Newspaper Article 1905 mentioning Rachel Fife

This is a transcript of a newspaper clipping from file of Jessie Virginia Scott Williams. Pencil with arrow:



The sale of Mr. Sam Woodring passed off quietly last Monday. Quite a good crowd present and considerable ambition upon the part of the bidders manifested; good prices generally prevailing. Four of Mr. Woodring’s children are quite sick of grip and he informed us that but for their illness he would leave with his family, for his new home at Waxahachie, Tex., sometime next week. We regret to give him up, but wish them success in their new home.

Mrs. Jeff Hill and two of her children are quite sick of grip.

Hiram Tabor and daughter, Miss Joale, we are sorry to say are still very sick.

Ike Hicks and sister Miss Nannie of Meade county, visited at the home of their uncles, Wm. Phillips and H. C. Hays last week, and attended the meeting at Blue Ball.

Clint Crume has just finished gathering his 1904 corn crop and is rejoicing that he has a fine crop of fodder with but little corn, which accounts for him having finished so "early."

Miss Conway of Louisville, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Scott at present.

** Chas. Scott, of Big Spring, visited at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Rachel Fife last Saturday and Sunday.

The social given at the home of Joe L. Shipley was largely attended and the young folks report they had a bushel of fun.

The school in the Harris district, which has been taught by Miss Catherine Thompson will close next Tuesday. Patrons with but few exceptions are well pleased with her mode of thorough instructions.