. 167
Keith, Benjamin 35,131
Keith, Enos 35,43
Keith, Frances S. Haynes 35,43
Keith, Walter (Mrs) 2
KEMP, Peter 169
KENNADY, James 80,81
Kennady, Polly Ann McCoy 80,81
KENNEDY, James 36
KENNERLY, Sarah Catherine Strother? 24
KENNON, Mary (Bolling) 41
KENT, Mary Cocke 117
Kent, Sarah Cocke 117
KIMBERLEY, Forrest Earl Young 149
Kimberley -Kimbley, Billy 144,151
Kimberley, W.E. 149,151
KINCHELOE - Kinchelow family 18,19,20,
Kincheloe, (female) Gregory 19
Kincheloe, A.M. (Dr) 100
Kincheloe, A.X. 22
Kincheloe, Allen (Dr) 22,88,101
Kincheloe, Allen M. (Dr) 101
Kincheloe, Amon 16
Kincheloe, Amon M. 97,100,101
Kincheloe, Belle Gregory 19
Kincheloe, Brandt 20
Kincheloe, Caroline 129
Kincheloe, Caroline Lewis 239
Kincheloe, Caroline Stith 115,128,131,
Kincheloe, Catharine (Stith) 101
Kincheloe, Caroline Stith (Stith?) 22,
Kincheloe, Catherine Morris 22,88
Kincheloe, Clarissa 20,88
Kincheloe, Cornelius 18,20,21
Kincheloe, Daniel 18,20
Kincheloe, David H(ayes) 18,19
Kincheloe, Dorcas 20
Kincheloe, Dr 22
Kincheloe, E.E. 18
Kincheloe, Elias 20,88
Kincheloe, Elijah 20
Kincheloe, Elizabeth (Prince) 21
Kincheloe, Elizabeth (Wheatley?) 21
Kincheloe, Elizabeth Canterbury 18
Kincheloe, Elizabeth Hardwick 20
Kincheloe, G.H. 87
Kincheloe, George 18,20
Kincheloe, Hector 21
Kincheloe, James 18,20
Kincheloe, James U. 18
Kincheloe, Jesse (Judge) 22,88
Kincheloe, Jesse 21
Kincheloe, Jesse W. 35
Kincheloe, John 18,19,20,88
Kincheloe, John (Dr) 100,101
Kincheloe, John Jr 18,20
Kincheloe, John W. 20
Kincheloe, Julius 20
Kincheloe, Lewis 20,22,87,88
Kincheloe, M.S. 19
Kincheloe, Marcus 22
Kincheloe, Margaret 20,88
Kincheloe, Margaret K. (Foote) 18,20,
Kincheloe, Mary 16
Kincheloe, Mary (Ferguson) 21
Kincheloe, Molly 20,88
Kincheloe, Molly White 20,88
Kincheloe, Nancy (Smith?) 21
Kincheloe, Nancy Edwards 22,88
Kincheloe, Nannie Stith 22,88,97,100,101
Kincheloe, Nestor 21
Kincheloe, Peggy 20,88
Kincheloe, Philip 22,86,87,111,115,131,
Kincheloe, R.M. 22,86,87,255
Kincheloe, Robert 20,21
Kincheloe, Robert W.P. 20
Kincheloe, Sally 20,88
Kincheloe, Sarah 21
Kincheloe, Stephen 20,88
Kincheloe, Sukey Wickliffe? 21
Kincheloe, T.A. 87
Kincheloe, Thomas 20,22,88
Kincheloe, Thomas Ludlow 19
Kincheloe, Wickliffe 20
Kincheloe, Wildman 18,20
Kincheloe, William 20,88
Kincheloe, William James 20
Kincheloe, Zach 19,107
Kincheloe, Zach Jr 19
Kincheloe, Zieta 19,107
KING, Catherine Jordan (Alverson) 111
King, Elizabeth Ann (Stith) 36
King, Margaret H. 175
King, Margaret Harned 168,174
King, Matilda Purcell 43
King, Moses 28
King, Susan Purcell 43
King, William F. 111
KINNEY, Herb 233
Kinney, Herbert 258
Kinney, Marie Jane Stith 258
KINSLOW family 18
KIRKLAND, Hugh 127
Kirkland, John B, 127
LA RUE family 177
LAFORCE, David R. 49
LAMBUTH, W.W. (Dr) 17
LANE family 113
Lane, Anne Prewitt 108
Lane, Thomas 215
Lane William 108
LANIER, Benjamin 232
LAWMAN, Mary Sprigg 57
LAWSON family 20
Lawson, Fanny May (Stith) 37
Lawson, Mary Haynes 107
Lawson, Mary L. (Stith) 37
Lawson, Stephen Board 37
Lawson, Sue Haynes 9
Lawson, William 171
LAWTON, Maude (Henderson) 16
LEATH, James 38,122
LEE, Robert E. (General) 171,175
LEFTWICH, August 206
Leftwich, Elizabeth Haynes 222,229
Leftwich, Jabez 27
Leftwich, Lockey [Rachel] (Saunders) 206
Leftwich, Sherley Bleakley 147
Leftwich, Thomas L. 27
Leftwich, William 222,229
LEIGH, William 26
LENNON, M. (Rev) 22
LEVERING, Eliza Corling 188,208
Levering, Joshua 188,208
Levering, William Wilson 188,208
LEWIS family 91,95
Lewis, (female) (Stith) 94
Lewis, Agnes Walker (Jones) 212
Lewis, Benj 91
Lewis, Benjamin 231
Lewis, Gale 231
Lewis, Henry 56
Lewis, J.J.W.H. 94
Lewis, James Joseph William Henry 94
Lewis, Louisa F. (Stith) 102
Lewis, Louisa Frederica 94
Lewis, Nancy Fontaine (Wilmans) 94
Lewis, Thomas 94,212
Lewis, William 94
LINCOLN, Mary (Crume) 225
Lincoln, Nancy (Brumfield) 225
Lincoln, Waldon 225
LITSEY family 151
Litsey, George 107
Litsey, George D. (Mrs) 3,9,16,17,107
Litsey, Georgia 17,95
LITTLE, Fielding 29
LLEWELLYN, Daniel 218
LLOYD, Ella Cain 14
LOCKETT, Joseph 29
LOCKHARD, Phillip A. 199
LOGAN, (female) Strother 24
LOGWOOD, Thomas 27
LONEY, Virgil T. 87
LONG family 76,77,100,119
Long, (Dr) 147
Long, Ada Stith (Bleakley) 147
Long, Amanda 100,130
Long, Amanda F. 130,140
Long, Amanda Fitzalen Woolfolk 134
Long, Amanda Woolfolk 30,63,108,109,130,
Long, Elizabeth 100
Long, Elizabeth (Brown) 130
Long, Elizabeth Prewitt 108
Long, James 100,101
Long, John 31,32,68,84,100,108,134,222,
Long, Joseph 100,130,133
Long, Katherine 100,130
Long, Katharine (Pasley) 101
Long, Katharine Strother 134
Long, Lucy 100,130,133
Long, Lucy (Yeager) 133
Long, Malissa (Lucy? Lissa?) 130,140
Long, Mary 100,234
Long, Mary (Stith) 234
Long, Mary E. 100,130,133
Long, Mary Elizabeth? 130
Long, Mary Haynes 222
Long, Mary J. 100
Long, Nicholas 233,234
Long, Philip 100
Long, Samuel 100,108,109,119,130,131,134
Long, Samuel S. 130,131,132,134
Long, Samuel Strother 30,63,109,119,133,
Long, Strother 151
Long, Susan (Shuman/Sherman?) 130
Long, Susan C. 130,133
Long, Susan Catherine? 130,133
Long, Thomas 100
Long, Virgil 130,133,140
Long, W.S. 44,67,118,119,134,175
Long, William 130,140
Long, Willis 130,133,134
Long, Wm C. 103
LONGTIN, Ruth 186
Longtin, Ruth Reed 178
LOUDERDALE, Hazel Hardaway 175
Louderdale, Malcolm 175
LOVE, Allen 232
Love, Fannie (Stith) 180,196,232
LUCAS, Lucy (Purcell) 46
Lucas, Mary (McDowell) 176
LUMPKIN, Thomas 27
LUNDIE, Thomas (Rev) 231,232
MABRY, Hinchia 231
MACLIN, Elizabeth (Hardaway) 197,211
Maclin, Frederick (Colonel) 211
Maclin, Jane Stith 195
Maclin, Sally (Jones) 231
MADDOX, Lucinda Strother 24
MAGEE, Ann (Stith) 181
MAHNE, Reason S. 29
MANIRE, John 127
MANSON, (female) Hardaway 150
MARIARTE, Edward 57
Mariarte, Honor 57
Mariarte, Margaret (Sprigg) 57
Markham, Elizabeth Sprigg 57
Markham, Robert 216
MARSHALL, David 117
Marshall, Jane Bland 216
Marshall, Mary Tabb (Bannister) 41
Marshall, Rebecca Cocke 117
MARTIN, James 5
Martin, Rachel Ann Stith 5
Martin, Stephen 29
Martin, William 207
MARTYN, Belle L. 53
MATHER, Otis 177
MATTHEWS, John 231
Matthews, Mary (Stith) 231
Matthews, Polly (Stith) 196
MAUREY, Thomas 27
MAY, William 34
MAYS, Elizabeth Stith 155
MAYSE -Maize
Mayse, (female) (Board) 199
McATEE, Lucy Sprigg 57
McCABE, John 29
McCALL, Neil 27
McCARTY family 20
McCLANAHAN, Lucy (Browning) 24
McCONATHY family 20
McCOY, (Mr) 36
McCoy, Billie 98
McCoy, Bud (Mrs) 145,148
McCoy, Caroline (Haynes) 35,80,81
McCoy, Joannah (Haynes) 36,80,81
McCoy, John 35
McCoy, John P. 80,81,224
McCoy, Jubal S. 80,81
McCoy, Polly Ann (Kennady) 80,81
McCoy, Rachel Smelser 81
McCoy, Roy P. 229
McCoy, Stephen 80,81
McDANIEL, Albon 29
McDaniel, Lodewick 27
McDOLLEY,----- 223
McDOWELL family 54,176
McDowell, Allen 176
McDowell, Elizabeth Phelps 176
McDowell, Jesse 167
McDowell, John 132,176
McDowell, John C. 176
McDowell, Mary Lucas 176
McDowell, Mary Purcell 44,54,176
McDowell, Nancy Trainer 176
McGAVOCK, (Mrs) 98
McGavock, Leon 98
McGEE, Ann (Stith) 132,251
McGEHEE, Eliza J. Hall 12
McGehee, John H. 11,12
McGehee, Mariah 11
McGehee, Verda Moorman 158,159
McGEORGE, Lawrence 189
McGeorge, William 189,190
McGHEE, Mary Moorman 158
McGhee, William L. 158n
McGILL, Anne (Stith-Taylor) 94,101,102
McGill, Sandy 22
McINDOO, Fannie 128,133
McKAY, James (Dr) 238
McKay, Jesse W. 238
McKay, Louisa A. Moreman (Stone) 238
McKay, Louisa F. 238
McKay, Louisa Moorman (Stone) 153,155
McKay, Lucie M. (Moreman-Stone) 238
McKay, Lucy H. (Moorman) 155
McKay, Lucy M. Rawlings 238
McKay, Rachel B. 238
McKay, Samuel A. 238
McKENZIE, John M. 102
McLEAN, Mary Brown Stith 238
McLean, William H. 238
McQUOWN family 11,12,14,93
McQuown, Edward 11
McQuown, Edward Y. 11,12,13
McQuown, Evaline Stith (Hardaway) 160,
McQuown, Henry C. 11
McQuown, James 11,12
McQuown, James H. 11
McQuown, James Jr 112
McQuown, James Sr 112
McQuown, Margaret Ellen Patton 11,12
McQuown, Rachel 11
McQuown, Rachel Stith 14
MEAD, John 212
MEADE, Andrew 195,231
Meade, Ann (Field) 231
Meade, David 231,232
Meade, Maria (Stith) 232
Meade, Nancy W. 231,232
Meade, Susanna 232
Meade, Susanna Stith 195
MEADOR, Benjamin 207
Meador, Elizabeth Basham 207
Meador, Ira 207
Meador, Jason 207
Meador, Jehu 207,250,256
Meador, Jeremiah 207
Meador, Job 207
Meador, John 207
Meador, Nancy Board 207
Meador, Nancy Ellage 207
Meador, Nancy Wright 207
Meador, Pattey Wood 207
Meador, Richard 207
Meador, Sarah Winfrey 207
Meador, Sarah Yates 207
Meador, William 207
MEGANN, Nancy 29
Megann, Pleasant 29
MENNIS, Calohill 27,28
MERCER, (Judge) 22
MERRITT, Henry (Rev) 231,232
Merritt, Lewis 29
MERRIWETHER -Meriweather-Merriweather family 123,141
Merriwether, Ann(e) (Bolling) 113,
Merriwether, Elizabeth (Bolling) 39,122
METCALF -Medcalf
Metcalf, John 51,75
Metcalf, Matilda (Purcell) 51,75
Metcalf, Theresa Dixon) 75
Metcalf, Thomas 53
METHERINGHAM, Elizabeth (Drury) 216
MILBURN, George 128
Milburn, Polly Yates 128
MILLER, Adelaide (Yates) 23
Miller, Hugh 39,41,123
Miller, Jane Bolling 41
Miller, Jimmy 22
Miller, Mathias 22
Miller, Robert B. (Mrs) 178
MILNER, (Dr) 98
MINOR, Armistead 29
Mitcham, Louisa Y. (Stith) 66
MITCHELL, Robert 27
Mitchell, Robert C. 27
Mitchell, William 27
MOORE, Hannah (Harriet?) (Hardaway) 166,
MOORMAN - Mooreman - Moreman family 31,
Moorman, (female) (Ditto) 16
Moorman, (female) Haynes 157
Moorman, (female) White 157
Moorman, A. Aaron 238
Moorman, Aaron 157
Moorman, Abram 158
Moorman, Achilles 72,150,153,158,238
Moorman, Achilles V. 101
Moorman, Alanson 59,60,62,63,66,70,71,
Moorman, Albert 70
Moorman, Alfred 199
Moorman, Alice 158
Moorman, Audrey Brown 70
Moorman, Betsey Stith (See: Elizabeth)
Moorman, Bettie (See: Elizabeth)
Moorman, Catherine 158
Moorman, Charles 4,157,158
Moorman, Charles Gatewood 4
Moorman, Charles H. 157
Moorman, Cinderella (Stith) 33,101,148
Moorman, Cyrus 158
Moorman, David H. 101
Moorman, Edgar V. Clay 238
Moorman, Eliza 158
Moorman, Elizabeth 159,164,173,174
Moorman, Elizabeth (Clarkson) 31
Moorman, Elizabeth A. (Clarkson) 238
Moorman, Elizabeth B. (Stith) 131
Moorman, Elizabeth B. Stith 212
Moorman, Elizabeth Buckner Stith 31,238
Moorman, Elizabeth J. Stith 101,150,238
Moorman, Elizabeth Stith 153,155
Moorman, Frances H. (Skillman) 101
Moorman, Ham(ilton) 155,160,161,238
Moorman, Henry 158
Moorman, Horace 53,60
Moorman, I.P. 95
Moorman, Israel Putnam 53,54,60
Moorman, James 158
Moorman, James Venable 157,158
Moorman, James White 157,158
Moorman, Jerome 158
Moorman, Jesse 153,173,174,212
Moorman, Jesse Adams 31,60,155,238
Moorman, Jesse P. 150,153,156n,164,238
Moorman, John 158
Moorman, Joseph E. Brown 70
Moorman, Josie Dean 153
Moorman, Judith E(mma) (Stith) 147,150,
Moorman, Katherine (Heston) 158
Moorman, Lizzie 70
Moorman, Louisa (Lou) 153
Moorman, Louisa (McKay) 155
Moorman, Louisa (McKay-Stone) 153
Moorman, Louisa A. (McKay-Stone) 238
Moorman, Lucretia (Moorman) 157
Moorman, Lucy (Heston) 158
Moorman, Lucy (Robinson) 155,238
Moorman, Lucy C. 156n
Moorman, Lucy C. (Summers) 164
Moorman, Lucy H. McKay 155,238
Moorman, Luke 155
Moorman, Mabel Stith 155,160,161
Moorman, Madison 158
Moorman, Marcus S. 60
Moorman, Margaret 158
Moorman, Martha 156n
Moorman, Martha (Patsey) Stith 164
Moorman, Mary 69,159
Moorman, Mary (McGhee) 158
Moorman, Mary (Polly) Haynes 35,158,159
Moorman, Mary Haynes 159
Moorman, Mary J. Clarkson 164
Moorman, Mary Jane Board 199
Moorman, Nancy 155,164
Moorman, Nancy Berryman 157
Moorman, Patsey Stith (See: Martha)
Moorman, Pendleton 157
Moorman, Pendleton C. 155
Moorman, Phoebe Ellen (Robinson) 157n,
Moorman, Polly Haynes (See: Mary)
Moorman, R.S 30
Moorman, Rachel W. Stith 53,59,60,131
Moorman, Rachel Watkins Stith 239
Moorman, Rhoda Ann (Stith) 72,131,155
Moorman, Rosina 60
Moorman, Sarah (Williams) 101
Moorman, Susan (Board) 157
Moorman, Susan G. Robinson (Cooley) 155
Moorman, Susan Lewis 158
Moorman, Thomas 187
Moorman, Thomas P. 155
Moorman, Thomas R. 238
Moorman, Venable (Vennie) 238
Moorman, Verda McGehee 158
Moorman, Virginia (Verdie) 238
Moorman, White 157,158
Moorman, William 35
Moorman, William W. 35
Moorman, William White 4,158,159,164
Moorman, Willis W. 60
MOREDOCK, Elizabeth 36
Moredock, Elizabeth Haynes 224,238
Moredock, Frances (Fanny) (Board) 65,224
Moredock, Henry 36,224,238
Moredock, James 36
Moredock, Stephen 224
Morgan, Bettie Stith 14
Morgan, C.H. 14
Morgan, H.G. 14
Morgan, James 223
Morgan, Jane (Stith) 227,229
Morgan, Lee (Mrs) 60
Morgan, Lucy Hynes 167
Morgan, S.L. 14
Morgan, Sarah Ann Agnes Haynes 223
Morgan, Thomas 167
MORRIS, Catherine (Kincheloe) 22,88
Morris, Emma Lou (Naylor) 83
Morris, Henry Sr 210
MORRISON, Bettie Stith 146
Morrison, D.A. 146
Morrison, Sally Browning 25
MOSELY, John 28
MULLINS, Priscilla (Alden) 109,112
MUNFORD, Elizabeth Bolling 41
Munford, James 41
Munford, Jane Watson 40
Munford, Robert 40
Munford, William 28
MURPHY, (female) Stith 103
Murphy, J.A. 106
Murphy, John 103
Murphy, John A. 149
Murphy, Mary Belle Stith (Abernathy)
MURRAY family 97
Murray, David 29
Murray, Thomas 29
NALL family 144,148
Nall, Charlotte 140
Nall, Charlotte Stith 112,183,204
Nall, Charlotte A. Stith 139,204,225
Nall, Elizabeth B. Stith 112,139,204,225
Nall, Elizabeth Brumfield 225
Nall, Emmett 165
Nall, Eugene 77,141,142,151,152
Nall, Fuller 148,151,160
Nall, Garnett 150
Nall, J.W. 140
Nall, Jeff 165
Nall, John M. 112,139,204,225
Nall, Louisa (Hardaway) 160,225
Nall, Martha (Hardaway) 203
Nall, Mary 145,148
Nall, Mary (Stith) 112,139,140,148,172,
Nall, Mary E. Stith 112
Nall, Minnie Hardaway 165
Nall, Robert B. 140,150
Nall, Strather 141,142
Nall, Thomas 203
Nall, Thomas Christopher 112
Nall, William 112,139,183,204,225
Nall, William P. 225
NAYLOR, (Mr) 83
Naylor, Emma Lou Morris 83
Naylor, John Wesley 83
Naylor, Mary Ellen 128
Naylor, Mary Ellen Jordan 83
Naylor, Osburn 83
NEAFUS, Benjamin 92
NEFF, George W. 226
Neff, Mary E. Purcell 226
NEILL, Micky Prewitt 108
Neill, Richard 108
NEUBERGER, D.J. (Ms) 199
NEVILL, John 57
NEWLAND, Margaret (Purcell) 46
NEWMAN, Mary Ann (Haynes) 35
Newman, Obadiah 35
NICHOLAS, Barbara (Richardson) 201
NICHOLLS, Edmund 202
NOCHOLS, Jesse 189
Nichols, V.W. 190
NORDBERG, Estie Kathleen Ewing 217
NUTHALL, Eleanor (Sprigg) 57
Nuthall, Eleanor Sprigg (Hilleary) 57
Nuthall, Elizabeth Bacon (Halloway) 57
Nuthall, John 57
OLIVER, (Mrs) 138
ORENDORF, Eliza (Henderson) 14,102
OTEY, Armistead 27
Otey, Isaac 27
Otey, James 27
Otey, John 31
Otey, John H. 27
Otey, Nelson 28
OVERTON, I.W. 167,173
Overton, Naomi (Sthal) 167,173
Overton, Naomi Stith (White-Blakely) 173
PALMER, L.G. 5,6,10
PANKEY, John 28
PARHAM, Anne Stith 233
Parham, Stith 233
Parham, William (Captain) 233
PARK, Rhoda 155
PARKER, Josiah, Colonel 10
Parker, Richard 170
PARROTT, Louisa Cain 14
PARTRIDGE, Mary (Shacklett) 149
PASLEY - Parsley family 205,206,268
Pasley, (female) (Stith) 8,128
Pasley, Edna Stith 8,101,128,205,206
Pasley, Henry 206
Pasley, Henry A. 101
Pasley, Henry M?. 111
Pasley, Henry N. 101,107
Pasley, Jane Stith 101,107,111
Pasley, Jane (Jencie) Stith 205,206
Pasley, Jincy (Jensie) Stith 8,101,128
Pasley, Katherine Long 101
Pasley, Lucy Ann 101
Pasley, Martha A. 101
Pasley, Mary Ann 101
Pasley, Mary Ann (Stith) 101,128,206
Pasley, Mildred A. 101
Pasley, Robert A. 101
Pasley, William A. 101
PATE family 191,206
Pate, (female) Bender 188,208
Pate, (female) Buck 188,208
Pate, (female) Dabney 223
Pate, Agnes (Haynes) 33,63,64,82,189,
Pate, Ann 207
Pate, Ann(a) (Buford) 250,256
Pate, Ann(ie) (Buford) 206
Pate, Anne Reade 188,207,208
Pate, Anthony 188,208
Pate, Ben (Rev) 188
Pate, Benjamin Allen 188
Pate, Betty Haynes 188
Pate, Cornelius 189,206,250,256
Pate, Edmund 27,189,250
Pate, Edward (Lord) 207
Pate, Elizabeth 188,207,208
Pate, Elizabeth (Shelburn) 188,208
Pate, Elizabeth Cardwell 188,208
Pate, Jacob 188,208
Pate, Jeremiah 188,208
Pate, John 188,189,190,207,223,250,256
Pate, John (Sir) 188,207
Pate, John Ben (Rev) 207
Pate, Judith (Pate) 188
Pate, Mary Abston 188
Pate, Matthew 27,33,183,187,188,189,
Pate, Matthew (1st Lieut) 188
Pate, Nancy (Corling) 188,208
Pate, Nancy (Haynes) 33,49,64,73,183,
Pate, Nancy Haynes 241
Pate, Rachel (Robinson-Warrington)
Pate, Rebecca 188,208
Pate, Richard 188,208
Pate, Sarah (Anderson) 188,208
Pate, Thomas (Major) 188,207
Pate, William 189,190
Pate, Zilla Broach 188,208
PATTERSON, Charles C. 26
PATTON -Patten
Patton, Adeline (Stith) 86,255
Patton, Malvina (Stith) 86,101,129
Patton, Margaret Ellen (McQuown-
Hall) 12
PAUL, Elizabeth 131,239
Paul, George 131,239
Paul, Sally (Stith) 131,239
Paul, William 131
PAWLEY, Elizabeth M. (Stith) 140
Pawley, Stephen 140
PAYNE family 111
Payne, Frances 51
Payne, George 51
Payne, Martha (Strother) 24
PEACY, T.G. 40,127
Peacy, T. Griffin 137,195
PEARCE, Sarah Sprigg 57
PEARCY, John 28
Pearcy, Nicholas 27,28
PEEBLES, Ann 186,194,195,209,241,244
PEEPLES, Betsy 38,122
Peeples, James 38,122
PEGRAM, (female) (Stith) 117
PENDLETON, (female) (Browning-Ward) 24
Pendleton, (female) (Strother) 24
Pendleton, Harry (Captain) 24
PERCEL: See Purcell
PETERSON, Agnes (Hardaway) 109
PEYTON family 91,97
Peyton, George 73,91,200
Peyton, Mary (Dent) 97
Peyton, William 98
PHELPS, Elizabeth (McDowell) 176
PHILPOTT, Lucinda Haynes 82
Philpott, Samuel A. 82
PICKERILL, Lucy (Lula) Stith 37
PICKETT family 11
PILE, Elizabeth (Sprigg) 57
Pile, Richard (Dr) 57
PINDELL, Mary Belt (Sprigg) 57
Pindell, Thomas 57
POCAHONTAS, Princess 41,146,150
PONTON, Bertha E. 46,47,75
POOL, Frances (Board?) 199
PORTER, Hardin 177
Porter, William R. 27,28
POSTON, Lawyer, 64,174
Poston, Martha Ann Barrett Campbell
(Haynes) 174
POWELL, Walter R. (Mrs) 238
POWERS, James 24
Powers, Lucy Calvert 24
POYTHRESS, Ann I. (Yates) 23
PRATHER, Martha Sprigg 57
PRATT, George 106,149
Pratt, Rose Evaline Stith 106,149
PRESTON, Booker 27
Preston, Joel 29,222
PREWITT family 108,109,113
Prewitt, Anne (Lane) 108
Prewitt, Charlotte Ford 108
Prewitt, Elizabeth (Long) 108
Prewitt, John L. 108
Prewitt, Mary Ford 108
Prewitt, Micky (Neill) 108
Prewitt, Nathaniel 108
PRICE, Alexander 26,27,28
Price, Bernice Shacklett 165,166,172,
Price, Charles (Bud) 28,70
Price, Charles (Mrs) 10,70,165
Price, Prentiss 227,233,260
Price, Ursula G. Scott 26,27,28
PRIGMORE, Daniel Fields 5
Prigmore, Mary Elizabeth Stith 5
PRINCE, Elizabeth Kincheloe 21
PRINGLE, Mark U. 187
PRUITT, W.O. (Mrs) 72,73
PRYOR, Fannie W. (Strother) 24
Pryor, John 39,122
Pryor, Mary (Bolling) 39,122
PRYSE, Howell 216
PUCKLE sisters 215
PURCELL - Percel - Purcel - Pursel
family 34,45,46,54,72,75,166,168,172,
Purcell, (female) Harned 224
Purcell, Abner 46,75
Purcell, Abner C. 44,46
Purcell, Alex 46
Purcell, Betsy (Junior) 46
Purcell, Catherine 132,135,140
Purcell, Daniel 43,45,48,51,54,67,176
Purcell, David 44,46,75
Purcell, Dennis
Purcell, Edward 46
Purcell, Eleanor (Scott) 43,224
Purcell, Elizabeth 51,75
Purcell, Elizabeth A(nn) Stith 8
Purcell, Elizabeth Ann F. (Duncan or
Dunker) 44,54
Purcell, Emma Hart 174
Purcell, Felix 43,224
Purcell, Gabe 174
Purcell, Harry 244
Purcell, Henry 169
Purcell, James 43,44,45,46,51,67,72,
Purcell, James J. 46
Purcell, Jesse 46,47
Purcell, Johanah 169
Purcell, John 35,44,45,46,67,74,78,119,
Purcell, Lucy Allison 174
Purcell, Lucy Elizabeth Ann Stith 35,45
Purcell, Lucy Lucas 46
Purcell, Malinda (Stith) 5,35,44,45,54,
Purcell, Malindy (Stith) 135
Purcell, Margaret Newland 46
Purcell, Mary (McDowell) 44,54,176
Purcell, Mary Cox 91,95,237
Purcell, Mary E. (Neff) 226
Purcell, Mary Elizabeth 44
Purcell, Matilda (King) 43
Purcell, Matilda Medcalf 51,75
Purcell, Matt 224
Purcell, Mattias 43,44,45,48,54,169,174
Purcell, Millie (Mollie?) (Randolph) 174
Purcell, Nancy (Wiseheart) 43
Purcell, Peter 48,54,67,118,119,132,134,
Purcell, Rachel (Fife) 75,174
Purcell, Rachel Falker 45,74,91
Purcell, Rachel Forker 51,74,91
Purcell, Rachel Harned 43,48,51
Purcell, Rebecca 51
Purcell, Roddy 132,135,140
Purcell, Sally (Purcell) 43,45,48,54,224
Purcell, Sarah 174
Purcell, Sarah Harned 169
Purcell, Susan (King) 43
Purcell, Vester 175
Purcell, William Quinn (Lieut) 75
PUSEY, William Allen (Mrs Dr) 89
QUARLES, James 125
Quarles, Polly 231
RAGEDALE, Rachel (Jones) 198
RAILEY, Thomas 29
RANDOLPH family 228
Randolph, Anne Cary 228
Randolph, Elizabeth (Yates) 23
Randolph, Harrison 211
Randolph, Jane Bolling 228
Randolph, Lucy Bolling 41
Randolph, Mark 174
Randolph, Mary (Cary) 228
Randolph, Mary (Stith) 233
Randolph, Mary Jones 197,208,211
Randolph, Millie (Mollie) Purcell 174
Randolph, Peter 39,41,123
Randolph, Richard 228
RANEY, William 232
RATH, Ada Volz Stith 103
Rath, Nelson 103
RATHBY, Christian (Drury) 216
RAWLINGS, Lucy M. (McKay) 238
RAY, William Shacklette 178
READ, Ezra 73
Read, Mary (Frymire) 49
Read, Nathan 27,29
Read, Samuel 28
READE, Anne (Pate) 188,207,208
Reade, Francis 188,207
Reade, George 188,208
REID, Allie 192
Reid, Francis 206
Reid, Margott (Saunders) 206
REIMAN, George 16
RHEA, Andrew 196
Rhea, Susanna Stith 196
RICHARDSON family 62
Richardson, Abram Ackley 49
Richardson, Barbara Nicholas 201
Richardson, Cecelia Jane Woolfolk) 66
Richardson, Daniel S. 62,66
Richardson, Ella Stith 153,155
Richardson, Hester P. Simmons
(Woolfolk) 66
Richardson, Hester Watkins (Woolfolk) 62
Richardson, Jack 201
Richardson, Julia (Clarkson) 160
Richardson, Sarah (Haynes) 32,33,49
Richardson, Warren 16
Richardson, Warren Calhoun "Cal" 66
RIDDLE, Andrew 28
RIDENOUR, George (Rev) 6,9
RIGGS, Mary (Crume) 225
ROAN, Pleasant 28
ROBERTS, (Mrs) 225
Roberts, Elizabeth Haynes 262,264,265
Roberts, Eric 262,264,265
Roberts, Maggie 73,79
Roberts, Maggie Stith 68,69
Robertson, (female) Stith 103
Robertson, Eliza Peyton Stith 106,149
Robertson, (Eliza) Peyton Stith 105
Robertson, Elizabeth Fowler Saunders?
Robertson, Fowler (Saunders) 184
Robertson, G.E. 104
Robertson, George 103
Robertson, George E. 106,149
Robertson, Jesse 31
Robertson, N. 27
Robertson, Peyton Stith (Mrs) 151
ROBINSON, Eliza 48,59
Robinson, Eliza Jane Stith 131,226,238
Robinson, J.B. (Mrs) 37
Robinson, Jesse M. 131
Robinson, Jesse Moorman 226,238
Robinson, Lucy Moorman 155,238
Robinson, Lura Stith 244
Robinson, Phoebe Ellen (Moorman) 157n,
Robinson, Rachel Pate (Warrington) 188,
Robinson, Robert 188,208
Robinson, Susan G. (Cooley-Moorman) 155
Robinson, Thomas 155,157,158,164,238
Robinson, Zula (Worland) 226
RODGERS, James 51
ROGERS, Mary 51
ROLF, Mary (Bland) 71
ROLFE, Jane (Bolling) 41,146
Rolfe, Thomas 41
ROOKE, Elizabeth (Drury) 216
ROSS, David 27,29
ROWELL, female 34
ROYALL, Jos. E. 27
RUBEY, C.W. (Captain) 87,255
RUBY, Beatrice (Stith) 149
RUCKER, Jonathan 29
RYAN, Wm 28
SALE, J.F.27
SAMMONS/Samons, Allen 27,28
SAUNDERS - Sanders family 31,180,183,
Saunders, Aaron 184
Saunders, Albert L. 180
Saunders, Amanda H. 180
Saunders, Amanda M. Wisehart 238
Saunders, Charles Madison (Matt) 199
Saunders, Charles Madison 180,187,191,
Saunders, Cordelia 199
Saunders, Cordelia (Stith) 36,117,181,
Saunders, Cordelia A. 180
Saunders, Cordelia A. (Stith) 61
Saunders, Daniel J. 93,191,206
Saunders, David 27,206
Saunders, David J. 212
Saunders, Durham 185
Saunders, Edna E. 180
Saunders, Edna Earl 184
Saunders, Edna Hardaway 180,184,187,199,
Saunders, Elizabeth 31,61,181,239
Saunders, Elizabeth (F.) Gilky (Stith-
Falconer) 199,226,239
Saunders, Elizabeth F. 180
Saunders, Elizabeth F(owler?) 181
Saunders, Elizabeth Fowler (Robertson)
Saunders, Elizabeth Gilky (Faulconer)
Saunders, Elizabeth Stith 93
Saunders, Fowler (Robertson) 184
Saunders, G.W. 185
Saunders, George 184
Saunders, Holly Curle 206
Saunders, J. 191
Saunders, James 184
Saunders, James R. 206
Saunders, Jane (Stith) 112,138,145,150
Saunders, Jane L. (Stith) 139,204,225
Saunders, John 184,191
Saunders, Katharine R. (Stith) 181
Saunders, Lockey [Rachel] Leftwich 206
Saunders, Luther 187
Saunders, Madison 199
Saunders, Madison (Matt?) 181
Saunders, Mal (Cain) 184
Saunders, Malvina E. 180
Saunders, Margott Reid 206
Saunders, Martha Stith 93,191,206
Saunders, Mary (Polly)(Shacklett) 93,150
Saunders, Mary Agnes (Jordan) 238
Saunders, Mary Stith 212
Saunders, Matt 180,181,184
Saunders, Matthew 184,187,191,257
Saunders, Mildred (Milly) Haynes 31,206,
Saunders, Nancy E. 180
Saunders, Nelson A. 185
Saunders, Peter 138
Saunders, Rhoda 191
Saunders, Robert 61,181,199,239
Saunders, Sherman T.? 180
Saunders, Stephen 31,206,222
Saunders, Stith 93
Saunders, Thomas 184
Saunders, Thomas S. 238
Saunders, William 206
SCOTT, (female) (Tinney) 26
Scott, (Mrs) 15
Scott, Alice 26,29
Scott, Alice (Simmons) 26
Scott, Arabella 26
Scott, Charity (Simmons) 26
Scott, Charles L(ee) 43,48
Scott, Doreathea A. 26
Scott, Eleanor Purcell 43,48
Scott, Eliza A. 27
Scott, Elizabeth (Haynes) 26,27,28
Scott, Elizabeth (Simmons-Welch) 26
Scott, Elizabeth A(bbey/Abbot?) 26,28
Scott, Harriet Anne Fast 26,48,172
Scott, Henry 26
Scott, Henry W(illiam) 43,48
Scott, Isabel 26
Scott, James 26,29
Scott, John 26,29
Scott, Linneus 26,27,28,29
Scott, Louisa Adalisa (Miss Lad)
Hardaway 43,148,166,172,175,203,268
Scott, Mary 26
Scott, Polly (Street) 26,28
Scott, Ruth Fontaine 29,43,48,180,224,
Scott, Samuel 26
Scott, Sarah 26
Scott, Susan M. (Street) 26,28
Scott, Thomas 26,29
Scott, Thomas P. 29
Scott, Ursula G. (Price) 26,27,28
Scott, Walter 18,26,29
Scott, Walter A. 26
Scott, William 26,27,28,29
Scott, William F. 172
Scott, William H. 26
SELFE, John Jr 171
SHACKLETT family 10
Shacklett, Adalisa Hardaway 161,165,166
Shacklett, Ann 13
Shacklett, Ann Warfield 33,48
Shacklett, Ben Gager 48,50
Shacklett, Bernice (Price) 165,166,174
Shacklett, Blanchert 48,149
Shacklett, Cornelia 80,90
Shacklett, Cornelia Haynes 48
Shacklett, Cornelia Isabelle Haynes 223
Shacklett, Daniel 33,48
Shacklett, Daniel R. 48
Shacklett, Eleanor Warfield 48,50
Shacklett, Elijah 93,138
Shacklett, Elizabeth Wimp 48
Shacklett, Frances (Fast): See Fast
Shacklett, George Washington (Wash) 138
Shacklett, Irby (Hardin) 168 See: Hardin
Shacklett, Jacob Hayden 161,165,166
Shacklett, Jesse 48
Shacklett, Jim Gager 48
Shacklett, John 48
Shacklett, John Gilbert 48
Shacklett, Laura 138
Shacklett, Mary (Polly) Saunders 93,150
Shacklett, Mary Partridge 149
Shacklett, Matilda (Boling) 149
Shacklett, Mollie (Hatcher) 14,93
Shacklett, R.B. (Mrs) 5,31,32,33,48,64
Shacklett, Rachel Ashcraft 149
Shacklett, Rachel Wimp 48
Shacklett, Richard 33,48,138
Shacklett, Richard Ashcraft 149
Shacklett, Richard B. 223
Shacklett, Richard Peter (Prof) 93
Shacklett, Rose 138
Shacklett, Sally Dodson 48
Shacklett, Samantha Barbara 79,150
Shacklett, Sarah (Shacklett) 48
Shacklett, Susanna Wimp 48
Shacklett, Viola Williams 93,112
SHAIN, Agnes Elizabeth Haynes 79
Shain, Edmund 79
Shain, Jennie (Stith) 102
SHEARMAN, Henry D. 26,27
Shearman, William N. 26,27
SHELBURN, Elizabeth Pate 188,208
Shelburn, James 188,208
SHEPARD, Benjamin 29
SHERMAN, John (Shuman?) 130
Sherman, Walter J. 65
SHORE, Sallie 118
SHORT, E.B. (Mrs) 241
SHREWSBURY - Shrewsberry family 154,160
Shrewsbury, Catherine? Board 154
Shrewsbury, Elizabeth (Hardaway) 154,160
Shrewsbury, Nathan 154
Shrewsbury, Rhoda (Buford) 128
Shrewsbury, Simeon 154
SHUMAN, John (Sherman?) 130
Shuman, Susan Long 130
SIMMONS family 73
Simmons, Alice Scott 26
Simmons, Allen 103
Simmons, Charity Scott 26
Simmons, Eleven 26
Simmons, Elizabeth Scott (Welch) 26
Simmons, Enos 26
Simmons, Hester P. (Woolfolk-
Richardson) 66
Simmons, Jonathan 26
Simmons, Joseph 26
Simmons, Levi 26
Simmons, Lucy (Jones) 231
Simmons, Martha (Field) 231
Simmons, Mary (Jones) 231
Simmons, Permelia Jordan 103
Simmons, Samuel 26,66
SIMPSON, Donald 23
Simpson, Etta Fishback 23
SINGLETON, Mary E. (Stith) 37
SKILLMAN, (female) French) 98
Skillman, A.B. 65
Skillman, Abe 65,98
Skillman, Amos 98
Skillman, Essie (Board) 98
Skillman, Frances H. Moorman 101
Skillman, G.W. (Wat) 98
Skillman, Isaac 29
Skillman, James 97,98
Skillman, John 98
Skillman, Lucy Board 98,182
Skillman, Mary Elizabeth Bowmer 65
Skillman, Milton 98
Skillman, Mort 98
Skillman, Nancy Board 98,182
Skillman, Nancy Jordan 98
Skillman, Peter 101
Skillman, Polly Haynes 223
Skillman, Richard 98
Skillman, Richard S. 98
Skillman, Thomas 98
Skillman, William 98,182
SKIPWORTH family 207
SLAUGHTER, Joseph 27
SMELSER, John 81
Smelser, Rachel (McCoy) 81
SMITH, A.H. 18
Smith, Anthony Evans 28
Smith, Betsey Haynes 222
Smith, Flora M. Stith 68
Smith, Frances Haynes 222
Smith, Granville 13
Smith, Henry Cain 14
Smith, James H. 238
Smith, John H. 27
Smith, John P. 28
Smith, Lulu Haynes 238
Smith, Mary (Haynes) 55
Smith, Moses Klingen 140
Smith, Nancy Calvert (Spilker) 24
Smith, Nancy Kincheloe? 21
Smith, Presley 21
Smith, Thorogood 187
SMITSON, Wilson 28
SPAIN, Mary N. (Stith) 196,232
Spain, William 232
SPILKER, Nancy Calvert (Smith) 24
SPIRES, Mary Lou (Haynes) 223
SPRIGG family 253
Sprigg, Anne (Gittings) 57
Sprigg, Benjamin 10,52,56,135
Sprigg, Edward (Captain) 57,58
Sprigg, Edward (Colonel) 57,58
Sprigg, Elanor (Dorsey) 56
Sprigg, Eleanor 57
Sprigg, Eleanor (Hilleary, Nuthall) 57
Sprigg, Eleanor (Stallings) 57
Sprigg, Eleanor Nuthall 57
Sprigg, Elias 57
Sprigg, Elizabeth 48,54,56,57
Sprigg, Elizabeth (Wade) 57
Sprigg, Elizabeth Markham) 57
Sprigg, Elizabeth Pile 57
Sprigg, Elizabeth Wootten 58
Sprigg, Hannah 56
Sprigg, James 57
Sprigg, John 56,57,132
Sprigg, Katherine 57
Sprigg, Leven 48,54,56,57
Sprigg, Lucy (McAtee) 57
Sprigg, Margaret 57
Sprigg, Margaret Mariarte 57
Sprigg, Margery Beall? (Belt) 57
Sprigg, Martha (Prather) 57
Sprigg, Mary (Lawman) 57
Sprigg, Mary (Polly) (Veach) 56
Sprigg, Mary (Stockett) 57
Sprigg, Mary Belt (Pindell) 57
Sprigg, Mary Fowler 57
Sprigg, Nancy 48
Sprigg, Nancy (Stith) 56
Sprigg, Rebecca 56
Sprigg, Rezin 57
Sprigg, Richard (Dr) 57,58
Sprigg, Sarah (Pearce) 57
Sprigg, Sarah (Stith) 1,8,10,56,58,75,
Sprigg, Thomas 48,56,57
Sprigg, Thomas (Lt Col) 57
Sprigg, Zachariah D. 48,56
SQUIRES, Levi 29
ST CLAIR, Isaac 27
STALLINGS, Eleanor (Sprigg) 57
STANLEY, James 28
STARKE, Dianotia Jones 197,208,211
Starke, Dionysia Jones 232
Starke, Lewis 211,232
Starke, Mary Bolling 41
Starke, Mary Hall 40,41,85
Starke, Robert 40,41,85
Starke, William 39,41,123
STARR, K.T. 18
STEHL: see Sthal
STEPHENS, Richard 36
Steptoe, James C. 28
STERRITT, Margaret Thomas (Bowmer) 65
STHAL - Stehl
Sthal, Elias 167
Sthal, Naomi Hynes (Overton) 167,173
STITH - Stithe family 1,7,8,10,16,22,30,
Stith, (female) (Washington) 195
Stith, (female) Carter 15
Stith, (female) Lewis 94
Stith, (female) Pegram 117
Stith, A.M. 155
Stith, Abner 36,86,196,210,226
Stith, Abner (nephew) 59,60
Stith, Abner H. 131,199,226,238,239
Stith, Achilles 155
Stith, Ada (Bleakley-Long) 147
Stith, Ada Volz (Rath) 103
Stith, Adalina 92,93
Stith, Adeline Ann 92
Stith, Adeline Patton 86,255
Stith, Agnes Coleman 35
Stith, Albert 14
Stith, Albert F. 147
Stith, Albert W. 37
Stith, Albina Carrico 147
Stith, Alex 103
Stith, Alice (Hard) 253
Stith, Alice Bandy 106,149,151
Stith, Allen ("Cousin William", W.A.,
William Allen) 56,70,93,94,102,104,
Stith, Alvin Glenn 147
Stith, Amanda Bol(l)ing 112,139,146,
Stith, Anderson (Major) 233
Stith, Andrew 196,210,231
Stith, Ann 92 (See also: Anna, Anne,
Stith, Ann (Eaton) 195
Stith, Ann (Hardaway) 143,144,146,148,
Stith, Ann (Hardaway-Hightower) 113
Stith, Ann (McGill-Taylor) 94,101,102
Stith, Ann (Nancy) (Hardaway) 176
Stith, Ann Carter? (McGill-Taylor) 102
Stith, Ann Elizabeth (Gilky) 239
Stith, Ann Magee 181
Stith, Ann McGee 132,251
Stith, Ann Walker 23,84,117,195
Stith, Ann Washington 219
Stith, Anna 52
Stith, Anna (Ewing) 217
Stith, Anna (Taber) 37
Stith, Annabelle Foote 149
Stith, Anne 15
Stith, Anne (Bolling) 41,163
Stith, Anne (Eaton) 234
Stith, Anne (Parham) 233
Stith, Anne Washington 252
Stith, Archer 139,183,204,225
Stith, Arthur 37
Stith, Ariana (Washington) 218,219
Stith, Baldwin B. 246
Stith, Bassett 233,234
Stith, Bathurst 180,191,196
Stith, Beatrice Ruby 149
Stith, Belle (Wallace) 149
Stith, Belle Henderson 14
Stith, Ben 63,254,256
Stith, Ben B. 37
Stith, Benjamin 36,52,54,59,60,62,63,66,
Stith, Benjamin A. 37
Stith, Benjamin B. 62,199
Stith, Benjamin Buckner 117,181,184,239
Stith, Benjamin F. 239
Stith, Benjamin Sr 131
Stith, Benjamin W. 60,63,72,80,111,115,
Stith, Betsey 257 (See also: Bettie,
Stith, Betsy (Moorman) 153
Stith, Betsy Ann 140
Stith, Betsy Jones 212
Stith, Bettie 128
Stith, Bettie (Morgan) 14
Stith, Bettie (Morrison?) 146
Stith, Bettie (Stith) 268
Stith, Bettie Hardaway (Hardaway) 8,9,
Stith, Billie 16,22,102 (See also:
Stith, Bob 22,129 (See also: Robert)
Stith, Bolling 8,128
Stith, Buckner 111,113,115,116,117,132,
Stith, Buckner 232,239
Stith, Buckner Jr 197,232
Stith, Buckner Sr 220,252
Stith, Buckner (Captain) 23,84,195,196,
Stith, Buckner (Colonel) 197,208,211
Stith, Buckner (Dr) 219
Stith, Buckner Jones 14,33,101,116,148,
Stith, Caroline 52,117,131,132
Stith, Caroline (Childs) 59,60
Stith, Caroline (Chiles) 53,60,131,239
Stith, Caroline (Digby) 86,255
Stith, Caroline (Kincheloe) 115,128,255
Stith, Caroline (Stith?-Kincheloe) 22,
Stith, Caroline (Stith) 111,113,115,116,
Stith, Caroline (Stith-Kincheloe) 239
Stith, Carroll Harl 101
Stith, Catherine 63,72,116
Stith, Catherine (Bolling) 195
Stith, Catherine (Cain) 184
Stith, Catherine (Jones) 211
Stith, Catherine (Jordan) 72,116
Stith, Catherine (Jordan-Warden) 116
Stith, Catherine (Warden) 80
Stith, Catherine Kincheloe 101
Stith, Cattie (Davis) 268
Stith, Charles (Charlie) 15,92,102,104,
Stith, Charles Augustus 155
Stith, Charles D(enton) 37,59,134
Stith, Charles F. 14
Stith, Charles M. 14
Stith, Charlotte (Nall) 112,139,183,204
Stith, Charlotte A. (Nall) 204,225
Stith, Cincinnatus 227,242
Stith, Cinderella (Crundarilla) Hardaway
Stith, Cinderella Dowell 100
Stith, Cinderella Dowell Hardaway 192
Stith, Cinderella Moorman 33,101,116
Stith, Cinderella Moorman (Hardaway) 148
Stith, Clara (Hill) 147
Stith, Clara Belle Jordan 103,105,106,
Stith, Clarence King 106,149
Stith, Claudia Elizabeth (Brown) 106,149
Stith, Clyde 155
Stith, Cofer 14
Stith, Comfort 131
Stith, Comfort E. 59,167,173
Stith, Comfort E. Geoghegan (Stith) 239,
Stith, Comfort Geohegan 37,48,60, 62,
Stith, Cordelia A. (Saunders) 199
Stith, Cordelia Sa(u)nders 36,60,117,
Stith, Corinne (Frank) Carrico 147
Stith, Crittenden 155
Stith, Crittenden J. 155
Stith, Daniel 6,36,112,138,140,145,150,
Stith, Daniel J. 100,192
Stith, Daniel L. 139,144,148,183,204,225
Stith, David 48,56,58,61,140,167,173,
Stith, David B. 251
Stith, David Buckner 117,186,(251?)
Stith, David E. 238
Stith, Denton 37
Stith, Dora Bell (Thomas) 86,255
Stith, Dovie Bledsoe 147
Stith, Drury 52,72,80,91,112,117,139,
Stith, Drury (Colonel) 194,196
Stith, Drury (Lt Colonel) 58,200,207,210
Stith, Drury (Lt Colonel) II 210
Stith, Drury B. 231
Stith, Drury Buckner 117
Stith, Dudley 180,196
Stith, Dudley (Colonel) 186,194
Stith, Duff 103
Stith, Eddie 52,53
Stith, Edmund 231,232
Stith, Edna 8,79
Stith, Edna (Pasley) 101,128,205
Stith, Edwin 35,112,139,182,183,185,203,
Stith, Eliza 140
Stith, Eliza (niece) 59,60
Stith, Eliza Frances (McKenzie) 102
Stith, Eliza Jane (Robinson) 131,226,238
Stith, Eliza Jane 239
Stith, Eliza Peyton (Robertson) 106,149
Stith, Eliza R. 145
Stith, Elizabeth 71,140,155,195,225
Stith, Elizabeth (Bland) 116
Stith, Elizabeth (Clarkson?)(sister) 59
Stith, Elizabeth (F.) Gilky (Saunders-
Falconer) 226,239
Stith, Elizabeth (Fitzhugh) 186
Stith, Elizabeth (Gilky) 112
Stith, Elizabeth (Hardaway) 152,154,175,
Stith, Elizabeth (Mays) 155
Stith, Elizabeth (Moorman) 155
Stith, Elizabeth (Saunders) 93
Stith, Elizabeth (Yaden) 87,255
Stith, Elizabeth A(nn) (Purcell) 8
Stith, Elizabeth Ann (Stith) 72,80,112
Stith, Elizabeth Ann 183,204,225
Stith, Elizabeth Ann Jones 225
Stith, Elizabeth Ann Jordan 1,6,8,10,45,
Stith, Elizabeth Ann King 36
Stith, Elizabeth Ann(e) 139,140
Stith, Elizabeth B. 183,204
Stith, Elizabeth B. (Bland) 66
Stith, Elizabeth B. (Field) 231
Stith, Elizabeth B. (Moreman) 131,212
Stith, Elizabeth B. (Nall) 112,139,204,
Stith, Elizabeth Buckner (Moorman)31,238
Stith, Elizabeth Buckner 52,58,91,180,
Stith, Elizabeth F. 36,63n,199
Stith, Elizabeth F. Gilky (Saunders-
Falconer) 199
Stith, Elizabeth Frances (Yates) 23
Stith, Elizabeth J. 238
Stith, Elizabeth J. (Moreman) 238
Stith, Elizabeth Jones (Eldridge) 194
Stith, Elizabeth Jones 72,93,116,117,
Stith, Elizabeth M. Pawley 140
Stith, Elizabeth N. Harl 101
Stith, Ella (Richardson) 155
Stith, Ellen (Greer-Trent) 8,268
Stith, Elsie Baxter 149
Stith, Emeline Hardaway 182,203,204,205
Stith, Emerine 183,204
Stith, Emerine (Stith) 35
Stith, Emerine Hardaway 139,225
Stith, Emiline 267
Stith, Emily 63,71,116
Stith, Emily Bowmer 117
Stith, Emily C. (Vannoy) 66
Stith, Emily Haynes (Bowmer) 33,65
Stith, Emily Haynes 223
Stith, Emma 146
Stith, Emma (Buerge) 267
Stith, Emma Sudds 87,255
Stith, Erma 115,214
Stith, Ernest 149
Stith, Essie Hicks 147
Stith, "Cousin" Estie Malinda(Crabbe)
Stith, Ethel (Watts) 146
Stith, Eula Lee (Anderson-Ashcraft) 149
Stith, Eula Lee (Anderson-Hunter) 106
Stith, Eva (Taft) 14
Stith, Evalina Jones 131,155
Stith, Evaline (McQuown-Hardaway)160,215
Stith, Eveline Jones 257
Stith, Evaline Jones (Hardaway)14,102,
Stith, Ezra 59,131,186,192,196,199,210,
Stith, Fanny Lawson 134
Stith, Fanny (Fannie) Love 180,196,232
Stith, Fanny May Lawson 37
Stith, Farmer H. 255
Stith, Farmer Hightower 22,86,89,255,256
Stith, Ferdinand 186
Stith, Fletcher (1stnm William) 7,9,10,
Stith, Fletcher Jr 128
Stith, Flora M. (Smith) 68
Stith, For(r)est H(unter) 106,144,149,
Stith, Frances Ann 132,140
Stith, Frances Ann Ferguson 239
Stith, Francis Marion 68
Stith, Gabriel 155
Stith, George 67,86,87,89,117,129,255
Stith, George H. 35,86
Stith, George Hightower 86,115,255
Stith, George Hightower Jr 86,87,255
Stith, George W. 139
Stith, Gerard 241
Stith, Gertrude (Bunger) 149
Stith, Griffin 68,69,71,72,80,116,
Stith, H. Marks 258,264,267 (See
also: Marks)
Stith, H.B. 78
Stith, H.E. 155
Stith, Hannah Elizabeth Honsinger 86,255
Stith, Hannah Williams 93,112,138,180
Stith, Harold 149
Stith, Harriet (Hardaway) 35,186
Stith, Harriet B. Hall 173
Stith, Harriet Bolling 42
Stith, Harriet Bolling Hall 40,41,42,
Stith, Harriet C. 131,132
Stith, Harriet C. Ferguson 239,242
Stith, Harriet E. (Hardaway) 176
Stith, Harriet Fletcher 227
Stith, Hartley Adaline (Foushee) 92,94,
Stith, Harvey 140
Stith, Helen 106,149
Stith, Henrietta (Hettie) Hubbard 5,54,
Stith, Henry 9,63,66,71,72,80,116,128,
Stith, Holland 14
Stith, Holly 210
Stith, Holly Bail(e)y 196,199,232,259,
Stith, Horace 37,68
Stith, Hubbard K. 79
Stith, Hugh 147
Stith, Hunter 155
Stith, Ida May (Bewley) 106,149
Stith, Irene 93
Stith, J.M. 147
Stith, J.R. 83,223
Stith, Jack 42,146,182,205,257
Stith, Jack (Dr) 85
Stith, Jack (Rev) 72,118,144,145,146,
Stith, Jack Achilles 238
Stith, Jack B. 238
Stith, James (Jim) 8,9,35,50,83,268
Stith, James Philip 86,255
Stith, James Richard 5,9,35,37,145,253,
Stith, James W. 37
Stith, Jane (Janey) 86,111,117,153,183,
Stith, Jane (Hardaway) 210
Stith, Jane (Haynes) 32,35,128,129
Stith, Jane (Pasley) 101,107
Stith, Jane (Jencie, Jensie, Jincy)
(Pasley) 8,101,107,128,205
Stith, Jane L. 140,225
Stith, Jane L. Saunders 139,204,225
Stith, Jane Maclin 195
Stith, Jane Morgan 227,229
Stith, Jane Saunders 112,138,144,145,150
Stith, Jennie Shain 102
Stith, Jess(i)e (Milton) 146
Stith, Jesse C. 139
Stith, Jesse J. 180
Stith, Jesse Jones 14,68
Stith, Jesse Moreman 238
Stith, Joanna Bassett 233
Stith, John (See also: Jack) 9,52,85,
Stith, John Jr 35,113,132,172,232
Stith, John Jr (Rev) 112,113,257
Stith, John (Captain) 218,219,233
Stith, John (Colonel) 195,220,221,
Stith, John (Dr) 32,35,49,85,86,87,89,
STITH, JOHN (MAJOR) 52,109,136,153,
Stith, John (Rev) 140
Stith, John C. 128
Stith, John Craig 86,128,129
Stith, John H. 112,139,140,148,172,
Stith, John L. 8
Stith, John Paxton 9,269
Stith, John Purcell 5
Stith, John Richard 9,269
Stith, John W. 139
Stith, Jordan 8,101,128,206
Stith, Joseph (Joe) 5,6,8,9,10,41,42,
Stith, Joseph (Capt & Ensign) 38,52,
Stith, Joseph (Joe) Alex(ander) 106,149
Stith, Joseph (Joe) D. 145
Stith, Joshua 59
Stith, Judith Emma Moorman 147,153,238
Stith, Judith Moorman Bush 146,147,153
Stith, Julie 146
Stith, June 15
Stith, June (Mr) 93
Stith, Junius 15,92,104
Stith, Kate P. 14
Stith, Katherine 52
Stith, Katherine (Calla-Cattie)(Davis) 8
Stith, Katherine (Jones) 209,212
Stith, Katherine (Stith) 232
Stith, Katharine R. Saunders 181
Stith, Kathryn (Johnson) 53,54
Stith, Kathryn Harddicke 202
Stith, Larry 227,229
Stith, Laura (Evans) 37
Stith, Laurence A. Sr 227
Stith, Lawrence W. 218
Stith, Leander 14
Stith, Lee 101,102,104
Stith, Lena Drury 70,111,117,165,172,236
Stith, Letitia (Dickey) 89
Stith, Leven 59
Stith, Lida A. (Hough) 87,255
Stith, Lillian (Young) 149,151
Stith, Logan 146
Stith, Lottie (Dillard) 147
Stith, Louisa 94
Stith, Louisa F. Lewis 102
Stith, Louisa Y. (Mitcham) 66
Stith, Lucinda 226,238
Stith, Lucinda Blackwell 219
Stith, Lucy 38,52,155,226
Stith, Lucy (Cain) 14
Stith, Lucy (Davis) 37
Stith, Lucy (Jordan) 83,102,111,116
Stith, Lucy (Lula) (Pickerill) 37
Stith, Lucy (Stith) 59,192,238,239
Stith, Lucy A. 140
Stith, Lucy Ann 145
Stith, Lucy Ann (Stith) 138,139
Stith, Lucy Ann (Stith-Windsor-Jenkins)
Stith, Lucy Ann Hardaway 72,112,118,144,
Stith, Lucy Elizabeth Ann (Purcell)35,45
Stith, Lucy Ellen (Hubbard) 5
Stith, Lucy Hall 6,8,9,39,40,52,83,85,
Stith, Lucy Hardaway 160
Stith, Lucy Jordan 212
Stith, Lucy Stith 59,60
Stith, Lucy Triplett 103
Stith, Luther 138,146,147,148
Stith, Luther C. 145
Stith, Lydia Dowell, 101,102
Stith, Lynn B. 147
Stith, Mabel (Moorman) 155,160,161
Stith, Mahala 117
Stith, Mahala (Jackson) 86,255
Stith, Mahala Ann 128
Stith, Mahala Jane (Gray) 89
Stith, Mahala Stith 86,128,129
Stith, Mal 22,87,89,129,255
Stith, Malinda (Malindy) Purcell 5,35,
Stith, Malvina Patton 86,101,129 (See
also: Melvina)
Stith, Mamie 14
Stith, Manson 146,150,152
Stith, Manson Jones 146,153,238
Stith, Marcus 52,242
Stith, Margaret E. 168
Stith, Margaret (Maggie) (Roberts) 68
Stith, Maria Meade 232
Stith, Mariah 140
Stith, Mariah S. 239
Stith, Marianna 196
Stith, Marianna (Hardaway) 196,197
Stith, Marie Jane (Kinney) 258
Stith, Marinda (Yaden) 86,255
Stith, Marion 68
Stith, Marjorie (Barnes) 53,54,136
Stith, Marks 114,138,152,160,236,240
(See also: H. Marks)
Stith, Marshall 140
Stith, Martha (Mattie, Patsy) 52,71,72,
Stith, Martha (Mattie) (Bradbury) 253
Stith, Martha (Hardaway) 152
Stith, Martha (Patsy)(Hynes) 165,166,167
Stith, Martha (Patsie) (Moorman) 153
Stith, Martha (Patsy) (Stith) 72,80,
Stith, Martha (Saunders) 93,191,206,212
Stith, Martha Ann (Hardaway) 155,159,183
Stith, Martha E. 225
Stith, Martha Emily 204,225
Stith, Martha Emily Hardaway 182,205
Stith, Martha Hardaway 172,183,185,204,
Stith, Martha Jones 225
Stith, Martha Moorman 164
Stith, Martha Strixon 216,217
Stith, Mary (Polly, Molly) 52,66, 86,89,
Stith, Mary (Polly) (Board) 152,154,155,
Stith, Mary (Mollie) (Cooper) 253
Stith, Mary (Field) 231
Stith, Mary (Hardaway) 8
Stith, Mary (Polly) (Hightower) 85,
Stith, Mary (Pollie) (Jones) 52,59
Stith, Mary (Yates) 128
Stith, Mary Ann (Stith) 72
Stith, Mary Ann Pasley 101,128,206
Stith, Mary Belle (Abernathy-Murphy)
Stith, Mary Belle Henderson 14,102,106,
Stith, Mary Blaikley 194
Stith, Mary Brown (McLean) 238
Stith, Mary C. Hunnicutt 196
Stith, Mary Cofer 33,117
Stith, Mary D. Woolfolk 63,72
Stith, Mary E. 145
Stith, Mary E. (Nall) 112
Stith, Mary E. Singleton 37
Stith, Mary Elizabeth (Prigmore) 5
Stith, Mary Ellen (Hill) 147
Stith, Mary Eugene (Fowler) 103
Stith, Mary Gilkey 133
Stith, Mary Goodwin 117
Stith, Mary (Polly) Hardaway 267,268
Stith, Mary (Polly) Jordan 42,101,173
Stith, Mary (Polly) Jourdan 181
Stith, Mary (Polly) Jordan (Graham)
Stith, Mary L. Hunnicutt 232
Stith, Mary L. Lawson 37
Stith, Mary Long 234
Stith, Mary Louisa (Jordan) 59
Stith, Mary (Polly) Matthews 196,231
Stith, Mary N. Spain 196,232
Stith, Mary Nall 112,140,148,172,183,
Stith, Mary Randolph 233
Stith, Mary W. (Jones) 60,131
Stith, Mary Watkins (Jones) 239
Stith, Mary (Polly) Woolfolk 62,63,71,
Stith, Matt C. 173
Stith, Matt G. 167
Stith, Matthew 52,226,244,247
Stith, Matthew C. 37,48,52,54,59,60,
Stith, Matthias 138,145
Stith, Matthias Y. 5,6,9
Stith, Melvina (Hough) 86,87,255 (See
also: Malvina)
Stith, Milton 59,79,80,112,118,139,140,
Stith, Minnie? 140
Stith, Minte 238
Stith, Molly: See Mary
Stith, "Mum" 185
Stith, "Mun" 144
Stith, Nancy 113,140,167,173,257,269
(See also: Ann)
Stith, Nancy (Buckler) 42,168
Stith, Nancy (Hardaway) 8,9,152,161,165,
Stith, Nancy Board 35,50
Stith, Nancy Cary 228,232
Stith, Nancy Catherine (Hutchins) 5
Stith, Nancy Catherine Abel 68
Stith, Nancy Cock(e) 10n,38,41,117,121,
Stith, Nancy Jones 66,71,72,115,131,150,
Stith, Nancy Melissa Branham 37
Stith, Nancy Sprigg 48,56
Stith, Nancy Walker 232
Stith, Nancy Willa 181
Stith, Nannie 16,66,95
Stith, Nannie (Kincheloe) 22,88,100,101
Stith, Naomi 173,196,210
Stith, Naomi (White-Blakely-Overton) 173
Stith, Nathan 9,268
Stith, Nathan Board 253
Stith, Obadiah 196,210,232
Stith, Oethia P. 92,93
Stith, Olivia 154,156
Stith, Olivia (Henderson) 16,92,94,102,
Stith, Olivia P. 93,154
Stith, Ophelia (Missie) Haynes 5,138,
Stith, Otho 268
Stith, Pamelia (Dyer) 147
Stith, Patsey: See Martha
Stith, Percy Benjamin 147
Stith, Ph(o)ebe 131,237
Stith, Phoebe Cox 52,53,54,60,62,63,68,
Stith, Polly: See Mary
Stith, R. Junius 15,92
Stith, Rachel 52,63,72
Stith, Rachel (Moreman) 53
Stith, Rachel Ann (Martin) 5
Stith, Rachel W. (Moorman) 59,60,131
Stith, Rachel Watkins (Moreman) 239
Stith, Rader 6,9,10,138,145
Stith, Randall 149
Stith, Raymond 79,80
Stith, Rebecca 8,196,210
Stith, Rhoda 155,226,257
Stith, Rhoda Ann (Moorman) 72,131,155
Stith, Rhoda Jones 102,117,151,176,181,
Stith, Richard (Little Dick) 251,257
Stith, Richard 6,8,9,38,40,52,85,92,93,
Stith, Richard Jr 38,39,52,72,122,159,
Stith, Richard Sr 39,41,71,86,91,115,
Stith, Richard Hightower 89
Stith, Richard L. 1,6,7,8,9,10,35,45,56,
Stith, Richard Lewis 175,177
Stith, Richard Luther 147,253
Stith, Richard M. 59,60,131,132,140,237
Stith, Richard Marcus 53,62,72,83,136,
Stith, Richard O(tho) 8
Stith, Richard W. 72,80,155
Stith, Rita Harcourt 147
Stith, Robert 14,15,34,38,67,86,87,89,
Stith, Robert (Colonel) 195
Stith, Robert (Dr) 135,136,175,177,240
Stith, Robert (Mrs) 72,73
Stith, Robert Griffin 68
Stith, Robert J. 92
Stith, Robert Junius 15,93,94,101,102
Stith, Robert M. (Dr) 52,53,54,59,60,
Stith, Robert Marcus (Dr) 136
Stith, Robert W. 192
Stith, Rose (Brown) 37
Stith, Rose Evaline (Pratt) 106,149
Stith, Rosina 52,60
Stith, Rosina (Woolfolk) 63,68,131
Stith, Rosina M. (Woolfolk) 59,60,62,
Stith, Ruby (Tidball) 87,255
Stith, Ruth Brewer 147
Stith, Ruth Yaden 86,87,255
Stith, Sally: See Sarah
Stith, Sam H. (Dr) 269
Stith, Samantha J. 145,150
Stith, Sarah (Sallie, Sally) 8,131,140
Stith, Sarah (Sallie) (Hightower) 111,
Stith, Sarah (Sallie) Annie Dowden 68
Stith, Sarah E. 66
Stith, Sarah Elizabeth 139
Stith, Sarah (Sally) Paul 131,239
Stith, Sarah Sprigg 1,8,10,56,75,112,
Stith, Simeon 140
Stith, Singleton 37
Stith, Sopha C. 145
Stith, Sophia (Fishback) 23
Stith, Sophia (Yates) 23
Stith, Stella Talbot 147
Stith, Steve 37
Stith, Susan 49,68,87,113,226,255
Stith, Susan Hightower 32,49,86,87,115,
Stith, Susan Malinda Tarpley 139,204,225
Stith, Susanna(h) 180,191,195,210
Stith, Susanna (Meade) 195
Stith, Susanna (Rhea) 196
Stith, Susanna(h) Bathurst 52,200,210
Stith, Susanna Harris 196,232,260
Stith, Susannah (Sue) Henderson (Bewley)
Stith, Susanna Hightower 85
Stith, T.J. 52
Stith, Tebe (Dowell) 102
Stith, Thomas 38,52,63,67,71,102,105,
Stith, Thomas Jr 210
Stith, Thomas Sr 196,259,260
Stith, Thomas (Major) 196,197
Stith, Thomas Fletcher 147
Stith, Thomas H. 66,72,80
Stith, Thomas Hawfield 63,72,116
Stith, Thomas J. 138,181
Stith, Thomas W. 66
Stith, Virgil 152
Stith, Virgil B. 37
Stith, Virgina 236,240
Stith, W.A. See: William Allen
Stith, Walter F. 146,238
Stith, William (Will, Billy) 14,30,33,
Stith, William (Rev) 234
Stith, William A. 72,80
Stith, William Allen ("Cousin William",
W.A., Allen) 56,70,93,94,102,104,105,
Stith, William B. 40,100,101,167,173,
Stith, William Bathurst 38,41,42,121,168
Stith, William F. 35
Stith, William Fletcher 8,268
Stith, William Fletcher Jr 54,208
Stith, William Fletcher Sr 5,35,45,54,
Stith, William H. 145
Stith, William J. 149
Stith, William Jones 14,102,105,106,149,
Stith, William Jones II 102
Stith, William Jones III 103,106
Stith, William L. 238
Stith, Willis 63
Stith, Willis W. 66
Stith, Winfield S. 181
Stith, Zada 140
Stith, Zorado (Zodie) 147
STITHE, John 216,217
Stithe, Martha Strixon 216,217
STOCKETT, Ann (Warfield) 50
Stockett, Mary Sprigg 57
Stockett, Mary Wells 57
Stockett, Thomas (Captain) 57
Stockett, Thomas Jr 57
Stockett, Thomas N. (Dr) 50
STONE, Louisa Moorman (McKay) 153
Stone, William (Gov) 57
STOUT, Catherine Woolfolk 63
Stout, David 63
Stout, Frances 63
Stout, Laura 63
Stout, Robert 63
STOVER, George 189
Stratton, Polly Haynes 222
STREEBLE, Mary Jenkins 6n
STREET, David 26,28
Street, Peter W. 26,28
Street, Polly Scott 26,28
Street, Susan M. Scott 26,28
Street, William 28
STRIXON, Martha (Stithe) 216,217
Strixon, William 217
STROTHER family 76,84
Strother, (female) (Hansbrough) 24
Strother, (female) (Logan) 24
Strother, (female) (Pendleton) 24
Strother, (female) Browning 24
Strother, Archer 24
Strother, Betty (Browning) 25
Strother, Catherine 24 (See also:
Strother, Caty 24
Strother, Fannie W. Pryor 24
Strother, French 24
Strother, George 24
Strother, George Duncan 24
Strother, George Woodson 24
Strother, Jere 24
Strother, Jeremiah 24
Strother, John 24
Strother, John (F. or T.) 24
Strother, John Fletcher 24
Strother, Katherine 84 (See also:
Strother, Katharine (Long) 134
Strother, Lavinia Bruce 24
Strother, Lucinda Maddox 24
Strother, Martha 24
Strother, Martha Payne 24
Strother, Mary (Calvert) 24
Strother, Molly (Browning) 24
Strother, Nancy 24
Strother, Nancy Clayton 24
Strother, Oliver Calvert 24
Strother, Philip 24
Strother, Polly 24
Strother, Polly (Talbott) 24
Strother, Polly, Duncan 24
Strother, Sarah Catherine (Kennerly) 24
STUART, James 131
STURGEON, (Mrs) 102
SUDDS, Emma (Stith) 87,255
SUMMERS, Benj. F. 154,156,164
Summers, Lucy C. Moorman 164
SWIFT family 81
TABB, Thomas (Colonel) 41
TABER, Anna Stith 37
Taber, David 35
Taber, John D. 131
TAFT, Elizabeth 14
Taft, Eva Stith 14
Taft, George 14
Taft, Milton 14
Taft, Ruth 14
TALBOT family 171
Talbot, Elizabeth Cocke 117
Talbot, Stella (Stith) 147
TALBOTT, James W. 24
Talbott, Polly Strother 24
TAPP, Laura 2
Tapp, Laura Haynes 63
Tapp, Lewis 63
Tarpley, Carrie 32,86,115
Tarpley, Carrie (Cal) Haynes 35,85,86,
Tarpley, Susan M(alinda) (Stith) 139,
Tarpley, William 139
TATE, John 29
TAYLOE, John (Colonel) 170
TAYLOR, "Aunt Bet" 93
Taylor, (Uncle) 2,3,4
Taylor, Ann Stith (McGill) 94,101,102
Taylor, Benjamin 94,101,102
Taylor, Creed 26
Taylor, David 29
Taylor, Edmund 28
Taylor, Elizabeth Hardaway 102
Taylor, James 35,36
Taylor, John Hayden 112
Taylor, Mahlon 93,102
Taylor, Malin R. 14
Taylor, Rachel (Williams) 93,112
Taylor, Robert 28
Taylor, Samuel 29
Taylor, Sarah Hayden 112
Taylor, Susan M. 28
TAZEWELL, Litt 232
TELLER, R.H. (Mrs) 247,253,254,255,256
TERRELL, Harvey, Captain 10
TEWELL, Mary A. (Warfield) 50
THOMAS, (Mrs) 17
Thomas, Dora Bell Stith 86,255
Thomas, Hardin 132
Thomas, Sam C. 86,255
TIDBALL, Ruby Stith 87,255
TINNEY, (female) Scott 26
Tinney, Stephen 26
TODD, Bill 262
Todd, Gertrude Haynes 262,264
TORRENCE, Clayton 143
TRAINER, Nancy (McDowell) 176
Trainer, William 176
TRENT, Ellen Stith (Greer) 268
Trent, Ellen Stith (Greer) 8
TRIPLETT, Lucy (Stith) 103
TROTTER, James 125
Trotter, Mary (Hightower) 124
Trotter, Thomas L. 125
TRUMAN, Harriet (Clarkson) 31,238
Truman, John B. 31,32
Truman, Walter 238
TUCKER, Ambrose 28
Tucker, Garland 28
Tucker, Thonias 28
TURNBULL, Robert 241
TURNER, Lewis 207
Turner, Tabitha (Haynes) 7,64,193,222
TWEEDY, Mary (Cocke) 117
TYLER, Lyon G. 188,207
TYRE, S.C. (Mrs) 87
VAN CLEAVE, Mary Hynes 167
VANMETER, Susan (Woolfolk) 63
VANNOY, Emily C. Stith 66
Vannoy, Steohen P. 66
VEACH, Mary (Polly) Sprigg 56
VENABLE, James 155
VERTREES, Altha 140
Vertrees, Ben 165,166,172,174
Vertrees, Catharine 140
Vertrees, Catherine (Young) 174
Vertrees, Charles 174
Vertrees, Daniel 165,166,172,174
Vertrees, Edward F. 140
Vertrees, Eliza 140
Vertrees, Eliza Haynes 64,65,174
Vertrees, Elizabeth 140
Vertrees, Elizabeth Hardaway 161,165,
Vertrees, Eveline 140
Vertrees, Frank 165,172
Vertrees, Haynes 174
Vertrees, Ida 172
Vertrees, Ida (Caldwell) 165
Vertrees, John 140
Vertrees, Lida B. 84
Vertrees, Lida Haycraft 165
Vertrees, Martha 174
Vertrees, Mary 140
Vertrees, William D. 64,174
WADE, Elizabeth 57
Wade, Robert 57
Wade, Zachary 57
WALE, Amanda (Haynes) 78
Wale, Henry Harrison 63,78
Wale, Hopkins Otey 78
Wale, Laura (Hille) 33
Wale, Mary Woolfolk 33,34
Wale, Mary (Joseph) Woolfolk 63,78
WALKER, Agnes (Jones) 209,211
Walker, Ann (Stith) 23,84,117,195
Walker, Elizabeth (Jones) 209
Walker, Jones 211
Walker, Nancy (Stith) 232
Walker, Stith 211
Walker, Wilmo(u)th Jones 197,208,211
WALLACE, Albert D. 149
WARD, (female) Pendleton (Browning) 24
Ward, John 193
Ward, William 24
WARDEN, Catherine Stith 80
Warden, Catherine Stith (Jordan) 116
WARFIELD family 36
Warfield, (female) Wilkinson 50
Warfield, Ann (Shacklett) 33,48
Warfield, Ann S. (Daniel) 50
Warfield, Ann Stockett 50
Warfield, Aris 50
Warfield, Charles G. 50
Warfield, Cornelia 50
Warfield, Eleanor 50
Warfield, Eleanor (Shacklett) 48,50
Warfield, George 50
Warfield, Hattie E. 50
Warfield, Henrietta 50
Warfield, James H. 50
Warfield, Jennie L. 50
Warfield, John A. 50
Warfield, John Shaff? 50
Warfield, Joshua 50
Warfield, Malvina P. 50
Warfield, Manelia 50
Warfield, Martha 50
Warfield, Martha Haynes 33,35,238
Warfield, Martha J. Haynes 33,35,50
Warfield, Martha S. Hambleton 50
Warfield, Mary 50
Warfield, Mary A. Tewell 50
Warfield, Phoebe A. 50
Warfield, R. Frank 50
Warfield, Rachel A. 50
Warfield, Rhoderick 36
Warfield, Rhoderick W. (M.?) 35
Warfield, Roderick W. (Dr) 33,50
Warfield, Roderick W. 50
Warfield, Thomas N. 50
WARREN, Eloise 147
Warren, Hall 147
Warren, Lula Dyer 147
Warren, William 147
WARRINGTON, John 188,208
Warrington, Rachel Pate (Robinson) 188,
WASHINGTON family 227,228,242
Washington, (female) (Stith) 195
Washington, Ann (Stith) 219,221,252
Washington, Ariana Stith 218,219,221
Washington, George (Pres) 242
Washington, John Stith 219
Washington, Lawrence 219,221
Washington, Rebecca (Briggs) 219
Washington, Rebecca Washington Cady 219
Washington, Samuel 195
Washington, Thacker 246
Washington, Warner 218,219,221
WATKINS family 73
Watkins, Hester (Woolfolk-Richardson) 62
WATSON, Jane (Munford) 40
Watson, Mary (Hall) 39,40,41,123
Watson, William 39,40,123
WATTS, Ann (Buford) 128
Watts, Benjamin 36
Watts, Ethel Stith 146
Watts, Samuel 128
Watts, William 146
WEBBER, Wolfert 120
WELCH, Elizabeth Scott (Simmons) 26
WELLS, Mary 92
Wells, Mary (Stockett) 57
Wells, Richard 57
WHEATLEY, Elizabeth 21
Wheatley, Elizabeth Kincheloe? 21
Wheatley, William 21
WHELESS, Bertha Fishback 23
Wheless, Joseph Sydney 23
WHITE, Augustus 173
White, Molly (Kincheloe) 20
White, Naomi Stith (Blakely-Overton) 173
WHITELEY, Bathsheba Haynes 222
Whiteley, Charles 28
Whiteley, Millie Haynes 222
Whiteley, W.H. (Mrs) 71,72,73
WHITFIELD, Frances S. 68
WHITTEN, Jeremiah 29
WHITTON, William 28
WICKLIFFE family 20
Wickliffe, Aaron 21
Wickliffe, Arrington 21
Wickliffe, Charles 21
Wickliffe, Elijah 21
Wickliffe, Moses 21
Wickliffe, Nathaniel 20,21
Wickliffe, Robert 21
Wickliffe, Sarah 21
Wickliffe, Sukey 21
Wickliffe, Sukey (Kincheloe) 21
WILKERSON, Joseph 29
WILKINS, John S. 210
WILKINSON, (female) (Warfield) 50
Wilkinson, Nathaniel 29
WILLFORD, Robert Carter 170
WILLIAMS, Charles 126
Williams, Eli 27,28
Williams, Ethel (Wright) 101
Williams, Hannah (Stith) 93,112,138,180
Williams, Hassie (Young) 73
Williams, Jacob Marks 101
Williams, James M. 29
Williams, John Taylor 73,79
Williams, Narcissa Able 73,79
Williams, Narcissa Robert Able (Read-
Ford) 73
Williams, Rachel Taylor 93,112
Williams, Robert 73,79
Williams, Robert Jacob 79
Williams, Samuel 28,73,93
Williams, Viola (Shacklett) 93,112,138
WILMANS, Nancy Fontaine (Lewis) 94
WILSON, Benjamin 125
Wilson, Earl 227,229
Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt 198
Wilson, Lottie 15
Wilson, Lottie Bandy 15,224
WIMP, Elizabeth (Shacklett) 48
Wimp, Rachel (Shacklett) 48
Wimp, Susannah (Shacklett) 48
WINDSOR, Lucy Ann Stith (Stith-Jenkins)
WINFREE, James 29
WINFREY, Sarah (Meador) 207
WISE, Jacob 34
WISEHART, Amanda M. (Saunders) 238
WISEHEART, Nancy Purcell 43
Wiseheart, Richard 43
WITHERS, John 56
WITT, Margaret Scott 166
WOOD, Anderson 35
Wood, Margaret (Jones) 209
Wood, Mary (Jones) 209
Wood, Milley (Haynes) 35
Wood, Pattey (Meador) 207
Wood, Peter 207
WOODBRIDGE, Bradford (Mrs) 73,159
WOODSON, Henry 16
WOOLFOLK family 55,119,136
Woolfolk, Amanda 131
Woolfolk, Amanda (Long) 30,63,84,108,
Woolfolk, Amanda Fitzalen (Long) 134
Woolfolk, Catherine (Stout) 63
Woolfolk, Cecelia Jane (Richardson) 66
Woolfolk, Christian Bibb 71
Woolfolk, Edmonia 59,63,239
Woolfolk, Edmonia (Eddie) (Graham) 59,
Woolfolk, Elizabeth 68,72,131
Woolfolk, Elizabeth (Haynes) 5,32,37,55,
Woolfolk, Elizabeth Barnett 62,71
Woolfolk, Elizabeth Barnett (Foushee) 63
Woolfolk, Emerine (Howard) 63
Woolfolk, Eva 14
Woolfolk, Fleming 63
Woolfolk, Hester P. Simmons (Richardson)
Woolfolk, Hester Watkins?(Richardson) 62
Woolfolk, James B. 62
Woolfolk, James Barnett 66
Woolfolk, James Fleming 62
Woolfolk, Jane 62
Woolfolk, John F. 63
Woolfolk, Joseph 71
Woolfolk, Joseph Barnett 62
Woolfolk, Joseph F. 72,116
Woolfolk, Joseph Fleming 30,60,62,71
Woolfolk, Joseph Jr 63
Woolfolk, Mahala Ann Harris (Boorman) 63
Woolfolk, Mariah Alexander 66
Woolfolk, Mary (Polly) (Stith) 62,63,71,
Woolfolk, Mary D. (Stith) 63,72
Woolfolk, Mary D. 111
Woolfolk, Mary Joseph 63,78
Woolfolk, Robert L. (Mrs) 62,63
Woolfolk, Rosina M. Stith 59,60,62,66,
Woolfolk, Rosina Stith 63,68
Woolfolk, Sam 62,66
Woolfolk, Susan 59,239
Woolfolk, Susan Cole 66
Woolfolk, Susan VanMeter 63
Woolfolk, William 50,55,62,66
Woolfolk, William Cole 50,65
Woolfolk, Willis 63,68,131,132,136,140
Woolfolk, Willis W. 59,60,62,63,239
WOOTTEN, Agnes Chambers 58
Wootten, Elizabeth (Sprigg) 58
Wootten, Turner 58
WORLAND, Zula Robinson 226
WORMACK, Daniel 28
WORMELEY, Elizabeth (Carter) 170
Wormeley, John 170
WRIGHT, Ethel Williams 101
Wright, John 189
Wright, Joseph 207
Wright, Nancy (Meador) 207
YADEN, Elizabeth (Stith) 87,255
Yaden, Jim 87,255
Yaden, Kade? 86,255
Yaden, Marinda Stith 86,255
Yaden, Ruth (Stith) 86,87,255
YATES family 23,24,25
Yates, Ann I. Poythress 23
Yates, Bartholomew 23
Yates, Benjamin Poythress 23
Yates, Betsey Browning 25
Yates, Elizabeth Frances Stith 23
Yates, Elizabeth Randolph 23
Yates, George 25
Yates, Jane 207
Yates, John 128
Yates, Marienne 23
Yates, Mary (Stith) 128
Yates, Millie Browning 25
Yates, Polly (Browning) 24
Yates, Polly (Milburn) 128
Yates, Polly Browning 25
Yates, Sarah 23
Yates, Sarah (Meador) 207
Yates, Sophia (Fishback) 23
Yates, Sophia Stith 23
Yates, William 23
Yates, William (Colonel) 23
YEAGER, Lucy Long 133
YEATS, Nancy (Ellage) 207
YOUNG, Bryan R. 131,237,240
Young, Catherine Vertrees 174
Young, Christian (Mrs) 64,65
Young, Forrest Earl (Kimberley) 149,151
Young, Hassie 73
Young, Hassie Williams 73
Young, Jess 73
Young, Jess (Mrs) 3
Young, Lillian Stith 149,151
Young, Louisa S. 131
Young, Michael Cadet 232
Young, William Earl 149,151
Youtsler, Eliska 6,9,33,34,52,54,56,58,
ZELMAN, Peggy (Geohegan) 134
Abilene, Texas 53
Adair County, Kentucky 24,25,184
Alabama 24
Alba, Missouri 78,83
Alva, Oklahoma 69
Amboy, Georgia 207
Amelia County, Virginia 39,40,41,
Amelia County, Virginia 231,232,233
American Revolution 1,6,9,18,48,54,
Amherst County, Virginia 17,64,82
Annapolis, Maryland 228
Arlington, Massachusetts 97
Austin, Texas 175
B(e)uford County, Virginia 10
Baltimore, Maryland 95,188,208
Barren County, Kentucky 185
Basin Spring, Kentucky 17
Bath County, Virginia 24
"Batterson", Virginia 41
Bedford County, Virginia 7,26,27,31,
"Bellair" Virginia 194
Bermuda Hundred, Virginia 41
Bethel Women's College 85
Bewleyville, Kentucky 14,16,97,
Big Spring, Kentucky 32,35,85,
Blandford, Virginia 39,122
Boboff Farm, Missouri 8
Boone County, Kentucky 15
Bowdoin College, Maine 64,174
Bozeman, Montana 76
Brandenburg, Kentucky 5,6,10,11,12,
Breckinridge County, Kentucky 2,5,
Brunswick County, Virginia 115,117,
Buck Grove, Kentucky 150
Buzzard Branch, Virginia 38
California 43
California Gold Rush (1849) 144
Calvert County, Maryland 57
Cambridge, England 200,236
Campbell County, Virginia 14,26,27,
Canada 78
Canton, Missouri 86,116
Caroline County, Virginia 251
Carrollton, Kentucky 24
Carrolton, Illinois 23
Carthage, Missouri 5,6,37,120,134,
Chaplin, Kentucky 88
Charles City County, Virginia 52,
Charlotte County, Virginia 210
Charlotte Court Virginia 251
Charlottesville, Virginia 27
"Chatsworth", Virginia 41
"Chellowe" Virginia 198
Cherokee County, Texas 55
Cheyenne, Wyoming 244
Chicago, Illinois 3,153,205
Church Hill, Tennessee 18
Civil War 1,6,17,32,36,66,68,80,82,
Clark County, Kentucky 98
"Clay Hill", Virginia 41
"Cleve", Virginia 170
Cloverport, Kentucky 17,32,65,68,98
Columbus, Kentucky 73
Competition, Missouri 22,87,129
Constantine, Kentucky 65
Corotoman, Virginia 170
Cromwell, Oliver 18
Culpeper County, Virginia 23,81,187
Dallas, Texas 53,141,151
Danville Kentucky 215,238
Daughters of the American Revolution 19,98,192,193,209,219,220,224,228,
Daviess County, Kentucky 64
DeLand, Florida 53
Derby, Kansas 108
Dinwiddie County Virginia 38,94,117,
Doe Run, Kentucky (Reunion) 174
Downey, California 73
Drewry's Bluff, Virginia 153
Duke University, North Carolina 18
Dumfries County, Virginia 18
Durant, Oklahoma 262
Edgecombe County, North Carolina
Edmonson County, Kentucky 184
Ekron, Kentucky 5,6,10,15
Elizabethtown, Kentucky 30,37,44,
Emory & Henry College, Virginia 18
Emory, Virginia 18,19
England 18,50,52,153
Essex County, Virginia 261
Essex, England 218
Evansville, IN 2
Fairfax, Virginia 18,72
Falls Church, Virginia 253
Falls of the Ohio, Kentucky 87
Falls of the Rough, Kentucky 16,17,
Fauquier County, Virginia 20
"Fitzhugh" Va 194
"Fitzhughsburg" Virginia 194
Florida 2
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 265
Fort Cumberland, Maryland 58
Fort Kincheloe, Ohio? Kentucky?
Fort Knox Civic Center, Kentucky 167
Fort Worth, Texas 23,87,241,255
Frankfort, Kentucky 63,68,109
Franklin, Tennessee 81
Galveston, Texas 23
Garberville, California 73,79
Garvey, California 75
Gloucester County, Virginia 67,119,
Gloucestershire, England 215
Grayson County, Kentucky 16,17,64,82
Green County, Kentucky 185
Green River 67
Green River County, Kentucky 25
Green River County, Missouri? 24
Greensville County Virginia 231
Greenup County, Kentucky 184
"Greenwood" Virginia 241
Guston, Kentucky 3,144,145,149,158
Hagerstown, Maryland 134
Halifax, North Carolina 231,233
Hancock County, Kentucky 156,157,164
Hanover County, Virginia 64,78,80,81
Haphazard, Texas 55
Hardaway (Edwin) Family Burying
Ground 185
Hardin County, Kentucky 26,30,32,37,
Hardinsburg, Kentucky 13,15,16,22,
Harned, Kentucky 178
Harrison, Arkansas 42
Haynes' graves, Kentucky 229
Hemet, California 5,7,10
Henderson, Ky 15,205
Henry County, Virginia 187,193
Henry VIII 207
Herald's College 188
Hill Grove, Kentucky 52
Hodgensville, Kentucky 37,177
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 85
Houston, Texas 74,148,184,240
Howe Valley, Kentucky 175
Huntsville, AL 24
Hynes Station, Ky 134
Illinois 8,128,205,206
Indian Wars 81
Indiana 46,47,253
Indians 6
Iowa 43,47
Irvington, Kentucky 15,98,101,104,
Isle of Wight County, Virginia 213
Jackson County, Missouri 131,132
Jackson County, Tennessee 46
Jackson, Mississippi 141,143,152
Jacksonville, Florida 146
James City County Virginia 194
Jasper County, Missouri 5,8,33,35,
Jefferson County, Kentucky 14
Jeffersonton, Virginia 23
Jessamine County, Kentucky 202,206
Joplin, Missouri 253
Kansas City, Missouri 37,62,63,
Kentucky 1,8,10,18,22,24,46,64,98,
King & Queen County, Virginia 81,187
King George County, Virginia 194,
"Kippax" Virginia 39,40,122,123
Lancashire, England 153,216
Las Cruces, New Mexico 101
Lawrence, Kansas 83
Lawrenceville, Virginia 124,211
Lebanon, Missouri 22,86
Lee's Summit, Missouri 18
Leicestershire, England 188,207
Leitchfield, Kentucky 3,9,16,17,107
Leoti, Kansas 200,222
Lewis County, Missouri 183,204,205
Lexington, Kentucky 32,86,255
Liberty, Missouri 63
Lincoln County, Kentucky 134
Lincolnshire, England 153,216,217
Logan County, Kentucky 184
London, England 215
Los Angeles, California 16,37,74,158
Loudown County, Virginia 98
Louisa County, Virginia 62,187
Louisville, Kentucky 15,32,54,66,68,
Lunenburg, Virginia 194,220
Lynchburg, Virginia 22,26
Marengo County, Alabama 227
Maryland 50,57,253
Masin County, Kentucky 246
Masonic Organization 17,210,245
McClean County, Kentucky 199
McLinnon, Texas 225
Meade County, Kentucky 2,5,6,9,16,
Meeker, Colorado 144
Melissa, Texas 160
Memphis, Tennessee 109,141,143,
Mercer County, Kentucky 64,226
Meridian, Mississippi 7
Mexican War 174
Midway, Kentucky 15,16
Mississippi County, Missouri 4
Missouri 6,19,24,63,81,87,91,107,1
"Mitchells" Virginia 39,41,123
Mobile, Alabama 141
Montgomery County, Kentucky 61,
Morrisville, Missouri 87
Mt Sterling, Kentucky 53,94,242
Muldraugh, Kentucky 91
Mystic, Kentucky 98
Nelson County, Kentucky 20,51,74,
Nevada County, California 144,148
New Amsterdam 112
New Bern, North Carolina 227,229
New Castle, Kentucky 24
New England 174
New Market, Virginia 24
New Orleans, Louisiana 218,241
New Rochelle, New York 112
New York 66
Newport, Rhode Island 17
"Nomini", Virginia 170,175
Norman, Oklahoma 199
North Carolina 18,195,209,219,
Northampton County, Virginia 57,
"Northampton", Maryland 57
Northamptonshire, England 57
Nottoway Parish Virginia 126,220
Nottoway River Virginia 197
Oakland, Missouri 87
"Oaks", Virginia 197
Octagon" Virginia 195
Ohio County, Kentucky 64,82,157
Ohio River 237
Oil Hollow, Kentucky 32,68
Olin Mathieson Company, Kentucky
Olney, Illinois 155
Otter Creek, Kentucky 56
Owensburo, Kentucky 17
Payson, Utah 121,160
Petersburg, Virginia 39,122,195,
Petersburg Volunteers 221
Petsworth Parish, Virginia 67,
"Prestwould" Virginia 99
Prince George County, Maryland 57
Prince George County, Virginia 39,
Prince William County, Virginia 18,
Pulaski County, Kentucky 185
Quakers 30,197,228
Quincy, Illinois 153,157
Rectortown, Virginia 20
Resurrection Manor, Maryland 57
Richmond County, Virginia 169
Richmond, Virginia 18,117,141,170
Rineyville, Kentucky 168
Rock Haven, Kentucky 32,68
Roseville, California 73
Rough Creek, Kentucky 22,36,45,67,
Rustburg, Virginia 38,121,226
Sabine Hall, Virginia 169,170
Sacremento, California 18,19
Salt Lake City, Utah 168,197
Salt River, Kentucky 25
San Angelo, Texas 247,253
San Francisco California 234
Sandy Hill Church, Kentucky 13
Sons of American Revolution 244,267
Saskatchewan, Canada 16
Scotland 18
Scott County, Kentucky 64
Seattle, WA 6,10,62,73,91,160
Sedgewick, Kansas 92
Selma, Alabama 38,85
Shelby County, Kentucky 32,46,108
Shenandoah County, Virginia 24
Simpson Creek, Kentucky 88
Spaulding, Lincs, England 217
Spencer County, Kentucky 25
Springfield, Kentucky 34
Springfield, Missouri 37
St Andrew's Parish, Virginia 231,232
St Katherine's By the Tower
(England) 202
St Louis, Missouri 24,53,204
St Michael's Parish, England 236
Stafford County, Virginia 194
Surry County Virginia 213
Sussex County Virginia 233
Tacoma Park, Maryland 64
Talcon, Missouri 87
Tappahannock, Virginia 261
Tennessee 18,27,46,108,119,130,131
Texas 24,81
Toledo, Ohio 65
Towson, Maryland 81
Trail, Missouri 87
Trinity Church, New York 112
Tuel's Creek, Kentucky 34
University of Georgia 99
Valley Station, Kentucky 53
Vermillion, South Dakota 43
Vine Grove, Kentucky 35,84,128,
Virginia 1,8,10,18,75,98,119,
War of 1812 81,98,157,211
Warm Springs, Virginia 24
Warren County, Kentucky 202
Washington County, Alabama 227
Washington County, Missouri 250
Washinton, D.C. 186,241
Weems, Virginia 244
Weldon, North Carolina 236
West Virginia 22
Westover, Virginia 170
Whiffleshofer and Yeakle store,
Kentucky 16
Wichita, Kansas 87,255
"Wilderness Road" 168
William and Mary College 188,207
Williamsburg, Virginia 188,208
Wilson County, Tennessee 81
Woodford County, Kentucky 63,64
World War I 1
York County, Virginia 194
York Town, Virginia 228
Bethany Cemetery, Kentucky 15
Hynes Cemetery, Fort Knox,
Kentucky 167
Meadville Cemetery, Kentucky 238
Stith (Ben) Cemetery 181
Stithton Cemetery, Fort Knox,
Kentucky 167
Abingdon Parish Register, VA 188,207
Ackerly & Parker, Our Kin 168,198
Alden Pedigree 120
American Genealogical Society 7
Armistead Genealogy 156
Baltimore Sun 20,88
Bedford County VA Marriages 3,189,207
Berkeley, CA University Library 79,175,176,234,252
Blair & Rives, Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service 234
Board Genealogy 168
Boddie's (John Bennett) Southside Virginia Families 213
Bolling Memoirs 198
Bollings, "Red" 198
Breckinridge News 22,95,97,133
Bristol Parish Register, VA 118,122,197,198,209
Brunswick County, VA, Marriage Bonds of, 211,231
Burns, Annie Walker - Genealogy: Hardin County, KY 119,131
Burns' Hardin County, KY Marriages 166,176
Califormia Historical Society 258
California Genealogical Library 217
Campbell County Chronicles 117
Campbell County Marriage Bonds 257
Carter (Colonel Landon) Diary 170
Chandler's (Ruth Naylor) These Are My People 227
Charles City County VA Land Patents 1666-1719 249
Charles City County VA Order Book 143,236
Civil War Diary of Nathan Board Stith 253
Clift (G. Glenn) Second Census of KY 1800 202,245,246
Collin's History of Kentucky 156,164,237,240
Colonel Chester's Marriage Licenses 216
Colonial Dames 141
Colonial Records of North Carolina 234
Colonial Virginia Abstracts 216
Coweta County Chronicles 141
"Coxes of Cox Creek, Kentucky" 91,95
Crozier's Buckners of Virginia 186,194,196
Crozier's Virginia Heraldica 219
DAR Library, San Francisco CA 156,157
DAR Library, Washington, DC 243
Dinwiddie History 241
Domesday Book 153
Dugan Bible 60
Duvall's (Rev) book 244,246,247,249
Eldridge's Moorman Genealogy 1160
English Genealogies 153
Ferguson Bible 242
Filson Club, Louisville, Kentucky 51,61,82,95,108,131,184,206,245
Fothergill's Peter Jones & Richard Jones Genealogies 197,208
Genealogy Magazine 188
Gentlemen's Magazine 170
Gloucestershire England, Marriage Bonds of, 215
Grayson Herald 17
Hardaway (Francis Page (Brig General)) Bible 204
Hardaway Genealogy 186,196,204,215
Hardaway Tree 160,175,178,186,187,215
Hardwick,Kincheloe,McCarty,McConathy,Crook,Dawson,Lawson & Related Families 88
Haycraft's History of Elizabethtown, KY 62,64,134,174
Haynes Bible 36
Haynes' (Frederick) Haynes Family of Massachusetts 229
Hendrick's (Jasper R.) book 247,250,256
Hinshaw, (William Wade) & Marshall, (Thomas Worth) Quaker Genealogy 198
Historical Sketches of Montgomery County, Ky 53
History of Halifax County, VA 99
History of Jasper County, Missouri 77,78
Hopkins' (Walter Lee) [Haynes Family] 229
Hubert's Thomas Hardaway & His Descendants 141,143,145,146,152,153,179
Huntington Library, San Marino California 197,208
Invincible Magazine 24,84
Jester & Hiden's Adventurers of Purse and Person 218
Jillson, (Willard Rouse) Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds 67
Johnston's (Christopher (Dr) "Stith Family" 194,195,196,229,234,236,251
Jordan Genealogy 183
Kentucky Historical Society 46,84,89,245
Kentucky Land Warrants 119,184
Kentucky State Historical Society Register 43,84,89,91,107,108,109,119,144,240
Kincheloe Bible 131
Kincheloe Genealogy 88
Lewis Bible 91,94,95
Long-Strother-Nall story 141,144
Los Angeles Library 146
Louisville Courier Journal 100,166,174
Mather's Six Generations of La Rues 177
McCall-Tidwell and Allied Families 198
Meade County Marriages (F.S. Fast) 82
Meade County Messenger 6,10,22,79,90,91,149,203,213
Meades' Old Churches of Virginia 18
Meriweather Genealogy (Louise Minor) 118,123
Moreman, Alanson, Bible 73
Oakland (CA) Tribune 242
Order of Cincinnati Society 242
Outlaw of Grayson County 17
Pate Genealogy 207
Perrin's History of Kentucky 50,92,154,156,157,159,164,199
Petsworth Parrish VA 67
Pocahontas & Her Descendants 146
Prince George County, VA Land Abstracts 249
Prince George County, VA, Notes from the Records of, 209
Purcell Genealogy 168
Purvis' Laws of Virginia 141,162,198
Redford's History of Southern Methodism 118,144,151,206,246,250,251,257
Ridenour's Early Times in Meade County 2,6,9,89
Rives' Reliques of the Rives 234
Sacremento State Library 118
San Francisco Examiner 227
San Francisco, California Library 117,146
Seattle Library, WA 58
Shacklette-Ashcraft-Richardson-Stith Reunion 77,91
Stith, (Benjamin) Bible 54,91
Stith, (Henry) Bible 180
Stith, (Jesse J.) Bible 180
Stith, (Joe D.) Bible 145
Stith, (Matthew C.) Bible 52
Stith, (Richard Marcus) Bible 177,240,242
Stith, (Richard) Bible 52,62,72
Stith Bible 107,132,135,136,160,175,180,269
Stith Genealogy 10,52,53,186,196,200,207,234,236,251
Stith Name, Origin of, 156
Stith's History of the First Settlement of Virginia 176
Sutro (Branch) Library, San Francisco California 67,118,141,143,152,156,
Swem's Index 168
"Two John Halls of Amelia County - No Kin" 40,142
Tyler's Quarterly 230
U.S. Biographical Dictionary of Eminent & Self-made Men 75
Virginia Historical Genealogies 213
Virginia Historical Magazine 67,153
Virginia Historical Society 118,241
Virginia Mag of History & Biography 23,84,109,115,119,180,186,194,197,209,211
Virginia State Library 162,193,259
Washington (Anne) book 252
Washington genalogy 220
Whitelaw's (Ralph) Virginia Eastern Shore 187
William and Mary Quarterly 20,39,40,88,141,142,153,156,170,171,180,191,194
Williams Bible? 79
Williamsburg (book) 259,261
Woolfolk genealogy 55,60,62,63,71