Shumate School November 1924

School House Picture, November 1924

School House Picture, 23 September 1998

Interior of School, 23 September 1998

Thomas J. Stith points to where the blackboard used to hang on the wall. 


Thomas J. Stith at right at

Shumate School

23 September 1998

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     Shumate School is in a state of disrepair but still stands in September 1998.  It is located at the top of the hill above the Ike Hicks place about a quarter of a mile east away from the road from Stith Valley to Hill Grove.  Daphene who married Ike's son Howard has remarried and still lives on the Ike Hicks place.   The entrance to the road to Shumate School is directly across the Hill Grove Road from the road to the west that goes out to the old Thomas Jefferson Stith place.  The road out to Shumate School is along the boundary between the Ike Hicks place and the old Uncle Billy Barnes place now owned by Thomas J. Stith grandson of Thomas Jefferson Stith.  See map below.

    Thomas J. related a little of his memory of Shumate school as we toured it. He said that an extra duty for a child was to walk down to the spring by the foot of the hill across the road from Ike Hick's house and fetch water for the school. Thomas J. said there was always a volunteer for that task. He also said there was an out-house for the girls but that the boys had to go into the woods.

The following children are pictured in the group photo taken in November 1924. 

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Thomas J. Stith

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Cornelia Stith
in Austin Texas, 1998
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Harold Stith
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Elizabeth E. Stith

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John Scott Witt
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Mary Ladd Witt

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James Hicks

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Eldridge Shumate

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Wilbur Shumate, Jr. (Nuke)
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Bill Shumate


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Nettie Shumate

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Nettie Catherine Kaelin

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Leo Kaelin

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Marie Thornhill
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Carl Thornhill


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Ruby Payne


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Lyle Payne

Ruby and Lyle were sister and brother.  Thomas J. and Cornelia were brother and sister.  Harold and Elizabeth were brother and sister.


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