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Bewleyville, Kentucky

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Celebrate the 200th anniversary of Bewleyville Methodist Church, September 2004.


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Bessie Cox
Oct. 11, 1897
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Harvy Triplett     Murry Blanford  Joe Jackson
More of the young folk in 1897
Back of the picture

Descendents of Thomas Stith, includes Stiths and Drury's around Bewleyville.
    Descendents of Thomas Stith, Jr. from file of Kenneth Stith.
    Descendents of Thomas Stith, Jr. from Jim Fletcher.
Descendents of Thomas Jefferson Triplett.  Courtesy Irma M. Ewy.
Hardaway - Blanford cemetery
Mildred Claycomb obituary

Ray and Rachel Keith
Long time residents of Bewleyville
Ray was a blacksmith. 

Rachel and Ray lived on Main Street in Bewleyville, Ky in a house previously owned by Ray's father.  The house is currently (1999) the residence of Ray's nephew, Boyd Keith, Jr..  Boyd's father, Boyd Jennet Keith married Gerogie Wilson.  (data from Boyd Keith, Jr. Jan. 1999)

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Ray Keith
Photo 1897
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Mary Rachel Stith
"Aunt Rachel"  photo ~1910
b. 1881 m. Ray Keith
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Ray Keith "Uncle Ray"
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Rachel 1911
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Ray 1924


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Finis "Fint" Claycomb about 1900